
A child's dream

"Mommy, can I be like superman someday?"

"Dad, I want to be strong like Wonderwoman one day."

"Look Mom! I made it work. I can soar like Ironman now."

"I want to swing around just like Spiderman does."

We hear these words out of these childrens' mouths. Words of curiosity, hopes, success, and dreams. Words that may come out from young minds like they, yet still is precious.

How wonderful it is to hear how they dream about something almost completely impossible. A dream farther than bright stars in the night. A dream that'll soar through heavens and reach depths of hell. A dream so far, yet they make it look so close.

Kids find ways somehow. Atleast satisfy their desires. Desires that seem too small, yet burns like molten stone.

In a world like this, kids are mindless about it. Yet they make it look better. They make it their own. The only hero in this city, the only king to lead a kingdom, the person they dreamt to be.

Kids these days, they play a lot of pretend. For a world filled with heroes and villains, it is rare to see a child in his or her home busy studying. Children would run around with costumes and pretend fight like how their favorite heroes would. They would compete to each other under the sun. They would do the right things a hero would.

Every child in the world, would play along with this imagination. From the western countries to the eastern side. Up at the Equator to the coldest poles of Earth. You can't seem to avoid to see a child play pretend.

It's all just from imagination, you would say. But this imagination, starts to cross lines. This "pretend" is slowly getting out of hand.