
Pick up a killer as a wife

On a dark and windy night, he picked up a beautiful, charming, sexy and coquettish beauty, so he lived a completely different life through his girlfriend's counter attack on life

lucking_grass1 · สมัยใหม่
20 Chs

Chapter 19 "broken book

"But he didn't know, and his life was exactly in line with the old man's words.After the train had been running for about a few hours, it finally arrived at a platform. As the announcer in the train broadcast the location inside, the old fortune teller stretched his waist and woke up.Then he stood up, looked at Li Tian and smiled: "I should get off... Bye.""Eh, didn't you go to Kyoto?" Li Tian looked at the old fortune teller and asked.Without looking back, the old man walked towards the train door with vigorous steps and said, "don't go..."His voice drifted out into Li Tian's ears. Li Tian couldn't help thinking that the old fortune teller was really a strange man.He turned his head and continued to sit on the seat, but when he turned his eyes, he suddenly found that a broken book had fallen from the seat where the fortune teller had just sat.The broken book looked like an antique, the cover seemed to be made of some kind of animal skin, and it seemed too old and yellow.As soon as Li Tian saw that the fortune teller had dropped a broken book, he quickly picked it up, and then ran to the door to return it to the old man.Unfortunately, when he ran to the door of the car, the figure of the old man had already disappeared."Damn, so fast?" Li Tian said secretly there."Forget it, a broken book is not worth much money. If you lose it, you'll lose it."Li Tian sat back again and threw the broken book on the table at random.But when he threw the antique book on the table, the broken book seemed to have some attraction, which made Li Tian have an impulse to look at it carefully.So Li Tian really touched the book and looked at it carefully.The cover is made of some kind of animal skin, but the corners have been worn out, and a faded seal character is engraved on the cover. Because it is too vague, Li Tiangen could not see what the character is.Li Tian, holding this antique book in his hand, opened it slowly. As soon as he opened it, a smell of dust came out of the book. It's like this book hasn't been opened for years.Li Tian covered his nose and scolded, "what's this broken book?"Endured the bad smell, he slowly opened the book and stunned him at the moment."NIMA, what kind of book is this? Why are there tadpoles here?"Looking carefully at the book in front of him, the graphics and words on it were extremely strange, like ancient oracle bone inscriptions and tadpole inscriptions, one symbol by one, which made Li Tian depressed immediately.After turning a few pages, there are all these strange words here. Unfortunately, Li Tian can't understand it. He glanced at it and left the broken book on the table.He couldn't help muttering, "what a broken book."The antique book was placed in front of Li Tian, and what about him? Then lie down on the table and rest.Lying on the table, Li Tian is confused and sleepy, but in the process of his sudden sleepiness, an incredible tadpole text suddenly appears in his mind. Yes, it is indeed tadpole text.And it's the tadpole text in the "broken book" that Li Tian saw just now.Those little tadpoles seem to have all entered his mind, and they are still swimming. Where are they going? Unexpectedly, he swam towards the acupoints of Li Tian's whole body.Human acupoints can be divided into three categories: 1. Meridians. Also known as fourteen meridians. The acupoints distributed on the twelve meridians and Ren and Du Meridians are the main part of the whole body acupoints. 2. Strange acupoints. Also known as extra meridian qi acupoint. The acupoints with certain acupoint names, definite positions and therapeutic effects, but not yet classified into the fourteen meridians system, are called strange acupoints. 3. Ashi point, also known as tenderness point, is an important acupoint of human nerve center.And now tadpoles? Then they collided one by one on the big meridians and acupoints in Li Tian's body.Although Li Tian was tired and lying on the table, when the tadpole suddenly hit his acupoints, his body suddenly raised a slight heat from the Dantian, and it seemed as if there was some gas in his stomach.And Li Tian immediately felt that he was full of energy and comfortable all over. Isn't that right? Li Tian hurriedly sat up after the shock.He was completely stunned and touched his body. The whole person looked like a psycho. He felt it over and over there, and his heart was still muttering: what's going on? How did that tadpole come to my mind just now and get into my own body? However, when those little tadpoles swim around their bodies, how can they feel a sense of comfort they have never felt before, and their whole body is full of unprecedented strength.Li Tian is more and more surprised to think of here.Having lived for 20 years, he never believed that good luck would come to him, let alone that God would pay special attention to him. He was used to being lonely since childhood.But what happened today really surprised him. What's the matter with those little tadpoles? My body seems to have changed in a moment.He knew where the tadpole was just now. The position where his body swam was the position where the human body's air hole was. The so-called air hole was originally where the human body gathered strength. Under the abdomen, the tadpole swam just now had touched the air hole in his body, so Li Tiancai felt that his whole body was suddenly full of strength.Li Tian couldn't help looking at the broken book in front of him. He was surprised and wondered: darling, isn't it your reason?Thinking of this, Li Tian couldn't help picking up the broken book he had just lost.The yellow and smelly book was taken over by him again and studied carefully. The cover of the book was incomplete, and there was an ancient seal character engraved on it. Li Tian racked his brains to figure out what the character was.After opening the tadpole book again, Li Tian suddenly found that the book was definitely an antique among antiques. He didn't read it carefully just now. After reading it, he found that the paper in the book was actually ancient "zobo paper". Although Li Tian didn't know the "zobo paper", he could still see from the traces of those years and the rough lines on it that it was a very early paper.This kind of "Zuo Bo paper" was invented in the Eastern Han Dynasty. Although Zuo Bo paper is rough, it is wear-resistant. Because the paper is soaked in a special liquid, it lasts for a long time. Unlike other paper, it is broken when kneaded, but it is too rough and too thick, so it is not popular soon.But Li Tian doesn't know that he is holding ancient antiques. If he takes out money to sell, he really doesn't know how much he can sell... But what about Li Tian? Now he can only see that the broken book is thick and the paper looks like antiques.Opening the book, those strange tadpole characters were still fresh in my mind. Li Tian looked at them with great interest. The small tadpole characters seemed to move suddenly.Facing this strange scene, Li Tian was completely stunned.Surprised: can't you be dazzled? But after rubbing his eyes, he found that the words really seemed to be moving.