
The beginning

I'm now 16 years old and I hate that people do the same things that I do to look perfect like me. But 10 years ago, everything was different. When I heard from my best friend, in that time, that she was learning playing the piano, I was excited to do the same thing as her. I told my mother that I want to play the piano like my best friend and I never imagined that it is the best thing that someone can do, I didn't know that I will become such a talented pianist and I will love this art so much that I could not survive without it. I joined the little artists, but my best friend wasn't there, at the music school, and I really loved going there, singing, writing easy scores and meeting my teacher. His name was Najmeddin. He teached for 3 months and then he left the school and I felt so bad that I gave up learning playing the piano until the owner of the school knew about my breakdown and decided to teach me by himself, not only me , but he became the teacher of all the pupils in this music school. Mr Lotfi is so gentle, cheerful, kind and a very good pianist, guitarist, violinist , drums player and human being. I really like him and each person who enters Azzahra school gets along well with him. In my first time playing the piano in front of a lot of people, in 2013 , I made a simple mistake, my dad was a little disappointed, he stood up , all the spectators saw him, even Mr Lotfi saw him so he helped me repeat the song by playing the chords with me, in that time I was able to play only with my right hand. There is something I didn't mention and a lot of people don't notice it, it's that I am a shy girl, a quickly blushing human. This what made my talent be hidden from most of my friends and this is still carrying on .