
Play with a mad scientist!

Japan in the second half of the twenty-first century. There was this urban legend. A place called the Yukioka Research Institute, located in Gikkoucho, Anraku City, Tokyo. It is said that if you undergo a remodeling operation by a mad scientist there, you will gain power in the supernatural realm. However, in return for gaining power, it is necessary to become a mad scientist\'s test subject, so there is the risk of failing and losing one\'s life, or being turned into a monster. Those who need power clinging to straws, those who simply admire supernatural powers and want to peek into a new world out of curiosity. It just so happens that a suicidal person is in a desperate state--with various thoughts hidden in their hearts, test bench applicants visit Yukioka Research Institute today as well.

DaoistQFVZeF · สมัยใหม่
57 Chs

play with allies of justice -20

"Do you want to start?"

Muttering, Makoto fires a shotgun.

The bow man moves quickly and hides behind one of the containers to fend off real gunfire.

(Well, Mr. Tsukina, you probably thought you were helping me with that, but... To me, it's nothing but unnecessary help, isn't it?)

In fact, the three-way situation between Junko, Makoto, and himself was a more favorable situation for Yumio. To think that it would become true and sashi.

Takahiko, Mika, and myself never flinched, and even in the shootout at the entrance, I was exposed to a storm of bullets and received only one scratch. I don't feel like I can win against a boy if I just fight with a gun.

"Well, I guess you're not going to spare your trump card."

The archer is conscious of the number of firearms placed in front of the workshop.

"Since last night, I've done a lot of research on you. What kind of activities have you been doing and how many achievements have you left behind?"

Makoto spoke to the bow man who remained hidden and did not move.

"I don't want someone like you to die. I don't want him to die so easily. You should leave him to me and run away."

"Well, you're surprisingly sweet, aren't you? And you're really misunderstanding. This."

The archer with a self-deprecating smile.

"I'm a hypocrite, aren't I?  On top of that, I'm a bastard who enjoys killing each other, putting myself between life and death, aren't I?  It's true that I've saved many people, but I've also killed many people. Yes, but he is the worst bastard who is drunk with a selfish sense of justice.Well, as much as he is aware, he is better than a hypocrite who has no self-awareness. Don't worry about it, you don't have to worry about it either, I hope you enjoy killing each other.

Makoto didn't say anything in response to Yumio's words. Since it remains hidden behind the container, its true expression cannot be seen. I wondered why he was still expressionless as usual, but for some reason, Yumio was driven by the urge to see what kind of face Makoto was making now.

"If you've ever dealt with a magician who manipulates spirits, you know that, right?"

The bow man called out to him earnestly while concentrating and activating his power.

"Ghosts are also one of the physical phenomena backed up by pure scientific grounds. In terms of affecting the human body and mind, it is possible for the spiritual body to interfere with matter as well. that

In front of Makoto, countless firearms flew in the air. Then, a mist-like thing appeared around the gun and took out the shape of a person.

"Something like a poltergeist, is this?"

Even looking at the phenomenon that was happening in front of him, he was truly calm.

A countless number of gunshots resounded. People with half-transparent bodies dance in the air and fire their guns at random. Those people were really familiar. They were the members of the Hachiku resting group who had just been killed. The gun held by the spirit was brought to the entrance of the workshop by the archer and left there.

Makoto easily dodged the random fire from the sky. Although he counterattacked by firing a shotgun at the spirit, the bullet did not hit the spirit.

"Is it a waste after all?"

Makoto himself, who shot it, half expected it.

This was the power that made Bowman the greatest hero of the 21st century, and led him to victory in any battle.

An army of evil spirits that manipulates the spirits of the dead and makes them pick up weapons that roll on the battlefield and attack them. This is the battlefield, and the more people die in the battle, the more powerful it becomes. It does not accept any physical attacks from real people, and the spirit can arbitrarily interfere physically with firearms, so it is a mechanism that allows one-sided attacks.

With this trump card, no matter how unfavorable the situation was, Yumio was always able to turn it around and win.

"Come on. Show me how you, who doesn't have supernatural powers, can resist this."

Facing Makoto, who was in front of a dozen spirits, Yumi pushed up his glasses with his index finger and showed a nasty smile.


The battle between Takahiko and Kakinuma ended easily--it looked as though it was.

Before the tube extending from Kakinuma's body could reach him, Takahiko's bullets pierced two holes in Kakinuma's chest.

"Uha, is your blood yellow?"

Seeing Kakinuma collapsing with yellow bodily fluids gushing out, Takahiko frowned.

"It's disgusting to see a humanoid battle creature.

Immediately after muttering――


Kakinuma raised his upper body with a scream that sounded like a death throes and let out the tube again. The speed is not the same as before. The orbit does not extend in a straight line, but draws an irregular arc.

Unable to avoid it, a metal ball-like object attached to the tip of the tube hit Takahiko's abdomen and immediate head, causing Takahiko to fall sideways. Even in his fading consciousness, I could clearly see the blood spurting out of his head.

(Oh no... He's bleeding so much, he's got a lot of swelling, so he's definitely dead.)

Takahiko doesn't know that blood vessels are concentrated in his head, so if he gets hurt, bleeding will look intense, and that it is more dangerous if he collapses and causes nausea than it becomes a lump. rice field.

(Well, okay. It was a fun enough life... It was a bonus for the bow man, but thanks to that, I had a lot of experiences that I wouldn't normally have. In 25 years, 83 ordinary people You've lived a life that's about a billion times richer, haven't you?

Decided to die with a smile at the end, and smiled on her lips. No, when I die, I make a smile because I want to make a cool decision.

(Hmm? Don't die...)

Bewildered, I opened one of his eyes -


Kakinuma staggered while holding a large persimmon head and let out a painful scream.

"What's wrong? He's..."

It seemed to Takahiko's eyes that it was different from the bullet damage.


"What's going on! He is!"

Looking at Kakinuma in agony, Mika raised her voice.

"Oh, that's right. I designed it so that the other brain would wake up after receiving a certain amount of damage. That's what I just woke up to."

Junko took her eyes off Mika, who was in front of her, and kept her gaze on Kakinuma as she explained.

"Another brain!?"

"Yeah. It's the brain of a girl named Yumeko-chan who was dating him. She was betrayed by Kiichi-kun and became a test subject for a new type of virus. I checked his background and found out about its existence, so I can use it. I thought it might be, so I kindly told her about my existence, about Junko Yukioka, a mad scientist who could grant any wish. She couldn't move, so I went to the hospital to sign the contract, but when I arrived, her body had reached its limit. So, I connected it to the brain of the guy I loved so much, and let him be with me as he wished... Now in Kiichi's head, his girlfriend's feelings for Kiichi, betrayal and so on. I'm in the middle of the flow of despair when I found out I was killed, memories of dying in agony."

"Why... do you do that? Is it for revenge on that girl?"

Mika who frowns her eyebrows and asks quietly.

"I'm sure it's what she wanted. It's a proposal I made, but she also hoped it would be the same and accepted it, so I gave it to her. I might wake up and power up and become Super Kakinuman.Or――」

While Junko was speaking, Kakinuma's persimmon-shaped head exploded, and yellow blood, pieces of flesh, and two shattered brains were scattered everywhere.

"I wonder if this will happen.

Seeing Kakinuma's gruesome death, Junko smiled innocently.

"Don't laugh!"

Although she cries out in protest, Mika doesn't feel very bad about Junko's actions. Because she has known about Junko's villainy for a long time, there is a part where her senses are paralyzed only for her Junko. She also heard the circumstances of the subject she was toyed with.

(It's a complicated story that you, who gave me strength and showed me how to live, are always acting so wicked.)

Mika puts her gun in her pocket and blocks her from going to Yumi and Makoto.

(Besides my family, you were the first person to accept me for being such a weirdo. But now I'm going to bare her fangs!)

Mika does not use a gun and challenges Junko with bare hands.

It would be nice if he could buy some time while Makoto restrained the bow man. Of course, Junko would have read Mika's intentions, and she would aim to kill her instantly. She is, no, her fickle Junko, so it's possible that she's aware of her intentions and that she'll go along with them.

Junko lightly swayed back to dodge a punch that was aimed at her face. In addition, she avoids the low kick of her right leg that she throws out, but with the momentum of her upper body, she bends her knees and rotates backwards to avoid it.

Aiming for her landing point, Mika kicks her further with her left leg. And at the same time--

"Accidental prank!"

Activate her fate manipulation and aim to knock her opponent down. It is the most basic destiny manipulation, and it is a power that can intentionally generate either good luck or bad luck by sensing the possibility of the future that can occur in a matter of seconds. But if she doesn't have enough luck, it won't activate. Also, when bringing bad luck to the opponent, if the opponent also expected the possibility of bad luck, it may also end in misfire.

It is unknown whether or not her fate was manipulated, but Junko could not prevent Mika's attack and was kicked on her leg, failing to land on her, and fell face down on her floor.

"Ouch, you've gotten stronger."

She tried to stand up by holding down her head that had hit the floor, but Mika covered her Junko, and with her right hand, Junko's right arm was twisted up towards her back, and the back of her head was pushed back to her. I hold it down with my left forearm and put her weight on it.

"Don't cut corners! What do you mean!"

"Wouldn't it be a little tough to deal with them while looking around over there?"

Mika looks beyond Junko's line of sight. Witness the spectacle of countless ghosts flying in the air shooting straight at you.

"Hmm, depending on how you think about it, it's an amazing ability. If it's an army of a small country, it could be overthrown by one person-, this one. Well, it has a long history, and it has hundreds of magicians and sorcerers. It's subtle against big powers, though."

"Are you really okay...? I want to go help you."

"If you stop holding me down, Mika-chan and I can help you.

Junko doesn't even try to fight back anymore, and she seems to be ready to watch the battle between Makoto and Yumio while Mika holds her down.

"No! I trust the truth and leave it to you!"

"Me too.

From Mika's point of view, she dares to believe, but Junko seems to be convinced of her true victory.

"Hmm….Makoto, Mika-chan, Yumio-kun, and the three that I brought into the back alley and trained up like this, it's truly a spectacle filled with emotion to see them enjoying the battle. Yo"

Junko spoke with an enchanted expression.

"Don't forget about me and the persimmon monster."

Takahiko, who had been lying on the ground looking at the situation, let out a funny voice.

"Oh, he was alive. Stop it with an ambulance, which one do you want?"

"Of course, by ambulance... Yes, please."

It was difficult to tell whether Junko's question was a joke or seriousness, so Takahiko answered honestly.