
Pimples Love Traps Handsome Boss

Andara didn't expect to be helped by Andres, a handsome man with a lot of influence on campus. And another surprising thing, Andres does not help her for free and asks Andara to be a fake lover for the next six months. The students had bullied her enough because her ugly face was covered in pimples, and now having Andres as his girlfriend would only add to the wrong list in Andara's life. Andara believes Andres only uses her for purposes he doesn't know about and can't go against Andres' orders, so it's hard to breathe under the intense stares that William's family gives her. The most terrible thing is that Andres will inherit the Property company owned by his father, Aron William, and the jewelry company owned by his mother, Ryana William. Get Andara loose or more entangled with other Andres plans in Andara's life.

Yuli_Daynela · สมัยใหม่
17 Chs

CEO's new lover

"I'm sure you'll be surprised who is currently walking side by side with Andres and the surprising part again. Andres already owns part of his father's company, I know that, so now what he owns apart from his own company, he also runs William's, the news this morning is crazy," said one of the men in an Army suit on the campus grounds.

Some young men and women who heard the information were shocked, and the problem was that the woman with Andres was the same woman who often got bad treatment from Jessica and other people who didn't like her existence even though the woman was the holder of a full scholarship at the JB campus.

"I'm not sure if that woman is Andara. You can see for yourself, how is her face?" said one of the women wearing a gray metallic dress while raising her chin at the two people who were the center of attention on campus at this time.

Who else, if not Andres and Andara? The two of them walked away, holding their heads up. Andara looked beautiful in a sky blue long dress decorated with floral ornaments, while Andre wore a white shirt covered in a dark blue suit with a charming bow tie.

When people couldn't believe their eyesight, Myra, who witnessed it, could only stare blankly at the two couples.

She had tried to contact Andara again, but somehow someone was in front of the woman's apartment that she couldn't enter, even though Myra had already said that she was Andara's best friend.

"I don't want things to end like this." Myra holds tightly a clutch that is the same color as a black dress with a white gold necklace with sun engravings that adorn her beautiful neck that looks slender.

Different from the people who looked at Andara and Andres with curiosity. Andara even felt his palms turning cold.

Andres, who noticed the restlessness of the woman walking beside him, quickly grabbed the palm that felt cold to him.

What Andres did was caught clearly by many pairs of eyes, and his actions were recorded on several cameras.

"Don't be nervous. Calm down."

Somehow Andres even looked worried about Andara's condition. He had never done this to anyone before.

"I feel too exposed."

"No, you look stunning. Look what all makeovers did to your face. In just two weeks, everything changed." Andres looks satisfied with the way the make-up works and the people who work on it.

"Maybe I should give them a bonus," Andres muttered.

Andara was very comfortable with the dress she was wearing. Even though the dress didn't expose some parts of her body, only every pair of eyes seemed to be surprised by the unusual sight.

Until Andara, who had entered the campus hall, which had been decorated so beautifully and luxuriously, made her amazed.

Every year, she would enter this place with friends who got other scholarships, and their clothes also looked ordinary. At that time, all Andara remembered were the jeans she had ordered recently and a plain shirt with a denim jacket for her. Give a pretty good finishing touch for her. Much different from the rest of Andara's friends, who looked the same when they entered the hall several years ago.

At that time, what they wore, including luxury, was for those who got the scholarship program, so there was no problem whatsoever, as long as their grades remained at the top.

Unlike now, Andara transformed into a beautiful princess. Some of her classmates approached her and chatted casually, although her eyes were still watching the surroundings.

"You look different, Andara. You can even date one of the most wanted men on campus. What are you doing? You don't give her chemistry formulas, do you, or even answer keys for maths like in school," Carla said.

Carla is one of Andara's scholarship friends who sometimes talks as she likes.

Andara replied to Carla's words with a small laugh.

"Carla, have you seen the other friends?"

"They don't want to join, and they don't want to make you uncomfortable in their presence, even though I told you that Andara can't turn out to be a bad friend."

"Of course, I only did the treatment as recommended by the dermatologist, and this dress was indeed given to me by Andres."

Several women standing with their backs to Andara were surprised by the information they heard.

"So Andres likes that ugly woman," whispered another woman listening to Carla and Andara's conversation behind their backs.

"I think she's lying, Jessica. If she knows this, maybe, she's already ruined the current event."

Carla, who knew three women were standing with their backs, immediately pulled Andara away.

Andara was quite surprised when Carla pulled her away from the hall's center, where she and Andres had promised to meet again. She was on the right wing of the hall, away from the crowd that made Andara uncomfortable.

"Andara, you have to be careful with them. I heard they seem to be planning something for you, and I hope you are well."

Andara's face turned gloomy. "You can also be in trouble, Carla," replied Andara, who looked pityingly at Carla.

Andara knows that during this time, it is not only her who has often received bad treatment, but all students who have received full scholarships like herself and Carla, as well as some of their other friends.

Although the one who received the worst treatment among the others was Andara, because of her frightening face for those who saw her

Carla laughed at Andara's comment, her shoulder-length curly hair moving smoothly.

"About me, you don't need to think about it dear, even I and the others have permanent jobs at this time, you can imagine that's not it, we are no longer on campus and only came to have a private meeting with some of the lecturers concerned for the final project."

Hearing that Carla had a job, suddenly Andara's eyes lit up.

"Give me a job too, you know, even for almost a week I've been messing around with that, and you guys, how nice it is to be free from having to be on campus. Tell me any information regarding this job info, Carla."

Carla grimaced and looked behind Andara, realizing that another handsome man was walking toward them, even though her gaze was directed at Andara.

"You just changed residence, don't tell us. How can we give you information about the job."

Andara lightly hit her forehead, forgetting her stupidity, then she quickly grabbed her cell phone and sent something to Carla.

"There, you can come over there; I will tell the apartment clerk to allow you to come to see me."

Carla covered her mouth in surprise.

"You even live in an apartment; what do you get from a handsome guy-"

"Hi, ladies. May I join? It looks like what you guys are talking about sounds interesting."

Carla, who has a small body with curly hair, now looks red on her cheeks, then gives Andara a questioning look.

Meanwhile, Andara was quite surprised to see Josh at her campus event.

Josh flashed an alluring smile that could make any woman looking at him melt instantly, including Carla.

"Carla, this is Josh, and Josh is my friend Carla."

Josh was the first to reach out and grab Carla's hand, making the petite girl's heart redden even more with happiness.

While nudging Andara's arm, Carla threw a chirp.

"You are now a magnet for Andara men; you are beautiful," said Carla sincerely to Andara, who was often treated badly by Jessica and the others.