
Pimples Love Traps Handsome Boss

Andara didn't expect to be helped by Andres, a handsome man with a lot of influence on campus. And another surprising thing, Andres does not help her for free and asks Andara to be a fake lover for the next six months. The students had bullied her enough because her ugly face was covered in pimples, and now having Andres as his girlfriend would only add to the wrong list in Andara's life. Andara believes Andres only uses her for purposes he doesn't know about and can't go against Andres' orders, so it's hard to breathe under the intense stares that William's family gives her. The most terrible thing is that Andres will inherit the Property company owned by his father, Aron William, and the jewelry company owned by his mother, Ryana William. Get Andara loose or more entangled with other Andres plans in Andara's life.

Yuli_Daynela · สมัยใหม่
17 Chs


Andres tapped his fingers on his desk while casting a disapproving look at the man, who was none other than a distant relative who had just landed in Singapore after an air journey from Italy.

"I miss you. That's why I chose to run away here."

Exhaling roughly, Andres was annoyed by Josh's overly direct attitude.

"Don't meddle in my business."

Josh flinched.

"Oh, you mean this woman who just came out after I entered your room? Honestly, I was quite surprised, I thought you would make her one of the reception ladies out there, but after seeing her face, I guess I guessed wrong."

"Including her," Andres said quickly and didn't want to hear nonsense from Josh.

"If it's not there, you can go back to your apartment and hide there and don't nod at me."

Josh felt something was interesting, and he wasn't going to let something interesting go away.

So, Josh got up from the couch and walked to Andres's table.

"You won't make her the object of your beauty business research, will you? Seeing her sad face is scary, and I think she will become one of your puppets."

It was what Andres didn't like. Josh knew him too well.

"Of course not. Even that woman would work well for me."

With a faint smile, Josh just stared at the ceiling of Andres' office while thinking, if there is something his cousin, who likes secrets, is hiding, Josh clearly understands that part very well.

"You can't hide anything from me. one thing you need to remember is never to play with a woman's feelings if you are the one who will fall later." Josh tried to remind Andres.

Andres is quite lazy regarding Josh's ingenuity, and sometimes he can trouble himself with all the possible thoughts.

"I just don't want you to interfere too much-"

"Of course, I won't because in a few days, this company will be completely up and running, and you need someone to be by your side."

Andres knew where this conversation would end, so he immediately cut off Josh and asked him to get out and spend his time at the club instead of bothering him.

"Wow, you didn't kick me out, did you? Tell me, who will you shield this time? So I can breathe a sigh of relief letting you party with all that pile of files instead of spending time with your girlfriends at college. What's her name, if I'm not mistaken, Jessica."

Andres quickly walked to the door and opened it wide, motioning for Josh to come out of his room.

"Thank you very much for your concern, cousin. So don't make my head spin even more with your little worries."

Josh just smiled and walked past Andres. Then turned to look at his cousin's face with a mysterious smile.

"I hope to meet again with a woman with a scary face who later might turn out to be incredibly charming."

Andres did not pay attention and immediately closed the door behind him quickly.

Josh passed two beauties with an overly exaggerated smile. In contrast, he was sinking his hands in his pants pockets and walking not in a hurry while whistling.

"I want you to find out who the woman in Andres' room was before I came," he ordered the figure walking behind him.

"Yes, sir," said the energetic-looking young woman. No one would know that she was one of Josh's confidants.


The rumors spread even more, to the point of disturbing Kenzo and Richard.

That night, both wanted to ensure that Andres' brain was still functioning. They were afraid that his best friend would do the craziest thing. And everything proved to be true.

So they are currently in a luxury apartment in one of the Marina Bay areas, not far from Andres' AW company.

"I'm sure you're crazy." Richard was the first to voice his opinion frankly.

Whereas Kenzo was different, he narrowed his eyes, wondering what his best friend was planning.

"Just because you don't want to be surrounded by those hungry for wealth, power and popularity, this is not the best way. There are many paths you can take."

Andres remained busy with his MacBook and paid no heed to what the two were saying.

Kenzo is still engrossed in the war game while placing his legs across the sofa table where he lays his body.

And it was Richard who fiddled with the Wine glass until it left a little liquid which then filled it many times and finished it in the second bottle.

"I don't want any ties after this, and Andara, the woman, is right for me. Only the two of you know that we have made a deal together."

Richard suddenly spit out Wine with a fantastic price from his mouth just like that when he heard Andres's absurd confession.

While Kenzo no longer played that game and immediately threw it away and approached Andres.

"A lot of other women, my friend. You can even choose it, but why does it have to be a woman who lifts her face? It feels like the world is about to collapse at that moment."

Andres didn't care at all, and he just wanted William-Andres' father not to turn him into a complete puppet.

"I have my reasons, and I need your support, or if you can, you guys can carry out my plan. This deal is only six months old. After that, I will give her a lot of advantages, apart from following all my directions without saying that this is just a deal."

Richard hit Andres on the shoulder quite hard. It made the man wince in pain.

"All of this has risks, my friend. You can't just close your eyes, and if the deal doesn't involve physical, everything won't be a problem."

Andres didn't think to that point. But he was sure everything would go according to plan, and the six months would seem to go by so fast.

The man tried to convince himself.

"Oh man, I hope you don't get caught up in what you've been planning, okay? Both of us will help you but tell me the truth, why did you have to bring that poor woman into your troubles?"

Andres said that the company would eventually fall into his hands, but other things made him unprepared.

"William, the old man wants a woman who will be with me someday, and if I take Andara, the old man will rethink his plans."

Andres's explanation makes sense. But there is something that both of them are worried about what Andres is planning

"What if Mr. William likes Andara?"

"Of course, I have a second plan to keep him from interfering in his son's love affairs."

Kenzo and Richard responded by shrugging and nodding their heads in understanding despite the strangeness of Andres's plan.