
Phycho's Target!....{Kim Taehyung ff Oneshot}

It's Just a 2 Chapter ... Oneshot... Dive in yourself to explore what's about to happen !!!

Miss_taeminlove · คนดัง
2 Chs


YN: Yea...Sure!

*He ordered 2 caffè Mocha...after some time our drinks arrived ...As we talked so much about ourselves again... but! this time face to face.... we spent nearly an Hour in the cafe... we got out of the cafe ...as it was getting dark .. n I had to go home... So as we got out...we were walking in the street .... Taehyung was just beside me...Asih why my heartbeat's fast when .. I'm close to him...I again collect myself*

YN: So... Taehyung!

Taehyung: Yea? YN?

YN: You didn't go to work today???

Taehyung: Well I just took a day off... heheh

YN: Owwhh...

Taehyung : I wa-....

*Suddenly I saw a old grandmother trying to cross the road and unfortunately she was blind!... I ran towards her cutting off Taehyung's words ..as I grab grandmother's hand...She was startled ...by my touch!*

Grandmother: Oohhh!????

YN: Grandmother let me help you... cross the road ...

*I held her hands and we both crossed the road*

Grandmother: Thank you dear may God bless you..!

YN: Thank you grandmother please take care of yourself...

*After that I made my way back to Taehyung*

*Taehyung POV*

"Awwhhh..... S-She just helped her!????...*

Taehyung: YN?... why did you help her?

YN: Huh!?... Yah what do you mean... didn't you see grandmother was blind...?... or are you blind Mr Kim Taehyung?*giggles*

Taehyung: I mean what was the need???

YN: Taehyung are you serious???!!!

Taehyung: I-...

YN: We shoud always help people who are in need!... we should always help...even if we don't know them...!

YN: Idk why there are some people who kill innocent people....

YN: In my Opinion killing someone isn't na way to satisfy ones mind or soul.... it's just a cruel decision!

YN: We shoud always treat everyone with kindness and care...!!!

*Taehyung POV*

Idk why but her words are touching me...maybe because I do kill people 🤣..."But" The way she said with "Kindness and care" ....yet so beautiful!

Ohh wait!!... No! Taehyung... you will be Taehyung!!!

YN: Awh sorry I went too far heheh..... well it's late I should head home now!

Taehyung: Oh... yah let me drop you?

YN: Ah... no ...no it's fine Taehyung I'll go.....

Taehyung: C'mon YN! let me do you a favor ... being a new friend ...?

YN: Umm.. Okies!!...


In call

Taehyung: Baby... I love u sooo much...!!! muah !

YN: I love you too!.... now do your work oky... bbye ...!

Taehyung : Bye honey Take caree!!!....

Call ends


I don't know how it happened honestly but.... I've fallen in so deep...for you ...I love you Kim Taehyung... I smile to myself.... I hope we stay together... always ❤️

*Taehyung POV*

Hahah...YN... and me are in a different relationship now... A relationship ... of 2 lovers.... 1 True and.... 1 Fake ....

I've always used people as my toys.... and then finished them but..... She's different ...I wonder what will happen after killing her on 30th... December?.... Will I get satisfaction???.....Of course ! That's what I've always got !....Fun being a serial killer on every 30th December...


{Flashback on YN's words}

YN:"In my opinion killing someone isn't a way to satisfy one's mind or soul.. it's just a cruel decision!"

YN:"We shoud always treat everyone with kindness and care...!"

*Ahhhh Why am I thinking there types of useless things!!!!!!!*

Taehyung: No one can cure your Psychoness ... Taehyung No one!!!!!... YN is my current target .... only 3 fucking days left !...I-I can't wait for my birthday .... hahahah!

*TIME SKIP TO 29th Dec 11:55 pm*


Ah.... it's his first birthday with me .... I want to make it special for him.... Taehyung said he'll be home near 12:00... Aish! finally done with everything .... I just hope he likes it!*

*Creek .... and footsteps are heard and the door opens *

YN: Aishhh He's here!!!!!!!....

*Taehyung POV*

As I entered the house it seemed so quite... as I head to my room n open the door... why is it dark.. here... as I was about to switch on the lights and call YN....

Taehyung: Ho-

*Back to YN*

As he was ...about to switch on the lights.... and call out to me... I push the play button and his pictures and memories start playing in the screen in front of him.... I can tell by his face that he's surprised .... I go and hug him from behind whispering in his ears

YN: "Happy birthday Mr Unknown Number"

*Taehyung POV*

I was so Surprised .... no one ever did this for me.... nor celebrated my birthday ....

*Back to YN*

I switch on the lights after wishing him... and confetti's fall on both of us... I saw him surprised again hehe So cute ..

YN: Baby .. let's cut the cake now!

Taehyung : Y- You.... did all this ....just for me Y-YN....?

YN: Yes !!! now C'mon it's your birthday let's cut the cake!!

Taehyung: Y-Yes honey... T-Thank you so much!

YN: Shut up ....hahah

*We cut the cake ... n I fed him some cake hahah He was so happy ... seeing him happy makes me feel so happy from the inside n even I can't stop smiling .... Suddenly he puts the cake down and looked me in my eyes ... it feels like he's looking into my soul .....He pulled me in his embrace and smashed his lips on mine.... I kissed him back ...soon the kiss became passionate... without breaking the kiss .. he walked towards the wall n pinned me against the wall .... suddenly I was feeling uneasy near my abdomen ... I break the kiss and look down*

YN: !!!!!!!!!! A-....A Gun!?

*Taehyung POV*

Seeing YN... so confused and scared ... Aish it gives me so much pleasure....

YN: Tae-Taheyung .... what's this!?... why do you have a g-gun....!?

Taehyung: Shhh.... quite ...Baby it'll not hurt that much...

YN: What do you mean It'll not hurt!???

*Tears start streaming down my face.... While I was having these mixed feelings ... I was feeling so scared ... and confused .. Taehyung was just looking at me as if he's ... enjoying seeing my state right now....I never saw him behave like this....*

*Taehyung POV*

The sight was so beautiful and satisfying ... YN was tearing up... Seeing her so sacred and broken ... at the same time... Ah ...I feel .. such satisfaction....

Taehyung: I told you honey it'll not hurt..... I'll give you a peace ful death ...Because "I loved you"

YN: T-Taehyung .... was all this your plan...!!!??? ...b-but wh...why ?! did I do something wrong with you? I didn't! I just loved you .... and you do this to me!!!!!!??? why!!!!?

*Taehyung POV*

Ahhh!!!!.... YN was irritating me with her words....!!! No one! No one has ever shouted me like that before !!!

Taehyung: I said shut up!!!....

*As I was gonna shoot YN*

[Flashback on YN's words]

YN: "In my Opinion killing someone isn't a way to satisfy one's mind or soul... It's just a cruel decision!"

YN: "We should always treat everyone with kindness and care...!"

Taehyung : ahhhh !!! My head hurts.....! What's happening!!!!.....

*Taehyung POV*

I loose my grip on the gun .... and my head is just paining so much..... I see YN Coming to me....

*Back to YN*

As he was about to shoot... I closed my eyes.... but after a second I heard Taehyung screaming and saw him on the ground in pain!

YN: T-Taehyung!!!... Are y-you ... alright!!!???

Taehyung: Y-.....YN why did you come back to me.... you could have just ran....

YN: Because ..."I Love You".....

*Taehyung POV*

When YN told me she loves me...That time .... my soul felt at ease...but soon everything blacked out

*AFTER 1YEAR ...on 30th Dec*

*Taehyung POV*

Today... it's my birthday.... a normal birthday ... a happy... birthday.... No more killing .... no more selfishness.... no unkindness ..All thanks to YN... I'm grateful to her ...She helped me get cured .... the day I blacked out... YN took me to a specialist ... helped me to be a human again ....YN thought me Love ....Kindness ... Even when I just played her . She was still there for me.... she didn't abandon me... I love you park YN ..

*Suddenly the door opens*

YN: Yahh honey!? C'mon you said we'll go out ..on your birthday! So I'm all ready!!....

*Back to YN*

Taehyung suddenly pulled me in his embrace ... we were looking into each other's eyes .... I'm so happy Taehyung's fine now....

Taehyung: Thank you YN!!...For everything...Thank you for not leaving me that day...

*I said to her as I looked down and tears started falling off my cheeks ... YN Pulled me and gave me a peck on my lips... and wiped my tears ...*

Taehyung: Thank you... for making me a human ....YN.....

YN: Yaaahhaa .... Pabo Ahhhhhh!

Taehyung: Today I really wanna say to you... I love you park YN....! Will you marry me and make me the happiest man alive...!?

*I said as I kneeled before her... opening up a ring box ... I saw her Tearing up*

YN: OMG Tae..... Y-Yes.....!!!!!

*Back to YN*

After the beautiful ring ceremony moment that Taehyung n I shared... he got up and hugged me..... I happily hug him back...! as I break the hug...

YN: Yaahh Just don't be a Psycho again!

Taehyung: Guess what I'm still a Psycho !!!!*Smirks*

YN: Whattttttt the f!!!!!!

Taehyung:"FOR YOU"....! Hahahaha...

YN: Aish you pabo...! Kim Taehyung I hate you!!!

Taehyung : But I love you.... so much!.. Well do you know which one is the best hug in the world ?

YN: Idk.... Which!?

Taehyung: The one that comes with a solid ass grab ..

*His words made me laugh*

YN: Hahahaha.....

*But as I looked at him... Damn!.. he was dead serious... and I bite my lips nervously *

Taehyung: Baby .... Don't bite your lips... I'll do that for you...*Smirks*

*He winked at me and pulled me in his arms and carried me till bed n gently ... laid me on the bed..*

YN: Hon-

Taehyung: Baby Shhh....

*Taehyung POV*

YN.... you don't know how much I love you.... let me give you a surprise on my birthday *Smirks*

*Back to YN*

The atmosphere in the room was tensing up.... my heart was beating so fast as Taehyung was above me.... and he leaned in and whispered to me

Taehyung: Baby.... you are all I need to put my dirtiest fantasies in motion ....*Winkes*

*Back to YN*

OMG!!!... from where does he come up with such lines!!!!!! ... I looked at him in his eyes.... n see his eyes filled with Lust/Love...Oh boy!.... He caressed my face ... gently and leaned in for a Kiss.... As he kissed me ... he slowly undressed me..... I was so lost in his kiss.... I didn't realize that my panties were laying on the floor already ... until I feel his hands reaching my Womenhood .....I opened my eyes ....

Taehyung: Your so beautiful....Honey...

*Taehyung POV*

I kissed YN on her forehead .... It's so cute to see her react to every touch of mine... and to see her face all red *Giggles*

Taehyung: Babe.... are you ready.....!?*bites his lips*

YN: Y-Yes ... Please hold me tight

* I replied as I know what is about to take place....my feelings were rushing furiously ... I felt tingles all over my body as I was preparing myself for it.... Taehyung... held my hands .... and entered inside me without letting me adjust to his length ...This immense Pleasure and pain....*

YN: T-Taehyung baby....Slow....

Taehyung: Sorry Hon.... I'll go slow

*Taehyung POV*

I let YN adjust with my length and thrust slowly.... I see YN tilting her head backwards in pleasure the room was filled with her soft moans...that were making me crazy...AF..... as I feel YN getting on her edge ... I increase my pace.*

YN: Ah....hhh...Tae.....

*As I saw YN was almost on her edge ... I lean in for a kiss*

Taehyung: I love you Honey pie....

YN: I love you too...

*I increase my pace... as I'm on my edge too.... It's so hot... seeing YN... covered in my sweat .... I release my warmth inside her ... and pull out ... I lay beside her... and hug her tight!... and place a kiss on her forehead*

YN: Yah... Don't ever leave me...!

Taehyung: I'll not baby girl... well you know I'll always be beside you like this ..under you or above you...!

YN: OMG .....! How do you even come up with these !!!!!!

Taehyung: Hahahah Muuuahhh!!!!

*Back to YN*

Taehyung gives me a flying kiss ... and we both laugh together at his behavior

YN: I love you!

Taehyung : I love you too... but!

YN: But...!!!?

Taehyung: But I'll love someone else after 5 yrs .... Who'll call you Mommy...

YN: Aishhhh!!! OMG your unbelievable Mr KIM TAEHYUNG!!!!!!

Taehyung: I know!

*We both laugh together at each other!!!!*


Taehyung: I love you...park YN!

*Taehyung said as he hugged me....*

YN: I love you tooo...!

???: Then who'll love me? *Hump!*

*Our 4 Year old daughter Says as she enters the room*

YN/Taehyung: We will Love you!!!!!!!!!

*We both said as Taehyung n I ran towards her and hugged her*



Heheh The end... I hope you liked this sweet Oneshot !!! If you have any questions and ideas Comment below! Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me! Thank you!

Miss_taeminlovecreators' thoughts