
Play God (raw/unedited)

Half of humanity was annihilated when Lucifer invaded Earth. His only mission was to take over heaven and control the universe, bit after seeing the pitiful state of Earth and its residents he decided to enforce true justice. A story of Truth, Justice and Betrayal encircled around two friends Arthur and Edward who decide to take two opposite parts for the greater good of humanity. Sacrifices need to made to achieve true justice, but can anyone make it? Cover 1 By- Nishant Cover 2 By- @_mystic_artz_ on Instagram This WebNovel will also be available on-- RoyalRoad ScribbleHub

BatLord · แฟนตาซี
21 Chs

Chapter 7- We are still helpless

The arrow had disappeared after a few minutes since Lucifer vanished. The deaths of the people who brutally died in the crash of the arrow was kept confidential by the higher ups. The houses near the area were removed, but to not give way to any further suspicions and to save the cost of guards, the place was not closed from the general public, though the hole was filled up. The government never found what had caused the hole, as Edward and Arthur did not speak of it to any soul.

"Arthur? Can you feel the ground shaking?" Edward said.

"No, I don't fe-," he was cut short by his own instinct, "yes, it's shaking. I can feel it. Maybe he is coming."

While Lucifer came or not, lightening and thunder did come. It started lightening, bright enough to blind them for a second.

"I think not Lucifer, but the lightening will kill us today," Edward said, "dont you agree?"

"Haha, yes I gue-."

"What happened? You are shaking?"

"Be... Behind you. He's here..."

Edward turned around to see the same muscular figure from two years ago. His eyes still were intimidating, and the three wings on his back were fluttering.

"Hey! Brats from two years ago. I haven't forgotten you two. No human has slapped me after all. It was generous of me to not kill you two," Lucifer said.

"Bastard, Lucifer!" Arthur shouted.

"It's lord Lucifer, not bastard. Show your manners," Lucifer said, and his tone changed completely. He meant the things he said now.

"We don't care if you are some lord, we shall kill you here," Edward said, positioning his gun towards Lucifer's face.

"Tch... You think you can kill me using those petty things? I am the greatest rival of God, Lucifer. I treated you nicely till now, but today is the day I show you my true nature, PESTS," he said.

"You bastar-" Edward tried to say, but he fell to his knees.

"Why are you kneeling before him, idiot?" Arthur said.

"My legs... I can't feel them," Edward said, a sense of terror was visible in his voice.

"Insolent fools, facing me with a toy," Lucifer murmured to himself.

"Tell me, you brat, what is your dream, or shall I frame it properly? What is your purpose?" Lucifer said pointing towards Edward, who was on his knees.

"Why shall I tell you?"

"Ah! I see you want to become the president, and give this country a better future. How great purpose."

"What! How did you know? I did not speak anything about that."

"Fools! I am Lucifer, the future God of this universe. I can hear what the ears can't."

Edward was silenced, and so was Arthur. His feet were frozen and he could not move his body.

"No comments? Let's see. Shall I do something terrible? Shall I take away light from these eyes of yours, which see a great future ahead? Because your dream shall never come true when I am here, so why see it?"

"What are you saying, bastard!" Arthur shouted.

"Arthur? I can't... I can't see! Why is it so dark? Where are you? I can't see anything," Edward said, his hands were clutching his eyes, and they were shaking.

"What have you done? Make him normal, right now!" Arthur shouted again and again till Lucifer appeared irritated.

"Pests, it's just a parting gift, accept it as a gift from God," Lucifer said, smirking, as he expanded his wings, and flew away in the sky to a height no aeroplane has ever reached.