
Player's POV: I Can Copy Skills!

[WPC April Entry] Support the novel with your reviews, power stones, collections, etc. It will be greatly appreciated. [CHALLENGE: 3 thousand collections and more than ten reviews (positive preferably xd), if you get it before the end of May, I will do FIVE DAILY CHAPTERS]. ______ Nova, someone tired of suffering so much, commits suicide after discovering the death of his mother and being beaten up by his relatives, tired of the pain, and being alone in life.  "Huh?" Waking up, Nova found himself in a different world from the one he inhabited before. Desperate, he realizes that he is in his favorite game and where he was considered the best player in the world, Legends Genesis.  But... Why isn't he happy? Why does he seem scared and about to give up on life?  "This world... In the future, isn't it destined to...?" [*RING* The Player's System has been started].  [Unique Cursed Skill: Copy].  This is the journey of one of the greatest villains of Genesis, but also one of the greatest legends and the hero of Genesis... Can you be a villain and a hero at the same time?  Why don't you find out for yourself? ______ NO NTR and NO YURI Chapter schedule: Two chapters per day.

KingCrimSoon · แฟนตาซี
93 Chs

Skill Book (II)

Chapter 17: Skill Book (II)

The people near the benches couldn't help but focus their attention on Nova.

 The reason they didn't ignore Nova was because of his unique features, earrings that look extremely luxurious and no one had ever seen him before, making him new to the city.

 But the victim of these murmurs now only had a happy smile, looking at the screen that appeared in front of him.

 [Fire Skill Book Level 1, read completely and learned properly, the skill "Fireball Level 1" was added to your status].

Closing the book in his hands, he put it aside, different from the other books he had not used.

 After performing this action, he began to reach out his hand to touch the information of the new ability he had gained, Fireball.

 [Common Skill, Fireball Level 1: By concentrating his Mana, the user can create a highly heated fireball, which can injure and status problems such as burns, 1 Mana per normal Fireball].

 Seeing the information in front of him, Nova extended his right hand again, but this time at chest level.

 Sitting up, he leaned forward a bit to fix his eyes on his palm.

 Concentrating as hard as he could, he tried to feel the Mana around his.

 'In the Genesis play, it is described that Mana are like particles, everything has Mana surrounding it like the atoms themselves,' Nova thought concentrating as much as possible. 'I wonder if it will be the same.

Minutes passed, but, still, he could not feel anything; in his palm there was not even the same sample of Mana.

 Getting a little annoyed, he tried to concentrate harder.

 Despite all his effort, nothing was happening.

 Frustrated, Nova became quite irritated, closing his palm and clenching the fists, of his fat arms. His muscles pressed in frustration and anger.

 But just at that moment of anger, a red light between his clenched fist manifested, greatly illuminating his stool.

 Nova, bewildered, opened his eyes wide observing this phenomenon that soon after disappeared as if it was nothing.

 "What was that?" muttered Nova, still in awe.

 Not only him, but the people who were previously watching his direction also repeated these words in unison.

Nova, even more impressed by the increased attention he was receiving, stared at each of the people watching him.

 Those citizens, feeling threatened by Nova's gaze, retreated with their tails between their legs.

 No one was stupid, what they had just seen was possibly a genius among geniuses, several saw how he turned the pages of the books as if nothing, and then performed the spell.

 All this in a matter of minutes!

 Such news was going to make a stir in the world, but unfortunately, everyone thought that he was just a vagrant without any importance, and nobody tried to record.

 Grateful to have the opportunity to be a worldwide trend, everyone ran away, no one wanted to make fun of now a possible genius among geniuses.

 After all, no one would make fun of someone stronger than them.

 Nova, feeling relaxed at last after no longer being the center of attention of several stares, turned his concentration to his hand, which still felt a bit warm from the fire he had created... Or so he thought it was.

'System,' he called mentally. 'What happened a while ago, how could I realize such light?'

 Nova tried out the new mental communication, which shortly thereafter further revealed its usefulness.

 [You're weird, now that everyone's gone, you talk to me mentally], the system scoffed with amusement and confusion, thinking his player was simply too much of an idiot or fool.

 Nova rolled his eyes at the system's comment, feeling that the system lately was getting too forward, but could only shrug at this fact.

 "Just answer the question," Nova sighed.

 [Okay, okay, basically, and to put them in words you understand, to use that skill you had to use Mana manually, unlike Copycat which uses your Mana automatically, the big difference is that you must control and perceive Mana manually, the thing now came out because your emotions of anger and frustration, along with trying to use a skill, awakened something in you], explained the System.

 [Anyway, the best thing would be that for these better skills, you think about them in your mind, concentrate, and try to materialize what you have in mind to real life, as simple as that].

To the system's explanation, Nova found it quite logical, there didn't seem to be any flaw; after all, thanks to their negative feelings they had created that Mana.

 But the system's voice suddenly ruins his line of thought.

 [It's weird, you have the White Moon Earrings and yet you find it hard to realize something so simple], the system said with a certain mocking tone.

 To this, Nova simply showed no emotion on his face, he knew it wanted to tease him, maybe he was too bored, but he didn't care, he'd rather it continue to be boring.

 Concentrating again on his open palm, he replied briefly.

 "Possibly, it's because I don't belong in this shitty world," he said suddenly, trying to do what the system told him.

 Suddenly, his memories, mostly negative, assaulted his mind, but he would not allow them to enter him, instead, he was hiding from them, now he was fighting to keep them from damaging them again, memories he was not yet ready to face.

 He gritted his teeth as hard as he could and even closed his eyes tightly, trying to lessen his anger.

Frustrated for still feeling weak, for not protecting what he loved, for doing nothing when the only person he loved was still alive, how his family framed him for killing his mother, all those feelings, all that hatred, unknowingly, concentrated into a large fireball that was growing at an alarming rate.

 The fireball grew bigger and bigger, having the size of two large houses.

 The people, who fled because of the humiliation, if they saw the current scene, would feel lucky to get away from there.

 Because, there was Nova with his eyes closed, at the same time the fireball suddenly changed color to a purple and black one.

 [PLAYER!!! WAKE UP!!!].

 Fortunately, Nova was not so deeply enmeshed in his hatred, as he heard the voice of the system, albeit a bit distant.

 Opening his eyes, Nova found himself startled by the scene in front of him, the scene he had created.

