

In the small village of Lockefield, within the Kingdom of Redion, a single track was visible within the snow covered fields. This track made its way towards the forest, as Jordan was moving towards the forest. Even though it is a difficult journey to make, Jordan had to do this. Being the woodcutter of the town, he was appointed with providing the village with sufficient firewood. Especially in a harsh Snow¹ season like this one.

Not giving up, Jordan slowly made his trough the thick layers of snow. There was a cold wind that made the journey even more difficult. Grabbing the coat tighter, the cold still managed to get in. luckily, he was able to loan the furry bear coat of the village chief. Otherwise this journey would be impossible to make. With the income that he currently had, buying something like that was really difficult. If he wanted to, he had to save up for at least two years.

A smile formed up on his face as he slowly started to see the tree lines. A road that would normally take him a brief moment took him now at least three times longer. Luckily he had a small sled with him. With this carrying back the wood to the village would be a lot easier. In this sled there was a rope to help with carrying the logs back to town. Moreover there was a bag with some provisions as well as an axe.

Jordan did not like to leave in this cold and harsh weather. If there was no need for fire wood in this weather, he would rather spend the time at home together with his wife. Having inherited the profession from his father, he was the only woodcutter in the village. 'Well, at least the pay in the winter is higher. So it will be easier when the little one comes' Jordan thought to himself.

Slowly dragging his feet in the snow, Jordan had finally made his way to the outskirt of the forest. There was still some way left, as Jordan had to go deeper into the forest. The trees on the outskirts were still rather young and therefore not that useful. Especially after being soaked by the snow.

The journey in the forests became a lot easier as the snow was getting less sense. The tree branches started to form a natural roof that kept away the majority of the snow from falling to the ground. Having the freedom to move faster, Jordan started to track the road with a quicker phase.

Occasionally soft chirping could be heard coming from the winter birds that populated the forest. It had a warm feeling to it. Jordan only could smile a bit as he knew that he was not alone in this forest.

Having made his way to a nice location that was filled with various sized trees, Jordan placed the sled and took out his axe. Finding a smaller tree to cut down, Jordan noticed that the tree still was around an arm length² in diameter. He could basically hug the tree.

This tree would definitely provide sufficient firewood for a single household for a year. So if he was able to cut this tree and drag it back towards the village, the whole village would easily withstand the snow season.

Rising up his axe, Jordan spoke up, "Well, here I go!" With that he swung the axe with all his might hitting the tree truck. Continuing this handling time after time, the cuts on the tree started to become visible.

After a short moment, the smoke of his breath started to increase. The weather being cold and the exhaustion that he already had from the walking towards his destination strained his ability to work properly. Not having swung his axe for 20 times, his muscles started to ache.

Exhausted he made his way towards the sled and sat down. Picking up the skin, he took a big gulp of the mead to quell his thirst and warm himself up. The bitter earthy taste gave a weird aftertaste as he started to gulp down the mead. Even the quality of the skin was rather bad. Most of the products that were within the village were locally made. The water skin in his hands was made by the local hunters. As there was no tanner in the village, the quality of the products deteriorated quickly. The higher quality products came together with the traders for higher prices. But even then not every required product could be found.

After drinking the mead, Jordan pulled the coat tighter to prevent the blowing wind from getting the better of him. Luckily the fur coat that he got from the village chief is of a high quality, as it helped shield him from the cold.

After haven rested a bit, Jordan felt confident to continue with what he was doing. At least he was certain that he would be able to cut down the remainder of the tree before having to take another rest.

Continuing where he left off, he started to apply the tricks that he had learned from his father. As they were woodcutters for some generations now, there were some methods that got developed as time passed. This helped them reduce time and cut more efficiently.

Even with the method, it took Jordan some time before being able to cut down the tree. As the tree was falling down the snow that it shielded started to fill the sky with a small layer of white. A loud fall echoed through the forest as the tree hit the ground with a heavy bang. Even some of the birds got spooked by this as they flew away quickly while making some angry chirping noise.

Hearing these angry voices, Jordan could only laugh at it. 'Sorry little birds for destroying your house. But I am in need for this wood. I hope that you can relocate with ease.'

After a quick rest, he started to chop of the tree branches to increase the amount of fire wood. After which he picked up the hemp rope from the sled and tied it around the tree trunk. With great difficulty he dragged the tree back and tied it onto the sled.

Looking back at the tree, Jordan noticed that the tree was almost seven arm lengths long. This was definitely a good tree and would provide quite some wood. However he was not yet done. Now he had to drag the tree all the way back to his workshop to work on making some firewood.

'If I leave now, I will be able to arrive home before the sun sets. I hope that Anna is doing fine at home.' Jordan thought to himself as he looked up to see where the sun was. With that, he started to make his journey back. The road through the forest would be that difficult, however he was not looking forward to the journey in the fields as they were covered with layers of snow.

The journey back took Jordan considerable longer compared to his journey to the forest. Jordan had to drag the cut down wood with him, and therefore it took more energy out of him. As the road was rather tiresome, he had to rest several times during his journey.

Finally arriving home, he felt rather exhausted. There was still a feeling of happiness coming to him as he finally was able to rest after the wood was brought to the workshop. 'I wonder how Anna is doing. I hope she has prepared her delicious stew for supper.'

After dragging the wood with difficulties to the workshop, he walked towards the cabin that he called home to rest up. Opening the door, the warm air of the house tried to escape, before it collided with his face. With a loud and happy shout, he called out into the room, "Honey! I am back! What do we have for supper?"

However there was no reaction at all. 'What is going on? Why didn't she answerer?' Jordan started to wonder. Before he could move a muscle a loud scream came from another door. "AAARRGGHHH!!" a female voice cried out. Shocked by this, Jordan picked up a piece of fire wood, as he slowly made his way towards the room. 'What happened? Why was Anna screaming?' Worry started to build in him as he slowly made his way towards the door.

Opening up the door with a rush, Jordan was met with three people who were standing in the room, surrounding a bed. Instincts took over as he rushed towards one of the persons while screaming "Leave my wife alone!"

As he was about to strike, he noticed that the others did react to him at all. 'What is going on?' he wondered to himself. Taking a closer look, he started to realize that the figures looked familiar. They were the midwives of the town. Noticing this, excitement started to build up in him, 'Is it finally time?'

Realizing this, the stick that he previously picked up dropped from his hand, as he slowly walked over to the side of his wife. The midwives made way to him as they had noticed that Jordan was passing through. A smile started to build up on his face as he saw his wife lying on the bed. She looked at him and made a smile with some difficulties.

This did not take long, as the woman started to scream again. Hearing this, Jordan rushed to the bedside and grabbed the hands of Anna. Not sure how to react or what to do, tons of emotions passed through his heart. Tightening his grip onto the hand he pulled it to his forehead as he started to pray. 'Please Mistress Izayat³. Please help Anna birth a new life into this world.'

As he finishes his prayers, another scream came from Anna. Scared for a moment, Jordan heard another scream. This one was younger but louder, "Waaah!"

Realizing what had happened, Jordan quickly looked at the small being, before looking back at the Anna. A beautiful smiled formed up on her face, which was covered by sweat. It was clear that she was rather exhausted. Anna slowly opened up her mouth and spoke up with a weak voice, "Congratulations dear! You are a father now!"

Hearing these words, the emotions in his heart exploded as tears started to form in his eyes. Still holding tightly onto his wife's hand, he kissed it as a happy expression finally formed up on his face.

"It is a beautiful boy." One of the midwives announced with a happy voice. Looking at her, she was holding a small child in her arms. The screaming and cries were still ongoing. The midwife moved closer to Anna with the baby in her hands. With a smile she gave the baby to Anna with congratulation.

It seemed as if the baby noticed that he was now at his mother's side as the cries started to dim down. Instead, the baby who was in the arms of Anna slowly opened his eyes and started to look around with some curiosity.

'He must have felt his mother's grace.' Jordan thought to himself. He could not control his emotions as various things passed through his body; excitement, happiness as well as worry. He was scared that something might happen to the small being that was now in front of him. However, this picture, which looked so peaceful and perfect, was something that he could never forget. He could only hope that time would freeze at this moment and that they would stay here forever.

Having a weak smile on her face, Anna looked at her husband. "Look how beautiful he is dear. He looks so peaceful." Anna had difficulties talking, yet it sounded as her voice started to gain strength. Turning her eyes back to the baby, Anna continued, "So, what will we name our child dear?"

Coming back to his senses, Jordan started to think about it. However, being engulfed in emotions, thinking straight became a difficult task. Pondering for a while, Jordan came up with a name, "Well, my dad was called Adner, so we can name him the same?" The moment he mentioned the name, the face of Anna changed. It was clear that she was not happy with that name for her child.

"That sounds nice dear, yet I think that we should name him a bit more original. I hope that he would be a fortunate child. So why do we not name him Otto?" Anna answered.

"Otto. That is indeed a beautiful name. I think it surely will suit him." Jordan agreed with the name as he replied to her. The happiness in his heart kept growing, as he moved in closer to have a look at the baby, before hugging them both. 'Otto, that does sound good.' Jordan thought to himself.

Seeing the happy atmosphere one of the midwives walked forward and spoke up, "Well, our job here is done, I guess that it is time for us to leave. Again congratulations for the beautiful baby." With those words, the midwives started to retreat, before one stopped them and turned around. Looking back at the happy family she remembered something, "Anna, I will come over tomorrow morning to check on you." Saying those words the midwives were about to leave the room before Anna thanked her and the rest for everything.

Being left alone in the room, Anna looked over at her husband and spoke up with a smile, "Well, now you have to work double as hard dear. You have now three mouths to feed." The happiness was apparent in the whole room, as it would be difficult for the atmosphere to die down.

After some time passed by, Jordan said with a smile, "Well, it will all be worth it for you guys." He continued, "Well, I guess that you two need some rest." With those words, Jordan stood up, kissed his wife and child and was about leave the room.

"Don't get too far away dear. I might need your help later on" Anna called out to her husband.

Nodding, he left the room making his way towards the workshop. 'I have to work extra hard now. Especially to warm of the little one in this cold weather.' With determination he was about to leave the cabin, before Anna's voice called out again, "Dear come quickly!"

Worried that something might have happened, Jordan rushed over to the room. In the room, Jordan saw that Anna was smiling at the baby. She ushered him in and turned the baby around. Jordan could not believe what he saw. In his heart he started to wonder, 'Was that a smile? Did he just smile at me?' He could not believe the miracle that was just happening. "Is he… is he smiling?" looking at Anna, he asked unsure.

Anna nodded with a smile, "Isn't it the most beautiful thing you have ever seen?"

Giving a nod in agreement, Jordan moved to their side. Arriving at the bedside, Jordan sat down onto the bed and moved his arm around the shoulder of Anna. "I only fear that he will have a difficult time growing up in this world."

Hearing those words, Anna became angry. Turning her head quickly to Jordan, she replied with a rather angry voice, "Don't say those ugly words!" However, after a moment, she could not help but feel in her heart that she had to agree with him.

Realizing that he turned the happy mood solemn, Jordan tried to ease up the situation which he created, "Don't worry about it all. He will have me to protect him. I am sure that everything will be alright." Looking back at the child he added, "Well, it was silly of me to bring it all up. What we should do is be grateful for this miracle to occur and enjoy our evening."

That cold night progressed in a high mood. The cold weather was forgotten as both Jordan and Anna witnessed a miracle of their first child being born. They felt as if they were the luckiest people alive. They would never forget what happened in that cold day.

1: There are 5 seasons in the world; Bloom(spring), Warmth (early summer), Rain(late summer), Fall(autumn) and Snow(winter)

2: Arms length represents 1 meter

3: Izayat, Goddess of life

Starting this chapter, I will aim to make the chapters around this size. I hope that the story can get you engaged.

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