
Pimples Love Traps Handsome Boss

Andara didn't expect to be helped by Andres, a handsome man with a lot of influence on campus. And another surprising thing, Andres does not help her for free and asks Andara to be a fake lover for the next six months. The students had bullied her enough because her ugly face was covered in pimples, and now having Andres as his girlfriend would only add to the wrong list in Andara's life. Andara believes Andres only uses her for purposes he doesn't know about and can't go against Andres' orders, so it's hard to breathe under the intense stares that William's family gives her. The most terrible thing is that Andres will inherit the Property company owned by his father, Aron William, and the jewelry company owned by his mother, Ryana William. Get Andara loose or more entangled with other Andres plans in Andara's life.

Yuli_Daynela · สมัยใหม่
17 Chs

Josh Attention

Andara initially felt that Josh was a nosy guy who just wanted to make her uncomfortable. It was all wrong. In fact, at the moment, the two of them were walking around Marina Bay. Even though Andara doesn't talk much, Josh is a nice person.

"We better get back to the car. I'll take you to your apartment."

The woman looked up at the sky, which looked cloudy. Maybe it would rain soon.

Andara immediately nodded her head in agreement with Josh's suggestion.

"Sorry for making you uncomfortable. Your appearance this time is quite different from the last time we met, correct?"

It was considering that Andara only wore an oversized t-shirt and plain black jeans, clothes that made her comfortable, protected from nosy prying eyes who liked the sight of a sexy body.

Then I realized that she wasn't Jessica or Myra. You are unlikely to have someone who will genuinely like her.

"That, how to say, huh."

Awkward, that's what Andara is experiencing right now, when she is being stared at by other people like Josh is looking at her right now.

Josh, who noticed Andara's nervousness, immediately turned his gaze in another direction.

"You look different, and I'm sure at the family gathering Mr. Charles William had, she would have accepted you," Josh said lightly.

Andara suddenly stopped in her tracks and looked at Josh, then at her fingers.

"Why did you guess like that? You weren't there."

Josh laughed. Making Andara frown in confusion.

"If you don't receive it well, once you set foot in there, you'll never make it in, and you know that. So I was quite surprised that you were so welcome. It's just what Andres was planning to get you there."

"He's going to inherit all Mr. Charles's company, so there's no way any woman could get close to him. You know that's not it."

Andara glanced behind her as if someone was watching them but never found anyone nearby.

"I'm Andres' lover."

Josh wasn't surprised. He already knew just his cousin planned to make her a lover and take her to a family gathering for the first time.

Because the previous one ended in humiliation, if Andara were accepted, it would be difficult for his cousin to change what Mr. Charles had wanted.

Josh knew that Andara would enter William's life more and more, and maybe she would never be able to get out of William's circle.

"Josh, don't you feel weird like someone's staring at us from afar, I've been watching, and it can't be just my feelings, right?"

Josh smiled.

"Don't worry, they're my bodyguards," Josh replied lightly.

Andara was surprised and opened her mouth wide, but not a single word came out.

"So you mean you're constantly being escorted by them? Are you planning to run away like that?"

Josh immediately laughed loudly. The woman in front of him was very attractive.

"Of course not. Why should I run away or hide? You know, even you will have them too. Don't you realize those people are following you? They are directly dispatched to escort you."


Andara immediately looked behind her and saw no one when she looked back.

"Nothing, I'm sure you're just kidding."

"Whatever, for sure, when Mr. Charles likes someone, not in the sense of the word love, then he will give protection to you, like my guards. They are never by my side, but they are never far from me."

"That means you no longer have privacy, don't you? Too bad," said Andara with a pitying face.

"You're interesting. What if you just become my lover? I'll give you anything. Instead of you being with Andres, that guy is clear he will only take advantage of you."

In her heart, Andara confirmed that Andres did take advantage of her, but at least it was worth it. She wanted to have a normal face again. However, it takes quite a long time.

And Andara only gave a faint smile at what Josh said to her.

"Alright, we won't prolong this, but I'm seriously telling you this."

Josh opened the car door and helped Andara by lifting the dress she was wearing, which was quite long.

"Dara, I like this name, so I'll call it like this, okay? If something happens or you need my help, don't hesitate to ask me for help," said Josh with seriousness in his eyes.

"But, I'm sure I'm fine. Thanks, Josh, for your concern. And why are you so nice to me? We've only just met."

Andara questions the intentions behind Josh's approach and is willing to help her.

"You may be suspicious of me, but entering the William family circle will be difficult for you ordinary people, Dara. I will remind you again. Your day is no longer normal. Maybe you won't even be able to do the things you love."

"And another welcome to the William family."

At that time, I don't know what Andara felt. Her chest was pounding. A strange feeling entered the recesses of her heart. But there is sadness there too.

Suddenly, her tears rolled smoothly down Andara's cheeks, making Josh, who saw the sight, quickly wipe the tears from the woman's cheeks.

"Please don't be sad," Josh said, giving Andara strength in his voice.

Andara, surprised, immediately pushed Josh's hand away from her face. She wasn't used to getting such sincere treatment from someone.

Her memories kept spinning as she continued to be ridiculed for her face.

Josh gasped in surprise, knowing he was being presumptuous.

This woman in front of him was too fragile. Even Josh didn't need to be in pain to find out about Andara's past because when he got the information that Andres was going to bring someone, Josh quickly opened the MacBook and found out who the woman was, including her past.

Josh is the same as Richard, and they are both programmers who can easily reveal someone's information. Even Andara, who often gets bad treatment, also knows.

But what is very unfortunate is why the woman was willing to sign the six-month agreement.

Because Josh was sure the deal would never expire for six months, moreover, Mr. Charles, who was his uncle, was quite a difficult person. Once he liked someone, it would not be easy to let that person out of William's circle.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be presumptuous. Just why are you crying? Was my word wrong?"

"I'm the one apologizing. I was just shocked."

"Well, I better take you home so you can rest, and Andres is also in your apartment right now."

"How do you know, you're with me right now, or maybe you-"

"Don't make jokes. I don't have a twin. Of course, I am because he contacted me at this time."

Josh showed a communication device that was next to Josh's ear.

And Andara grimaced while nodding her head, understood.

The car immediately started and slid smoothly on the main road.

"I'm sure he will get tantrum like a child," joked Josh, who was sitting next to Andara.