
Pimples Love Traps Handsome Boss

Andara didn't expect to be helped by Andres, a handsome man with a lot of influence on campus. And another surprising thing, Andres does not help her for free and asks Andara to be a fake lover for the next six months. The students had bullied her enough because her ugly face was covered in pimples, and now having Andres as his girlfriend would only add to the wrong list in Andara's life. Andara believes Andres only uses her for purposes he doesn't know about and can't go against Andres' orders, so it's hard to breathe under the intense stares that William's family gives her. The most terrible thing is that Andres will inherit the Property company owned by his father, Aron William, and the jewelry company owned by his mother, Ryana William. Get Andara loose or more entangled with other Andres plans in Andara's life.

Yuli_Daynela · สมัยใหม่
17 Chs


Andres glared at the woman who had just come out of the bathroom and had changed clothes.

Now the man's gaze is fully focused on Andara's face, which is getting better daily, but there are many changes. The acne scars have looked smaller, and the red color at each pimple has faded and left a pink color that almost resembles the color of the woman's skin, which tends to be white.

It's true what the makeup artist and someone from his clinical laboratory said, that Andara's facial structure looks like a European woman with high cheekbones.

All this time, she had hidden her natural beauty.

More than three years, and this is the result of the kindness of her best friend, who she still trusts.

"You didn't say anything to Josh, did you?"

Andres didn't need to ask more about it because he knew that Josh would easily discover his secret.

However, he just wanted to make sure directly to Andara that she could keep a secret.

"Of course, what can I d? This deal is good for me," Andara answered honestly.

Andres raised his eyebrows, surprised by the woman's statement.

The man stepped towards the table and grabbed a cup of jasmine tea brewed for him and Andara.

"I'm sorry that I didn't come back on the show because there's a lot of work that I haven't done yet."

"No problem, don't mind me. There was even Amber accompanying me at that time."

Andrew nodded his head. "Amber, my good sister, and I am sure she likes you more than me, his sister."

Andara was applying something to her face, as suggested by Miss Alma.

"Thank you," said Andara, who was now putting down some facial moisturizer and joined Andres.

"Okay. One more thing, don't embarrass me tomorrow on campus. Act like you always do because it won't be comfortable when you walk and your partner can only sit her face down."

Andara blushed. She seemed uncomfortable when she made Andres feel annoyed.

"I'll be nice."

"I take your word for it."

A knock on Andara's apartment door distracted them, and Andres said that up ahead was a food delivery man.

Andara immediately got up from the small sofa and walked to open the door, took the food that Andres ordered for the two of them

"I'm sure you haven't eaten dinner. I can't let your stomach scream because of the hunger that attacks."

Andara immediately rejected Andres' offer.

"I've eaten with Josh not long ago, so I don't think my stomach will be able to hold that much food anymore. But maybe I can reheat the food in the morning."

"What the hell, you can't. Dinner means it has to be now, and there's no heating for tomorrow. We can order it again in the morning."

Hearing Andara eating together with Josh made him feel instantly annoyed.

"Then accompany me to eat," said Andres when Andara put some of her dishes on the table.

And Andara's eyes were surprised when they saw the number of dishes the man ordered.

"Isn't this too much for dinner?"

Andres chose a steak and ate it slowly, while his gaze now turned to Andara, who was still staring at the dish in front of his eyes.

While chewing his food, the man looked at Andara, confused. Then quickly grabbed some food and put it right in front of Andara.

"I want you to eat this and appreciate my effort in feeding you. You know six months is not long. If you get sick, won't I be the one to bother you too?"

Andara was surprised, then sat down. It was one of the consequences of the agreement she had agreed for six months. After six months, they would return to being strangers, and the woman realized that she had to give her best

"Can I get a job after graduation in about three months?"

"You want to work after graduation?" Andres asked.

"Of course, I can't be unemployed, and I have to find a job because I want to bring my parents to live with me later."

Andres was busy thinking as he slightly pursed his lips, then smiled.

"Okay, I can handle that. For sure, don't ever act like before. Straighten your body and face, don't look down like you used to, and no more T-shirts or jeans, all changed to skirts or dresses."

"But, I can't change like that right away, can I? I have to adjust."

"Andres moved his forefinger to the right and the left, rejecting the woman's excuse.

"After college, you must follow me to my office, Andres William. Later, Rone will take you. And I forgot to say. Rone will now be your bodyguard."

Andara, who was just about to feed the food into her mouth, suddenly stopped.

"Rone? Since when did I have someone to accompany me? But I can do it myself. I can use a taxi or maybe public transportation."

Andres glared at Andara, clearly not liking the woman's refusal. And immediately put down his cutlery, and now his hands were folded on the table, focusing his gaze on Andara's eyes.

"You are my lover."

Somehow, something warm was in Andara's chest, beating fast when she heard Andres give a statement, even though the information was fake.

"Everyone knows that you are my lover, so how can I let you walk everywhere alone or only in a vehicle that is not necessarily safe? No more rejection."

"So what Josh said is true."

Andres, originally about to continue eating, stopped again when he heard Josh's name replayed on her thin red lips, which made him think nonsense.

"What did that man say to you?"

"Mr. Charles will provide me with an escort as well as he will when it comes to his son."

Finally, Andres concluded that the meal with his parents went well, wasn't it beyond expectations?

"What did my father tell you, Andara?"

Anxiety immediately appeared on Andres' face, catching Andara's eyes.

"Your dad invited me to the show next week and attended his office event; that's what I caught on."

Andres just rubbed his face roughly.

It was beyond Andres' prediction, even Kenzo and Richard had said this kind of anticipation, but he didn't care because there was no way his father would like Andara; however, the information he had just heard directly from Andara made his world shake.