
Pimples Love Traps Handsome Boss

Andara didn't expect to be helped by Andres, a handsome man with a lot of influence on campus. And another surprising thing, Andres does not help her for free and asks Andara to be a fake lover for the next six months. The students had bullied her enough because her ugly face was covered in pimples, and now having Andres as his girlfriend would only add to the wrong list in Andara's life. Andara believes Andres only uses her for purposes he doesn't know about and can't go against Andres' orders, so it's hard to breathe under the intense stares that William's family gives her. The most terrible thing is that Andres will inherit the Property company owned by his father, Aron William, and the jewelry company owned by his mother, Ryana William. Get Andara loose or more entangled with other Andres plans in Andara's life.

Yuli_Daynela · สมัยใหม่
17 Chs


"Six months with a deal like this? Wouldn't this hurt me too?"

Since Andres gave Andara a proposal, his mind kept on the woman's face, which looked much better than yesterday.

In his mind, maybe, the woman is used to using a beauty product that unwittingly causes damage to the face.

Because it's true if you look closely, the woman's face looks beautiful, and it's just like she doesn't have full enough confidence to present herself.

"Of course, there has to be an agreement because I don't want to be harmed either. This opportunity will give you quite a lot of advantages."

Andara raised her eyebrows high and did not expect that the man in front of her could say that. Too confident.

"Look at you, your face to be exact, you no longer keep your face down, and I believe this change is quite beneficial for you."

Andres sighed as he rubbed his chin gently with a gaze aimed directly at the pair of black eyes that made him quite curious.

"We'll start today and act as usual. I'll protect you for these six months, but if you make a mistake by leaking our deal, then don't blame me if I ask for everything I've put out for you, I'll take it back."

Andara was surprised.

"You're crazy. I never asked for your help to help me escape a situation like yesterday."

Now replaced with a surprised Andres.

"Wow? So what did I see yesterday? You look scared, and your whole body is shaking. You can't even repay them for what they did to you. You are weak and helpless, don't talk nonsense if you can't get out of Jessica's cycle of crimes."

Andrea closed her eyes. And slowly inhale and exhale slowly.

Suddenly, Andara hugged herself.

Andres just gave a flat and lazy look at the woman in front of him, who looked like someone who was acting.

With a sense of indifference, Andres got up from his chair and reached for his cell phone that was lying next to the MacBook, and stared at the row of incoming notifications.

"I won't give you time, and please sign right now. You waste my busy time."

Before closing the door to the room behind him, Andres turned around.

"Give it to one of the ladies on guard and let someone escort you."

Andara exhaled tiredly, her whole life felt tiring, and this was the most tiring.

She couldn't take her words back. Although this offer is quite profitable, in the wild, many women will attack her and force her to tell the truth, including Myra, her best friend.

Suddenly the alarm in her head rang loudly.

"If this is given to women out there, it means that women will know what they are doing. And it's not a secret anymore. I'm sure that guy is crazy."

Andara could only throw her back on the back of the luxurious sofa and cover her face. I feel like her life is going to get tougher.

Andara's body then stiffened when she heard the door to the room open, and at that moment, she heard a foreign voice that was quite heavy.

"I'm sure he'll catch up with me and wait quietly inside. One more thing, don't worry, I'll damage his belongings and-"

Their eyes met, Andara and a foreign man whose face looked friendly.

"It turns out that someone was waiting for him too."

Andara cleared her throat and only gave a faint smile and then lowered her face slightly.

Feeling that she had no other choice, the woman immediately got up and made the man who was looking at Andara confused.

"I just came, and you left, isn't that rude? And wait, introduce me, Josh," said the man in a voice that made Andara thump with flushed cheeks.

The man's stature was solid, with slightly brown skin, and his body smelled like the scent of the sun. Then Andara's eyes traced the scratch on the man's jaw, which was not too long like a scar. His eyes are pretty sharp, and his lips are not too thin, now looking at her while smiling a faint smile at Andara.

"Andara and I are done here. Please wait for it."

Josh looked at Andara intently and then smiled again.

"Dara, what a beautiful name for a woman like you, and it's a shame that we can't spend time together. I hope we meet again."

Andara was stunned and asked what the man's words meant.

"What do you mean?"

"You don't have to think about it." Josh smiled again, waving his hand lightly.

Unlike Andara, who didn't want to see the man again because it would make her uncomfortable, who could only smile back with a feeling of compulsion.

"How can a woman like me imagine the impossible for this bad woman? Expectations are too high to have a handsome man like Josh," he mumbled sadly.

While the man walked towards the chair behind Andres' desk, his gaze never left the sad looking back, disappearing from behind the door.

"I feel there is something strange about that woman. I know Andres' taste. There is no way that man dares to have a relationship with that type of woman?"

And unlike Andara, the woman thought of one thing. How did she hide the status she was in a few hours, and everyone would find out what was going on? Andara is scared that things will get more complex.

"Andara caught the attention of a young entrepreneur." The title will be a news headline that will undoubtedly make her flustered

An older man who still looked dashing gave a code with a wave of his hand and approached her.

"Miss Andara, I was assigned to escort Miss."

Andara nodded her head stiffly. "Thank you."

Then got into a different car for the third time after looking back.

"Who can resist the charm of an Andres when there are many women out there who might be willing to replace my current position."

The older man looked through the windshield and only gave a faint smile.

"Miss, shall I take you back, or is there somewhere you want to go?"

Andara did not answer, just shrugged her shoulders, confused. Her mind was fixed on her class schedule, but suddenly there was a sense of anxiety that if she still chose to go to campus, Jessica might be waiting for her.

Before the car took her away, Andara stared at the AW building, Andres William Corporation, and her gaze met with a pair of Andres' eyes who looked at her with a flat gaze.

"Am I going to be ready for all this?" Andrea whispered.