
Play with a mad scientist!

Japan in the second half of the twenty-first century. There was this urban legend. A place called the Yukioka Research Institute, located in Gikkoucho, Anraku City, Tokyo. It is said that if you undergo a remodeling operation by a mad scientist there, you will gain power in the supernatural realm. However, in return for gaining power, it is necessary to become a mad scientist\'s test subject, so there is the risk of failing and losing one\'s life, or being turned into a monster. Those who need power clinging to straws, those who simply admire supernatural powers and want to peek into a new world out of curiosity. It just so happens that a suicidal person is in a desperate state--with various thoughts hidden in their hearts, test bench applicants visit Yukioka Research Institute today as well.

DaoistQFVZeF · สมัยใหม่
57 Chs

play with allies of justice -18

Even though it is in Tokyo, Anraku City occupies more than 30% of the area of Tokyo because it merged the entire area of Nishitama District and some municipalities of Minamitama District, but the majority of the area ratio is It is a mountainous area.

Anrakuichi is one of the designated dark cities. There are countless hideouts and facilities of backstreet organizations in various parts of the city. Deep in the mountains and in the woods.

There are various theories as to why such an annexation was made, and why the countryside was designated as a dark city instead of the densely populated city center. The prevailing theory is that gathering rogues is more convenient for the management side. In other words, it is the pillar of the Tokyo metropolitan area. Another reason is that it is useful for attracting population to local cities.

The base of Hachiku's rest was deep in the mountains.

An old factory at the end of a narrow road that only one car can pass through in the forest. The general public won't know what they're making. In the first place, it is a place where people rarely pass by.

"There was no one at the back door!"

Mika, who was out on reconnaissance alone, came back and told me. There are no guards at the entrance. The bow men are suspicious of the unnatural lack of popularity.

"Maybe they're waiting inside. Do you have any information about them?"

The bow man asked Makoto while putting his hand on his glasses.

"All the members who were in the factory the day before yesterday should have been gathered at this base.

Makoto answers.

"Such a thing, can we judge it too?"

Makoto doesn't react to Takahiko's ridicule and walks into the factory alone.

"Ah? Are you angry?"

Takahiko chased after Makoto, laughing heartily.

"I'm not angry"

Shin held a shotgun and a submachine gun while walking.

Shin, Takahiko, Mika and Yumio enter the building in order and walk. The exterior is old and not very clean, but the inside has new walls and floors, and is well-cleaned.

"I mean, even though you have a cute face that bow men like, how come you always look so boring?

Takahiko persistently teased Makoto, who was walking in front of him.

"Takahiko, if you don't care, I'll get mad at you."

There was also a sign that he was truly misunderstood, and Yumio was also disgusted with the insistence of the story.

"Don't mention the expressionless matter! Everyone seems to be saying this, but for Makoto it's a trauma!"

Mika said it with the nuance of protecting the truth, but it was taken as if she said something unnecessary that didn't need to be said from the truth.

"To be precise, I became like this because of trauma, and being unfriendly isn't trauma. It just happened."

and Makoto.

"Child abuse or something like that, isn't it?"

Yumio's casual words stopped Makoto.


"That's why it's a relatively common case of poor emotional expression."

Immediately after the bow man said that, Makoto fired a shotgun.


Seeing the true state of affairs, the archer lets out a voice of admiration. Makoto, who lacked bloodlust in the fight the day before yesterday, has a vicious bloodlust and continues to fire his guns.

At a glance, more than 10 people were waiting in line in front of the aisle with no obstructions. Real gunfire kills one after another, but soon new enemies spring up from behind.

"This is bad! Seriously you're going to die!"

Takahiko ran away as fast as he could. Even if you can predict the trajectory of a bullet with an outlet, if you are prepared to sacrifice in a narrow passageway, you will be quickly turned into a honeycomb.

No, Takahiko had already taken one bullet, and Yumi had taken two bullets. I was lucky that everything was blocked by bulletproof fiber.

"Blind spot of the soul! And pay for your bad luck later!"

Mika crouched down by the wall and shouted, and she fought back without running away.

As for the true side, while being exposed to the barrage of bullets pouring down without any gaps in the corridor with no space to hide, I was moving through the gaps between the bullets on my own.

The timing and trajectory of the bullets were truly visible. I can read. I understand. Information about how to move in response to that is immediately transmitted to the whole body by the information from the eyes, the brain, and even the sixth sense, and the body moves naturally.

If anything, the pre-reading that relies on intuition is more important than the visual sense. If you feel like it, you can avoid it to some extent even if you close your eyes.

"It's over."

When Yumio and Takahiko fled quite far, Makoto muttered, but the only one who heard his voice was Mika, who was fighting hard without running away.

"Hmm... as expected."

Mika groaned when she saw Makoto, who survived the rain of bullets.

Mika didn't receive a single bullet in her body. Makoto was hit twice in her arm and leg, and her arm was bleeding, but it looked like a scratch.

"Oi oi, did you defeat it without running away, you guys?"

Looking at the pile of corpses at the end of the passage, Takahiko rolls his tongue.

"I used about two fate manipulations, but this guy almost dodged in the flesh!"

Mika proudly says that she doesn't care.

"It's a big monster, isn't it? Are you really alive?"

Takahiko was amazed rather than praised or amazed.

"I'm real. I haven't been modified, and I don't have supernatural powers. It's not like I'm growing, but I'm no good with these guys. There's not much tension. It gives me a stronger fear of death. You can't enjoy exchanging lives unless you're with someone else."

"Haha, are you a typical battle fanatic? I've seen many people like you, and I myself live in this kind of world, so I don't know how you feel."

Hearing the true words, Yumi thought he was just like him. In the end, the main reason why Shoyumio is in this world is because he wants to enjoy the thrill between life and death.

Truth be told, there was something wrong with Yumio's words. He doesn't mean to be a combat maniac. He thinks it's natural.

"I don't think it's unnatural. It's a natural instinct that exists in all living things."

"Are you the type of person who thinks that life is something to burn up rather than to keep it alive?

In response to his counterargument, Yumio's words were completely different from what Makoto had in mind.

"I don't want to die like that. I definitely plan to survive."

Speaking quietly, but clearly with a determined tone, Makoto once again took the lead and advanced into the depths.

"Let the young ones go first, and the old revolutionaries sneaking up behind them is a shame, isn't it?"

Yumio muttered while taking the last position.

"Gununununu... what do you mean... Yukioka-kun?"

Fukuda groaned when he heard that Makoto Aizawa, in partnership with Yumio Amano and Mika Tsukinami, entered this hideout and killed the remaining members.

"As you heard, you betrayed me.

Junko looks the same as usual, and she replies with a light tone, with an innocent smile on her face.

"What should I do...? No matter how you think about it, we can't compete against the three of you, and even Makoto Aizawa."

The head of the security bureau asks Junko for instructions with a troubled look on her face.

"I think it's fine to run away, but the purpose of those children is to destroy the rest of the BC weapon manufacturer Hatake, so even if they run away, there's a chance they'll be found and killed."

"Then you have no choice but to fight..."

"I think it's better to concentrate your forces instead of dispersing them. Instead of killing your opponent, try to avoid being killed and buy as much time as possible. In the meantime, we'll finish this. ーーWell, if you see that you can't win, why don't you try surrendering or running away?

While giving her instructions, Junko gives a glance at Kakinuma, who has been restrained on the medical table and transformed into a strange figure.

"Okay. Nice to meet you."

The security director nodded sadly and left the lab.

"Isn't it too late?  Electroencephalogram and heart rate are not stable at all. Due to the side effects of the medication, abnormalities can be seen in the cells. Don't throw them into battle now..."

One of the researchers reported with a worried expression. Kakinuma, who underwent remodeling surgery. As a trump card, it was planned to be thrown into the bow men, but it was clearly not adjusted properly. He was forced to fight, and it was immediately predictable that his system would collapse.

"Hmm, I think it's good to have enough or so. It's enough to be able to fight once, and the rest is disposable. For the time being, just do your best to be able to move."

Junko, who spreads her carefree and lovely smile all over her face and tells her heartless things, makes her researchers gasp, but Junko's refreshing villainy and outrageousness of her, how many people. I spill a smile on her face.

Immediately after that, a tragedy occurred.

A tube extending from Kakinuma's body pierces Fukuda's right chest, causing him to collapse.

"The anesthesia has worn off!"

One of the researchers shouted with a tense expression.

Kakinuma slowly stood up, tearing off his restraints. Countless tubes with metal spheres attached to their ends wriggle like tentacles, slowly searching for their next prey.

"Evacuate! Run away!"

The researchers, paled by the rebellion of the toys they were toying with, desperately tried to escape from the lab. Kakinuma had just woken up and seemed to be sluggish in his consciousness and movements, so he was reluctant to immediately chase after the fleeing researchers.

"If you don't listen to what I say, it's dangerous to make something like that!"

A researcher who couldn't run away because her waist fell out yelled at Junko as if to criticize her.

"Hmm, I can listen to what you say, but it was a bit of a sudden development. Hahahaha."

With her still sitting, Junko picked up the coffee cup that was on her table and showed no sense of danger.

"How dare you... make me such a monster..."

Kakinuma glared at Junko, who calmly drank her coffee, and groaned.

"Eh? I think it's cool. Didn't you like it?"

The skin of the whole body turned yellow, a total of ten long black tubes extended from the left and right armpits, silver spheres were attached to the ends of the tubes, and the head was so large that even both hands could not hold it. It becomes a large persimmon, and in front of the persimmon, Kakinuma's original face emerges with a look of anger. Looking at Kakinuma, Junko looked puzzled.

"Yeah, no matter how many times I look at it, it looks cool. What's wrong with you? Ah, I thought it would have been better to put the stem of the persimmon on my crotch and make it rotate like a propeller?" I was stopped."

"Fu... you're kidding me!"

Let out her angry roar, spread her arms wide, and extend five black tubes under her armpits.

Her elastic tube stretched out at a speed that she couldn't even see, trying to penetrate her Junko's body, but Junko turned sideways out of her chair, still smiling. dodge her attacks by rolling down into the

"Come to think of it, it seems that he thought that if he killed Makoto, there would be no one to protect me."

As she is getting up, Junko projects a holographic display into the air. A monster Kakinuma appears on the screen, and Junko touches her head with her finger.

Kakinuma stopped moving. Hatred and anger vanished in an instant, and Kakinuma lost his will.

"I was the one who taught you how to fight, but what was the reason you thought I couldn't fight?"

After muttering, Junko realizes that Fukuda was lying face down in a puddle of blood.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot."

Without showing any remorse for her, Junko squats down and begins to caress her Fukuda's head on his lap. Obviously fatal.

"I should have given him a little more anesthesia.

"That's a terrible story... I was... unlucky."

She looks up at Junko's cheerful smile, and she is tempted to laugh. Strangely, she doesn't even feel like resenting her, even though she's faced this kind of situation because of this girl's mistake. Just looking at her smile makes her feel like that. She thinks she is a very mysterious child.

"I wanted to be like you... I wanted to do more research, create amazing bioweapons, and make my name known to everyone in the mad scientist world. I'm jealous of you... … I longed for it.

She was envious and wanted to at least reveal what was in her heart to the person she admired before she passed away. Although it was only for a short period of time, the research and discussions we had together were a good stimulus and motivated me.

"Hmm, I think you can do anything as long as your brain is safe."

After saying that, Junko puts an injection into Fukuda's neck. Her pain disappears, and her consciousness fades at the same time. Just as she suspected it was a drug that would euthanize her, her Fukuda lost consciousness.

"Then, Kiichi-kun, let's go hang out together. It's a climax, so let's make some good memories."

"Ah... Yay... So... I'll do it..."

Kakinuma responded with a muffled voice to Junko's bubbly voice and left the lab together. Kakinuma's mind was now dominated by only two things: her mechanical loyalty to Junko and her desire to destroy.