
Pimples Love Traps Handsome Boss

Andara didn't expect to be helped by Andres, a handsome man with a lot of influence on campus. And another surprising thing, Andres does not help her for free and asks Andara to be a fake lover for the next six months. The students had bullied her enough because her ugly face was covered in pimples, and now having Andres as his girlfriend would only add to the wrong list in Andara's life. Andara believes Andres only uses her for purposes he doesn't know about and can't go against Andres' orders, so it's hard to breathe under the intense stares that William's family gives her. The most terrible thing is that Andres will inherit the Property company owned by his father, Aron William, and the jewelry company owned by his mother, Ryana William. Get Andara loose or more entangled with other Andres plans in Andara's life.

Yuli_Daynela · สมัยใหม่
17 Chs

No Need to be Afraid

Richard couldn't imagine if they were a little late. I don't know what the womans who kept their heads down would do.

While Kenzo could only swallow his saliva as he watched the woman trying to cover the large pimple on her face with her limp hair.

They are now at the back of the campus, in the car park, to be exact.

"Are you alright? Any broken parts?" asked Andres looking quite worried.

The smell of the floor-cleaning soap was so strong in his nostrils that he occasionally wiped the tip of his nose, uncomfortable.

Andara just nodded her head without looking at the three men who were standing around her.

The woman looked awkward, though she couldn't fully breathe a sigh of relief.

"Next time, it might be a good idea to stay away from Jessica. Or her friends earlier. But something makes me curious. Why did they go that far for you?"

Andara was confused about how to answer. While she doesn't know what's wrong?

Is it because his face looks disgusting? She doesn't know herself shake of the head was the answer, causing the others to take a deep breath.

Andres could only scratch his head that didn't itch. He didn't understand why the girls could be so violent.

"Fortunately, there was no campus supervisor who saw what happened earlier. If someone saw it, Jessica and her friends' history was over."

Richard confirmed Kenzo's words.

"But, sadly, Jessica has an insider, her uncle - Mr. Jonas, and you know that Mr. Jonas doesn't want his name to be damaged because of rumors that he will run for the general election next year."

"It's too difficult, and the campus owner will be indifferent to what happens on this campus. All the evidence that happened will be eliminated at any cost," sighed Richard.

Andara sighed inwardly. It was enough for her to be treated like that, and she hoped that no one would get the bad treatment she received.

Andara did not want to linger with them. She knew very well who the three men were when he caught a glimpse of them when they turned out to be helping her.

The three men were quite famous, that's what she had heard from some of her classmates.

Andara just felt the pain running down her face. Maybe the effect of the floor-cleaning water that Jessica splashed on her.

The reflex of her palms touching her face and felt a sting when connected.

Andara, who winced in pain, made the three men stare at her.

Andres, who was still discussing who would take Andara home so as not to get into, finally looked confusedly at the woman who kept pressing the pimples on her face.

"Your face should be washed first with clean water, avoiding bacteria that can make your face infected with chemicals."

Andara nodded again quickly.

"Thanks for the help. I don't think how to repay your kindness," Andara said, cupping her palms in front of her chest.

Kenzo and Richard glanced at Andres.

"Andres, you take her. I still have some work to do here. It can't be postponed." Richard suggested.

Kenzo also gave a similar reason.

"It's okay, and I can do it myself. It's been helped. I'm very grateful." Andara straightened up from the position he was leaning against the wall behind the car park.

"It's okay because the one who did all this is also my ex, so I'm responsible for what she did to you." There was a sense of compulsion in Andres when he offered to escort the woman.

"That's how it should be. Next time Jessica should be given a proper lesson, don't just make trouble. Is also the effect of breaking up with you, Andres."

Andres looked at his two friends flatly.

"It has nothing to do with it. Why am I the suspect here when it's clear they are being rude."

Andres followed Andara, who had already walked away from them.

"I'll drop you off over here," he pointed, directing Andara to enter his white car with the words 'Free ride, down payment' written on the back.

"Just come in. No need to worry about your clothes getting wet on my car seat. Everyone's safe."

Andara shook her head.

Making Andres take a deep breath, he doesn't like to linger. He's tired enough from his day running from women who every day claim to be his girlfriend, plus today is even harder.

A woman with acne with the smell of floor-cleaning soap would fill the room in his car with only soap.

Just thinking about it made him sick.

"Please cooperate with me. Please get in the car, let me drive you home. Just show me the address. Honestly, I have a lot to do."

Andara's know, the man must have been very upset. Biting her inner lip felt bad and forced her to get into the car, and Andres opened the car door for her.

"I may be a playboy, but at least I know how to be nice to women," he said, making sure Andara was already in the passenger seat.

After closing the door, Andres rushed into the driver's seat. In his heart, he sighed. Later she could go to the car wash to get rid of the smell of soap and the bad stench emanating from the wet clothes of a woman who still didn't want to lift her face.

Andara told Andres her residential address using her cell phone.

Andres again scratched his temple, which didn't itch. Looking for a solution to get away from the overly aggressive exes, he turned his gaze to Andara, and suddenly an idea popped into his head.

"If I'm going out with this woman, no one will certainly be near me anymore, and no one will dare to disturb this woman again, that's for sure," said Andres in his heart.

Andres, who felt they were both in their final semester, wanted to try to make a deal with the woman sitting next to him. At least the value would be beneficial for both of them.

"What's your name?"

No answer.

Andara heard, but he hesitated to say his name.

"Hey, I'm not Jessica who would do something stupid like that," said Andres while occasionally turning to his side.


Andres pulled the corners of his lips and smiled.

"I'm Andres. You must know me, right?" he said confidently.

Indeed he was famous. Everyone knew about him.

"Look, I have a deal, and it's beneficial for you and me. Think about it first, okay."

Andres glanced back at Andara, who was silent.

"Okay, I assume you will try to think this through, so how about we pretend to be dating."

Andara was suddenly surprised when the words that came out of the man beside her made her widen her eyes and stare in disbelief at Andres, who was also looking at her and was also immediately shocked when she saw Andara's face, which was full of pimples.