
Bane of Hades vs Son of Darkness

{Alaska, October 12th 1999}

"Ready for round two, cousin." Alcyoneus said as he raised his staff once more the shade warriors surrounding us once again.

"Well, shit." I couldn't help but sigh while leaning on my spear, as I quickly summoned my tendrils once again.

With a battle cry that pierced the cold silence, I leapt into action. My spear danced through the air, finding its mark in the heart of the nearest shade warrior.

It dissipated into a cloud of darkness, my tendrils moved quickly and skewered some of the surrounding shade warriors.

The others followed, their numbers endless, but my tendrils were tireless. They struck with precision, each movement felling a handful of shade warriors at a time.

The shade warriors fell, one by one, but Alcyoneus was patient, his eyes tracking my every move.

The giant moved like a force of nature, his staff a deadly pendulum that sought to crush me beneath its weight. I parried and dodged with the help of my shadowy tendrils, the ice cracking beneath the might of his blows.

The shade warriors, though fallen, were not defeated; they rose again, their forms reconstituting from the darkness around us.

I was tiring, the cold biting through my armor, sapping my strength. Alcyoneus saw his chance and took it.

With a roar that shook the glacier we were standing on, he swung his staff with devastating force.

I raised my tendrils in defense but they were quickly crushed under the giant's might I quickly raised my spear as my last line of defense, but it was a futile gesture.

The staff connected with my torso with a sickening crunch, and pain exploded through my body. As the world spun I was sent flying across the icy floor.

Alcyoneus's triumphant bellow was the last thing I heard before the darkness took me. The cold of the glacier was a distant memory as I succumbed to the void, my consciousness slipping away.

Narration POV

"You fought well cousin." The red haired giant said to the unconscious form of the nine year old demigod as he stood before it, looking at the body with eyes of approval.

Alcyoneus raised his iron staff once more, the light reflecting from it and onto his rusty looking skin. "Farewell cousin." The giant said in a deep voice that shook the earth as he let his staff fall onto the black haired boy.


Alcyoneus raised his staff which had hit the glacier's floor and as he looked at the spot where he expected there to be a squashed body of a nine year old demigod, what he saw instead was just cracked ice, no body, no blood, no splatter.

"What the hell, where did he go?" Alcyoneus questioned to himself as he looked upon the place where the demigod had fallen.

Without warning an eerie voice started projecting itself all around the glacier, Alcyoneus quickly looked around to find the source of the voice and what he saw was the demigod which he thought he had crushed standing while slightly stumbling a few meters away from him.

[Song Rapunzel's Tangled adventure Hurt Incantation Male Cover (Umber)] If you wanna have the spooky feel I envisioned you guys should definitely listen to this while reading the next part.

The nine year old boy slightly opened his mouth as words started coming out it in the same eerie voice as before, but this time something more powerful, more primordial started talking.

Οπάλιον σβέσον τὸ φῶς σου (Opal dim your light)

Ἄκουε τὴν ἀπαλλαγὴν ταύτην (Hear this fatal plea)

As the eerie voice spoke in an enchanting manner Odysseus' normally completely white eyes started filling themselves with black, first the pupils, then the irises and finally the sclera filling the child's entire eyes in shadowy darknesss.

Οἱ τὴν ἄμμον τοῦ χρόνου ἐπιτείνοντες (Spur the sands of time)

Καὶ τὸ πνεῦμα ἐλεύθερον ποιοῦντες (And set the spirit free)

Μαραίνει καὶ σήπεται (Wither and decay)

Τελευτήσατε τὴν μοίραν ταύτην (End this destiny)

Odysseus kept on singing the Greek hymn as his shoulder length long hair started going upwards as if by magic and his shadow started growing and growing, exponentially.

"What the hell is this?" Alcyoneus questioned as Odysseus shadow reached his feet.

Σπάσατε τὰς γεινομένας ἁλώσεις (Break these earthly chains)

Καὶ τὸ πνεῦμα ἐλεύθερον ποιοῦντες (And set the spirit free)

Τὸ πνεῦμα ἐλεύθερον (The spirit free)

Odysseus stopped singing the hymn, Alcyoneus as he stepped on the shadow felt a sudden tingle across his spine, and deftly raised his staff and summoned his shade warriors from the Fifth Cohort once more.

The shadow beneath Alcyoneus' feet began to swirl, forming a dark vortex that seemed to pull at the very air around it. The giant's eyes widened in alarm as the shadowy tendrils rose like serpents, wrapping around his legs, anchoring him to the spot.

Odysseus, now silent, watched with those abyssal eyes as the shades which the giant had summoned earlier began to dissipate, their forms unraveling into wisps of darkness that were absorbed by his growing shadow. The air grew colder, and the ice beneath them creaked and groaned as if alive.

Alcyoneus struggled, trying to free himself, but the shadow was relentless. It crept up his body, enveloping him in its cold embrace. The staff in his hand glowed with a faint light, the only beacon in the encroaching gloom.

The giant roared "I'll come back demigod, I will kill you." words of fury and desperation left his mouth, but it was quickly muffled as the shadow covered his mouth, silencing him.

His eyes, filled with a mix of rage and fear, were the last to disappear into the darkness.

As the shadow claimed Alcyoneus, the glacier fell silent. The eerie, primordial voice that had filled the air was gone, and in its place was a quiet that was almost deafening.

The only movement was the gentle fall of snowflakes, each one seeming to avoid the spot where Odysseus stood, the epicenter of the shadow that had claimed the giant.

Odysseus' hair settled back onto his shoulders, and the darkness in his eyes receded, leaving them a stark, empty white once more.

Once Odysseus seemed to have returned to normal his body fell forward unconscious onto the glacier's freezing floor.

{Place Unkown, Time Unkown}

"EREBUS!!" A womanly voice bellowed out across the infinite space which both beings seemed to be occupying. "YOU GOT INVOLVED IN MY MATTERS BROTHER, YOU SHOULDNT HAVE DONE THAT!" The womanly voice continued yelling.

"Gaia, you know that I normally don't care what you do just like Nyx but this time you had gone too far, sending one of your children with brother Tartarus after my own son." A deep voice which seemed eerie similar to the one which had sang the hymn before said to the primordial godess of the Earth.

Gaia breathed heavily in and said in a somewhat stoic manner "You know as well as I do that thing shouldn't exist."

"Maybe so, who are we to tell but that thing is still my child and unlike you that actually means something to me." Erebus replied.

"Now begone you wench." Erebus said somewhat jokingly as the silhouette which Gaia had taken in this place started disappearing.

*Author Note: Hoped you liked this chapter I honestly really enjoyed writing it, also gimme power stones please, I need my adrenaline rush.*

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