
Play with a mad scientist!

Japan in the second half of the twenty-first century. There was this urban legend. A place called the Yukioka Research Institute, located in Gikkoucho, Anraku City, Tokyo. It is said that if you undergo a remodeling operation by a mad scientist there, you will gain power in the supernatural realm. However, in return for gaining power, it is necessary to become a mad scientist\'s test subject, so there is the risk of failing and losing one\'s life, or being turned into a monster. Those who need power clinging to straws, those who simply admire supernatural powers and want to peek into a new world out of curiosity. It just so happens that a suicidal person is in a desperate state--with various thoughts hidden in their hearts, test bench applicants visit Yukioka Research Institute today as well.

DaoistQFVZeF · สมัยใหม่
57 Chs

play in the back streets5

Toya and Akira easily arrive at the Yukioka Laboratory. The official website was carefully set up, and when I sent an email, I received a reply immediately, including the location and how to enter.

After doing some research, I found out that Junko Yukioka has a lot of influence in the back alleys, and manufactures and sells weapons for many criminal organizations, and even has her own weapon brand called Yukioka Brand. It is said that the sales of them are applied to research funds.

Her technology far surpasses the standard of modern science, and she is also called a resident of the SF world while being realistic.

From the main street, the rumor was just an urban legend, but on the back street, it seemed to be handed down as fact.

"It's in the same easy market, and it's in the basement of Kando Building."

Akira murmured in front of her automatic door with Yukioka Laboratory written on it.

Toya and Akira, who have been in and out of the department store many times since they were young, have such a suspicious facility in the basement, which is completely unrealistic. However, after actually arriving, the suspicion that this may be a prank is disappearing.

"It's Touya Shibatani and Akira Kumozuka. Go inside and come to the thirteenth laboratory-』

A bright and lively voice resounded from the speaker. Touya turned to face Akira.

Akira winked and urged Toya to move on. It was Toya who decided to come here. There is no point in listening to Akira's reaction one by one.

The two walk along the long corridor. There were doors on the left and right, and the room names were written on all the doors, such as the first laboratory, the living room, and the guest room. Before long, they arrive at the designated room, and Toya knocks.

"Go ahead, you can come in."

A voice from the room prompted me to open the door.

In the center of the room, there was a bed that looked like an operating table, and next to it was a number of things that seemed to be medical equipment. A girl in a white coat is sitting in front of a desk in the corner of the room.

The girl, who was peering at the countless displays projected in the air, turned around with her chair toward the two who entered the room, and she greeted them with a smile.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Junko Yukioka."

The pointed red eyes pierce Touya's soul. Toya couldn't help but admire Toya's sparkling eyes, which were a mixture of mysteriousness and divineness. A sentence crossed her mind that she was about to be sucked into her eyes, and she wondered if this was what it was.

"Wow, what's with those rabbit-like eyes? Not in manga or anime, but in real life, you have eyes like this. Are you an ancestor rabbit?"

While Touya was fascinated, Akira bluntly said what he thought of the person he was meeting for the first time.

"Wait a minute, Akira… I'm sorry, this guy is rude."

"Ahaha, you're an interesting child."

In a panic, Toya reprimands Akira and apologizes. Junko didn't show any signs of being offended, and she kept smiling carefree.

"Come in, come in. Listen to me."

Toya and Akira enter the room as prompted by Junko.

"It's nostalgic. That gakuran."

Suddenly, a voice called out from behind the door, and the two of them turned around.

A boy wearing a navy blue blazer was standing at the entrance of the room. He was about the same age as us or one year younger, and the shortest among us. I had never seen the person in person, but I recognized his neat and pretty face from the images on the Anraku Nichu website.

"Aizawa-senpai! Wow! Wow! It's real. But it's small!"

Akira seemed excited and let out a voice of emotion.

"This is Aizawa-senpai..."

As Akira said, the real thing was smaller than Toya expected. Toya thinks that he must have been the first in line.

"However, he is an outstanding handsome boy." When those big dark eyes were directed at her, Touya was shocked for a moment even though she was the same sex. It is a clear pupil with a brilliance that is different from the mysteriousness of Junko's eyes.

"Senpai... why do you guys know me when you're meeting me for the first time?"

A killer with the nickname of Junko Yukioka's murder doll――Makoto Aizawa asked in an inarticulate voice. Just like the many images I've seen on the internet, it's completely expressionless. Even in the legend of Makoto Aizawa passed down in Anrakuji, it was said that he was a person who never showed facial expressions, but Toya thought it was just like the legend.

"At Anraku 2nd Middle School, the legend of Makoto Aizawa has been handed down even after the seniors graduated.

Akira spoke with a smile on his face. There were many people in Anrakuji Middle School who admired the legend of Makoto Aizawa, but Akira regarded it as a special sacred among them. Akira's decision to fall into the alley also has a strong true influence.

"But it's a bit different from what I imagined. Like killing fifty delinquents all by yourself, turning a school into a harem and having orgy with girls and female teachers during class, or having impregnated women in the triple digits, lunch break. Some say he hijacked the broadcast room and played his own songs, and yet his grades are excellent. Looking at the real thing, it doesn't look like that at all.

"The rumors have too many tails… Generally speaking, I don't remember being delinquent, and I don't remember creating a harem. It wasn't me who hijacked the broadcast room and sang, but it was my friend's doing, so why is it still being blamed on me?I always gave my tests blank, so my grades Except for physical education and technique, he was all 1. Also, he's small and noisy, and it's too rude to meet him for the first time. Besides, he's just barely 150 tall."

Toya judged from what he just said that although he spoke in a matter-of-fact manner with an expressionless expression, it didn't seem like he was emotionless. On top of that, it was funny how the rude Akira responded to each and every gossip he uttered in a respectful manner, and it made me laugh. I felt like

"I mean, Senpai, you look the same age or younger than us…"

Toya said what she was thinking.

There are rumors that Junko Yukioka's appearance hasn't changed over the years, and that she's immortal. It was rumored on the internet that there was -

"What are you talking about? That's not true. I've been here for five years."

Makoto replied in response to Toya's words.

(But even though he's eighteen or nine, he doesn't look like that...)

A remark that seems to be unaware of the change in his appearance age.

Toya thinks that if he had been here five years ago and had not been immortalized, it would be difficult to imagine his appearance age, and he might not be aware that he was truly immortalized.

"Um, I feel like the story has been interrupted by the appearance of Shin-kun, but is it okay if I go back to this side?"

"Ah, yes. Actually..."

Turning to Junko, Toya explained how she came to be here and what she wanted.

"I would like to call it a common pattern, but I did something quite drastic with visceral collateral."

Looking in Akira's direction, Makoto spoke in a clearly exasperated tone, unlike his usual uninflected way of speaking.

"Well, I didn't have a choice either, and I needed the money. Hahaha..."

Akira's self-deprecating words caught Toya's attention. In addition, the word that there was no choice caught me. Toya wondered if Akira had created this desperate situation for some other desperate reason.

"So, this time, Touya-kun, you're going to use your own life as a chip, aren't you? By undergoing my remodeling surgery that doubles as a human experiment, and gaining power."

While holding his breath at Junko's confirmation, Touya made up his mind and nodded. Conversely, I'm scared because he confirms it with a smile. He laughs and says, "It's not a line."

"Well, then, while you're doing the remodeling, maybe I'll ask you to do some work for you so that you can become a major player in the back alleys. Then, I'll film you guys working and broadcast it live on the internet. That way, your good work will catch the attention of the people living in the back alleys, and you'll get a lot of work."

With a carefree smile, Junko offers a generous offer.

She's the complete opposite of the guy from the organization earlier. It's a hopeful story. Not only Toya but also Akira was surprised by this.

However, before Touya was happy, she felt confused and anxious. Due to his father's capricious abuse from an early age, Touya is extremely suspicious and has a habit of suspecting that there is something behind the delicious stories.

"Yes, please."

However, he had already decided where he doubted. Touya bowed deeply.

"Well, let's get started right away. Then, I'll check again. I'll play around with your body as I please, but as a result, whether or not you'll acquire amazing abilities depends on your luck. Failure. Don't get mad at me even if I die."

She doesn't show even the slightest bit of malice or madness, she's a girl who speaks with an innocent smile. That in turn fuels Touya's fear.

On the other hand, from Akira's point of view, she had the opposite impression of Toya. Junko was always smiling, so I couldn't really feel the reality that Toya's life would really be in danger from now on.

"What kind of abilities do you acquire?"

Toya was terrified, but at the same time, she was also hopeful. After undergoing this remodeling surgery, if he was able to receive abilities that surpassed human intelligence, I think it would be wonderful.

"That's the fun after remodeling~...I want to say that, but I don't want to disappoint you with expectations, so I'll tell you first. This time, I'll give Touya-kun a simple physical enhancement. Even if you don't transform your body and become a monster, you can power up while maintaining your appearance."

Hearing Junko's words, Toya felt relieved while at the same time feeling overwhelmed. I'm so glad she didn't choose to have the surgery to transform into a monster.

"Well, I don't think that's all that interesting, so I'll give you a little present besides that. Since you're going to go to great lengths to remodel, you want to give it a stronger atmosphere, right?"


Touya earnestly hopes that she won't do unnecessary things, but she doesn't even have the courage to say it.

"Well, take off your clothes and sleep here. Akira-kun, please wait outside. It's okay, too."

"Really? If so, can I stay the night?"

Akira lights up his face.

"Hey, Shin-kun, show me to an empty room."

Junko went out of her way to add, "If you don't have a place to go back to," and Akira responded. The exchange between the two was caught in Toya. Doesn't Akira have a place to go back to? "What is that all about?" Even if it is true, why did Junko, who met him for the first time, see through it?

"Toka, don't die."

After speaking briefly, Akira leaves the room. Makoto silently followed.

"What do you mean you have no place to go back to? Why did you think so?"

Confused as to whether she should take off everything, she slowly took off her uniform and questioned Junko's words just now.

"Ah, I know when that kind of girl comes. I guess you could say it's an atmosphere where there's nowhere to go back to. It's not unusual at all."

He wonders if Akira has run away from home.

Toya doesn't know anything about Akira's family circumstances. He never went to his house. Akira never even mentioned his family. There is no ten nights.

Even from that, he had somehow guessed from a long time ago. Like myself, Akira doesn't seem to have a good home environment.