
Pimples Love Traps Handsome Boss

Andara didn't expect to be helped by Andres, a handsome man with a lot of influence on campus. And another surprising thing, Andres does not help her for free and asks Andara to be a fake lover for the next six months. The students had bullied her enough because her ugly face was covered in pimples, and now having Andres as his girlfriend would only add to the wrong list in Andara's life. Andara believes Andres only uses her for purposes he doesn't know about and can't go against Andres' orders, so it's hard to breathe under the intense stares that William's family gives her. The most terrible thing is that Andres will inherit the Property company owned by his father, Aron William, and the jewelry company owned by his mother, Ryana William. Get Andara loose or more entangled with other Andres plans in Andara's life.

Yuli_Daynela · สมัยใหม่
17 Chs


"See the woman you've always considered your best friend? She gets everything easily. Could she sell herself?" quipped Jessica, who was getting annoyed.

Jessica did not take her eyes off Andara and transformed into a different person. Not like the woman he used to treat badly every time Andara walked past him.

"Jess, I'm pretty sure she did sell herself to get a normal, ugly face that turned into a beautiful princess, sacrificing everything."

What one of her friends said is true.

But, the problem is, how can Andres make him a lover? It doesn't make sense.

"I will make calculations with that bad woman for playing with fire with me. Andres is still my lover, even though he says we are over. For me, there will never be an end." Jessica looks so excited.

Jennie prevented Jessica, who was about to walk towards Andres's standing alone.

"What is it?" Jessica shouted while looking cynically at Jennie.

Jennie pointed in one direction. Andara was seen talking to a handsome man who made Jessica's eyes look up and down and repeated it while showing a small grin, but turned cynical when she saw who she was talking to.

"How can that woman shamelessly talk to another man when she comes with Andres."

"But, it doesn't matter. Andres will spend time with me, not with that cheap woman who can always look normal. She's still ugly."

"That man is very handsome. Do you know him, Jennie," Jessica and Myra asked at the same time.

Jessica glanced back. Myra's position was sitting with her back to her.

Laura did not hide her interest in the man talking to Andara.

Jenny nodded her head. "I know him, he often appears on several talk shows, and his face is seen more often in magazines than programming."

"That man is Josh Abraham, CEO of one of the biggest IT companies in New York and America. How did he get here? Could it be that your uncle Jonas asked him to attend today's event? Crazy, finally I can see it in person, "said Laura, who looked incredibly happy.

"Are you serious, Jenny? Another rich man, shouldn't I introduce myself."

Jenny confirmed. "It's difficult to meet the man, according to the information I've heard." Said Jennie, who was still looking at Josh with a charming look.

Jessica didn't like Laura being so smug, like she'd never seen a handsome man while doing the same thing.

"Isn't this strange? If that man is so famous, why can Andara look normal talking to that man? It can't be tolerated, and I don't like his attitude now."

Laura agreed with Jessica. "Could it be that that woman also wanted to ensnare that handsome man after trying it with Andres, Jess?"

Myra wasn't sure about Laura's accusation because, from any angle, Andara looked normal, and it was the man who seemed to be actively speaking.

Instantly Myra got up from her chair and walked over to Andara to make sure.

Jessica, Jennie, and Laura looked at Myra, who walked toward the two people who still seemed to be talking.

Jessica smirked in satisfaction; she could get that information from Myra.

While Jessica's eyes were looking for Andres, she found him standing in the middle of the room with someone.

"I'll go to her, and you guys make that ugly Woman stay away from this place at all costs. Look at Myra; for sure, he will divert that man away from Andara."

Jennie and Laura nodded at Jessica's command and started walking the other way, waiting for Andara to get away from Josh.

"Hey, Andara, you look stunning, I was looking for you, and you're turning prettier."

Andara was surprised by Myra's appearance and smiled happily at her friend's presence.

Josh also watched Andara's interaction with Myra until Andara introduced them.

Josh still displayed a friendly and sincere smile. Even so, his eyes remained fixed on Andara, seeing the interaction between the two.

Josh even had to find out what happened to Andara before she became the different person she is today.

Her appearance had become incredibly beautiful. No longer did Josh find her keeping her head down, although it was occasionally seen that she looked uncomfortable in the clothes she was wearing and glanced one time to the right or left as if trying to convince herself she Wasnt someone looking at him. That woman has a natural beauty, but there are evil hands that keep poisoning her with wrong information and even giving inappropriate skincare, making her face even worse.

"Thank you, and introduce Myra. She's Josh, and Josh, she's Myra's best friend." Andara introduced the two with a smile.

In the woman's mind, when she saw Josh and Myra looking good together, there was something that warmed her feelings.

Myra was nice, and Josh also seemed like a nice and friendly guy; the two of them fit together.

"Josh, I'm going to leave you guys for a bit. I have to meet my other friends; they're waiting there."

Andara points to a group that looks nerdy, one of which is Carla, who is seen among them.

Myra, who senses that Andara intentionally left her with Josh, will not waste this opportunity to approach the man, a man with enormous potential in his future, if he manages to conquer this man.

Unlike Myra, Josh didn't like it when Andara left him with a fox woman.

Josh couldn't stop Andara, and now his gaze turned cold as he looked at Myra.

"Sorry, then I'll excuse myself too," said Josh making Myra surprised by the man's words that seemed cold.

"Wait, can't you come with me," Myra coaxed.

Josh didn't respond to Myra's request and just walked away.

Myra felt unappreciated and grumbled in annoyance at Josh's indifference to her.

"Damn it, and it's outrageous to let a beautiful woman like me be left alone. You'll see. I'll get you."

Unfortunately, Laura and Jennie didn't manage to get Andra to follow them when they asked her to join. And she chose to join the pathetic-looking nerds.

Jessica walked gracefully towards Andres, then suddenly, after being close to the man, Jessica immediately clasped her pampered hand on Andres' free arm.

Andres was surprised by the presence of Jessica, who suddenly couldn't do much and let Jessica continue to act as she pleased.

There was no way he could get that hand off Andres' arm.

Several cameras recorded the incident and captured the moment in a photo and video.

Josh also saw what his stupid cousin was doing.

"If that's what he made a deal with Andara for, it's better to make Jessica a partner. It made it easier for me to get Andara's attention. She is too fragile to be by the side of a man like Andres."