
Pillar man in Demon Slayer

A JoJo fan dies... meets a Rob.. Rest is history.

Beta_Force · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
26 Chs

Demon vs Demon slayer

'Why are demons loitering here? Well if I think about it carefully, this is the perfect hunting spot for them. There will be many deaths in war. All they have to do is hide among the soldiers and feed on the corpses.

They can also use the chaos of the war to kill humans without anyone noticing. But demons are territorial creatures, they rarely operate in teams.

But I sensed several presences demons in the vicinity. Is some powerful demon controlling them behind the scenes?'

I slowly retreated as the situation was becoming quite chaotic. There is a high chance of demon slayers appearing at any time.

Suddenly, a demon launched itself onto me with a crazed expression.

'Great. They attack me the moment I try to escape'

I evaded his jump and slashed the katana towards his neck. He easily blocked it and broke the Katana.

He started punching me, I barely evaded it and punched it in his abdomen. There was a sound as I if something was breaking. Well, it is my hand or rather this body's hand.

I immediately came out of this body. The demon was pretty freaked out.

"How are you inside a human?" he asked me quite agitated.

"Well, you don't need to know" before he knew it I went through his body as if was phasing through it. In the place where he stood not even ashes remained.

The remaining two demons noticed me. They appeared scared and confused but still rushed towards me. Suddenly I heard a loud thunderclap.

A man who was in his 20s suddenly appeared before the demons like a flash of lightning. He had above-average facial features. He wore a black kimono with a blue obi above a uniform. It had many lightning marks. In his hand were a sword that had an unusual yellow colour to it.

'A demon slayer, more importantly, he is a breath user' as he didn't notice me I slowly retreated into the darkness to be a spectator.

"Thunder breathing Second form: Rice Spirit" the demon slayer announced as he sent four slashes in quick succession towards the two demons.

One the demon that was female, evaded it but the other demon got caught in it. He screamed in pain and had a hard time regenerating.

Using this opportunity all the warriors from both the clan escaped quickly. Both had suffered heavy casualties.

"Fifth form: Heat lightning" he sent a long-ranged upward strike towards the injured demon. I heard the sound of lightning with his every attack.

The demon barely evaded it. The other female demon attacked the slayer with her tail. Her tail was covered in pitch-black flames.

"Haha let's see how you counter my blood demon art- corroding flames"

'She can use a blood demon art' it was my first time seeing one.

A part of her tail grazed the slayer's shoulder. His flesh sizzled and was corroding slowly. He appeared to be in pain but quickly composed himself.

"First form: Thunderclap and flash" he instantly arrived in front of the male demon and sliced off its head. It was now a one-one situation.

The other demon didn't mind that her companion was killed and continued attacking him with her tail. The slayer kept on dodging her tail and attacked with the gaps he got. All his attacks focused on speed.

As the encounter continued he had a hard time defending the onslaught. Soon, he was hit by the tail and was sent flying. The corrosive effect of the blood demon art was increasing but he kept breathing in a special pattern to decrease its speed.

'He must be using Total concentration breathing to slow it down' I thought as I watched the fight unfold.

"Why are you killing all these innocent people?" the slayer asked the demon.

"Haha, they are innocent? They kill other humans for a living. How is that innocent?" she answered while laughing crazily.

She swung her tail wildly in all directions to prevent him from evading her attacks. He had a hard time closing in the distance.

"Fourth form: Distant thunder" he released releases waves of strong multi-directional strikes from afar. Many strikes landed on the demon.

The demon was heavily injured but it had the upper hand due to its blood demon art's corrosive nature. If the fight continued for a few more minutes it will naturally win.

He had a hard time breathing. The demon quickly swung her tail to go for the kill.

First form: Thunderclap and flash

He quickly escaped but he was barely standing as blood gushed from his hand. One of his hands had been chopped off.

'It's really a pity. He is only in his early twenties but is now dying at the hands of a demon. But worry not, I have other plans for you' I want to test the effects of turning a breath user into a vampire.

I immediately revealed myself. Both the demon and the human looked at me vigilantly. They were both worn off and in no condition to take me on.

I immediately sent many bone shrapnel toward the demon. She deflected some with its tail but many shots found their target. While she was defending the bullets I closed the distance and swung my hand with a bone protruding from it.

She blocked my hand with her hand but it was cut off. Using my other hand I sliced off her head. I quickly absorbed her body as even ashes didn't remain.

I diverted my attention to the slayer. At some point, he had fallen unconscious due to blood loss and probably fear but he was still alive. I went towards him and wanted to take him to my hideout when I noticed a strong presence.

I immediately took the slayer and wanted to retreat but I was not given the opportunity as a man blocked my path.

He was a tall and muscular man with long and spiky black hair that was kept in a ponytail. He has prominent eyebrows and brown eyes.

He wore a purple-and-black bee-hive patterned nagagi kimono and black umanori-styled hakama pants tied with a white uwa-obi and a katana by his waist.

'I feel like I have seen him somewhere'