

a girl with unimaginary power

Aarju_Khatri · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

Oops! What The Hell

I heard a voice of someone whispered on my left ear' can I pee on our face ?

I was like are you out of your mind just let me Sleep and get lost from here .

Someone threw a bunch of water on my face and heard that wake up Pink you are late for college .With my mesmerizing eyes I saw it was mom .My whole night dress was damp where my small nipples were being visible it's a habit that I go to bed without bra on .

After that hurriedly I just wore my colleage dress in which the skirt is one of my favorite thing to wear it's shorter and cute that makes me look kinda baddie .With bread jam on hands i rushed for colleage.

After the class there was break where there I came to see my crush. He is real handsome boy with dark hair, clear clean cut ,bright brown eyes and was about 6.7 ft tall .He got his name Janet whose pretty smart and also had good dressing sense.I started to like him since my school time but my bad he was senior than me that's why I never got the chance to get closer to him. All of sudden my bench mate started to tease me that why don't you just go and talk to him .They were well known about all my things beacuse they were my close friends. When they were teasing me Janet came at the same way to library where we were standing .I thought he heard what just my friends said but he just passed the way like he didnt heard us .One my friend kiaraa as she was always kinda fearless confident and misbehavior she just pushed me towards him so that I can get closer to him but my bad I felled over near to him where my skirt were above my body and my pink coloured panties were shown up.Everyone saw me in that position where I was looking funny and some of the people laughed at me even my friends .I was very annoyed with Shame I moved to my house .

After the college whole time the incident went through my mind .The day was hell .