
Pimples Love Traps Handsome Boss

Andara didn't expect to be helped by Andres, a handsome man with a lot of influence on campus. And another surprising thing, Andres does not help her for free and asks Andara to be a fake lover for the next six months. The students had bullied her enough because her ugly face was covered in pimples, and now having Andres as his girlfriend would only add to the wrong list in Andara's life. Andara believes Andres only uses her for purposes he doesn't know about and can't go against Andres' orders, so it's hard to breathe under the intense stares that William's family gives her. The most terrible thing is that Andres will inherit the Property company owned by his father, Aron William, and the jewelry company owned by his mother, Ryana William. Get Andara loose or more entangled with other Andres plans in Andara's life.

Yuli_Daynela · สมัยใหม่
17 Chs

Past Story

"I was sure that we would meet again, and now all I can think about is what's the relationship between you and Andres?"

Andara and Josh are now in a simple restaurant that serves processed seafood.

Somehow the man was able to take her out of a family event that Andara thought wasn't over just because Mr. William and Mrs. Anastasia weren't there.

"I'm not giving you a chance to think about a good answer. You have to answer it because it will be very complicated if he brings you into family troubles like this."

Andara's pair of black eyes stared at Josh. Her mind was thinking, what was the meaning of what the man in front of him said?

"Family problem? I didn't know that, anyway. Why don't you try asking Andres?"

Josh chuckled, the corners of his lips making a code like a whistle.

"I guess you were forced by my cousin, right?"

Now Andara feels uncomfortable.

"I want to go home. Can you let me go," Andara asked quietly?

Josh answered by shaking his head.

While waiting for their orders to arrive, when one of the servers came over to Josh's table, one of the waiters between the two standing beside Josh's table gave a whisper.

And Josh just nodded his head. Then one of them left, while the other waiter put down two large glasses of fruit juice.

Andara, who saw the strangeness, could not hold her mouth to ask.

"You know them, or is this restaurant yours?"

Josh wiggled an eyebrow with a crooked smile.

"Of course, it's mine. Are you interested in cooperating with me?"

Andara quickly shook her head, rejecting Josh's offer.

"Then what is it that you want to bring me here? I want to go home."

Josh didn't respond immediately, just laughing at the young woman in front of him who looked pretty.

"Why don't you call Andres then to take you back."

Andara sighed in despair. If only she could, she'd even forget his cell phone that was left in her apartment.

"I can't reach him," Andara answered quietly.

"Then you can accompany me as long as Andres is not around, and my cousin can't forget that he has left you, can he."


Andres frowned after reading the report and several documents piled up on his desk, which he had not touched for the past three days.

"If it weren't important, I wouldn't end up here with you," Andres said to the figure of a young woman who was dressed in a sexy dress sitting right in front of his desk with a sweet smile.

The young woman's smile seemed frightening to Andres. A woman who can be very manipulative.

Andres had to be careful with women who could quickly enter his room, even though he had told his assistant that he couldn't be bothered.

Andres is not in the Andres William Company but another company run by Charles, his father.

"I can't possibly miss the opportunity to be with you. I won't let you have fun with your plan to replace me with that ugly woman, and you're too much, Andres. You can't do that to me."

Andres smirked. "There's no relationship between us anymore, so you can easily catch another man much richer than me, right?"

Jessica looked annoyed at the man she used to get quickly, but now everything happened because of Ronald's act of taking advantage of the worst situation that made Andres no longer trust him.

Jessica got up from the black sofa and walked to the side of Andres.

Made the man already anticipate what was going to happen and shouted.

"Go out!"

"You don't need me anymore, there's dumping you, and there's a lot of Ronald out there who can satisfy you, aren't you? You're even crazy. You keep a bunch of those raunchy videos with him, so move on, and I'll move on with my life."

Jessica's face was pale, and she couldn't just let Andres go.

Ronald, that stupid man, could no longer give her whatever Jessica wanted.

"Watch your words, Andres, and you're looking down on me, outrageous."

Andres closed the document roughly on his desk and glared at Jessica.

"You are underestimating yourself, you understand! Now come out."

Jessica turned and slammed the door loudly, deafening.

Louis, the assistant, shook his head at his boss's ex-lover's attitude.

Louis, who ensured Jessica entered the elevator, immediately walked towards Andres' room.

"A lover's quarrel, if every day is like this, sorry for my ears, boss," said Louis while rubbing his ear.

"Didn't I tell you not to come in, and you just let him in."

Louis smiled widely, realizing his mistake.

"I didn't know the boss while I was in the Pantry, sorry."

Andres snorted harshly.

"What else do I have to do? You know, today is an important day. Why don't you finish it instead of telling me to come here."

Realizing that Andres had left Andara alone, he quickly contacted Amber, ensuring she was safe there because he knew that Ronald was always causing trouble.

"Nothing more, this is the last one, and again, I can't decide on a few things regarding deals with some investors, and you're the one who knows this, so it's better for you to sort it out and not me."

Louis's explanation wasn't wrong, and it was just the timing wasn't right.

After Louis left his room, Andres contacted Amber.

And the following answer that left him speechless was. Andara is with Josh.

Remembering his conversation with his older sister, Andres forgot that Josh was in Singapore, so take the time to be absent, even though Josh came when Andres wasn't there, due to essential documents today which required him to ask for more permission first to finish the business here than can come back. However, unfortunately, the affairs in the office are much more confusing and cannot be solved immediately, making him stay in this room for almost half a day.

"I'm sure Josh will find out what is the relationship between Andara and me. If Andara tells the truth, I'm finished," said Andres, panicked.