
Phoenix's Realm

The magic in this is from the Arcane Adventures series. I might add other elements like Awakenings if that's a wanted thing. Haruno OC, but the lack of Chakra doesn't really matter when you don't use it. First Magic: Fire (nostalgia) Enjoy! Yes, this was recently renamed.

ShimaAkaruki · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
13 Chs

A Dark Outfit

A/N: I realize not much happened in the last chapter, so sorry about that.

I'll extend this chapter so something happens.


After Iruka was treated, I profusely apologized for going too hard.

Iruka forgave me but forbade me from using Magic in spars with students, and docked points for using it. Though I technically followed the rules, it was supposed to be a Taijutsu spar.

Even though I felt bad, I trained much harder, using my flaming fists, which I call Magic Fists, for training. It seemed to train my Magic and Physical Strength at the same time, which sounds obvious, but I didn't even notice for a week, still training my magic separately. 

I can form Fireball Spells with one hand now, something that took surprisingly a while to do.

A few months passed, with me training, and creating new spells. The spells are:

Fire Pillar,

A magic circle forms on the base of my foot and I stomp, a pillar of flame erupting around me.

Burning Soul,

A magic circle forms at the back of the target, and I hit them with a flurry of flaming punches at an intense speed. (a/n: flaming ora ora)

and finally,


I stretch my palm out, and two small magic circles form, three powerful small fireballs firing from them.


I was walking back from the academy, and I noticed a dim light coming from the cracked wall in an alley wall. I sensed around me, checking for any life, another ability I picked up. Finding none, I approach the wall, charging a bunch of mana in my fist and forearm.

I punch the wall, and with a tunnel of fire in the direction I punched, the wall is broken, and I see stairs leading into an extremely run-down torch-lit area.

Going down the stairs, I approach a golden chest, the torches around it a blazing white, never going out. Everything looked extremely run down, with vines covering everything, but the pedestal with the chest was untouched.

I approach the chest and click it open.

There was a katana, filled with Mana... That was weird, nothing else in this world had Mana, not even the air. There was a cloak, black as the void, filled with a dark Mana... There was also a headpiece, I had never seen it before, and it was as dark as the cloak. (a/n: the helmet of Nordic Valkyries.) Finally, at the bottom, there was a scepter. It emitted a Mana even darker than the cloak. 

Aureus put on the cloak, and it fit perfectly, same with the helmet. The scepter just floated behind him at an angle.

However, Aureus felt an immense power flow through him, and as he tested out a Fireball, there were two spell circles, like a Blunderbuss, but they were as dark as the cloak, and as he fired the spell, the Fireball was larger than a Great Fireball, but was an ominous black, and it made a powerful explosion on impact. As the smoke cleared, Aureus saw that the affected area seemed to be withering, and the vines were wilting. Aureus sensed someone coming near the alley, so he silently ran up the stairs, and he calmly walked out of the alley, going home.

As Aureus walked home, he passed by a ramen stand and saw Naruto eating ramen, so he decided to sit down and order a bowl of miso ramen.

Naruto didn't recognize Aureus at first because of his new outfit and the weapons, but after recognizing him, Naruto had a bunch of questions.

"Where did you get those weapons?"

"Can I see them?"

"Why did you choose black?"

Normally, Aureus wouldn't mind, but the dark Mana was influencing him, and he politely asked Naruto to stop talking.

"Naruto, please stop talking," I said, before taking another bite of ramen. Naruto looked down and ate his ramen.

After eating, I tipped the ramen stand and walked away.

They didn't thank me.


It's been a year since I came to this world. I remember nothing of before I came here. I should've made this journal sooner. The graduation exam is today. I'll get to use my abilities in action for once..

I've learned to place Fire Pillars under targets. Every one of my spells is much larger and has three spell circles now.

My Fireball Spell occasionally has specks of blue and yellow in it. I can't figure out why.

Otherwise, it's time to become a shinobi, and become the strongest wizard. On second thought, I'm the only wizard.. so I've already reached that goal.


I walked into the academy with a pep in my step. If you're wondering how people reacted to my new look... They didn't care, but I was instructed to turn in the weapons until class ended.

When the graduation exam rolled around, I was instructed to fight Iruka while he could use Chakra. I had no clue how this would go. I had never seen Iruka's full strength, which is likely what he would use, so I was going into this without any knowledge. I had to end this quickly.


I charged at Iruka at full speed, flying towards him. I wasn't taking any chances.

He flew through hand signs.

"Suiton: Mizurappa!"

A powerful stream of water came out of Iruka's mouth, and I knew what to do.

I leapt over the stream, reaching my hand towards him when I was above him.

Three spell circles formed. "Fireball!" A massive Fireball flew towards Iruka from my position.

Iruka flew through hand signs again.

"Suiton: Gōkakyū no Jutsu!" A large water ball clashed with the Fireball, creating a huge mass of steam. I sensed for his position, sensing him near me. I raised my foot, two spell circles forming.

"Fire Pillar!'

"Suiton: Wōtā Dōmu!"

A dome of water engulfed Iruka, trying to protect him from the Fire Pillar, another mass of steam spreading.

Once the steam settled, I saw Iruka with third degree burns all over him.


The Shadow Clone dispersed, and I got a Chakra filled punch to the back of my head.

Going flying, I slam into a tree, the wind knocked out of me.

Pulling out all the stops, I put all of my energy into a Fireball, and Iruka does the same with a Great Waterball.

The spell circle forms, but it has a Phoenix symbol rather than a Fire symbol, and the fireball fires, being blue and green.

The Fireball goes through the Water Ball, and Iruka uses the Body Flicker to get out of the way, and it explodes in a dome of blue and green flames.

That took everything out of me, and I feel a kunai to my neck.

I still can't beat a Chunin.


After being treated by the medics, I went to testing on what I call Phoenix Magic.

Turns out, it can do some neat stuff.

Besides being a very powerful Fire Magic, I can fly, power up my physical abilities, and also, the fire never goes out unless I let it.

Unfortunately, I can't use Fire Magic anymore, so most of my spells like Fire Pillar don't work because Phoenix Magic is too difficult to shape. Spells like Fireball and Blunderbuss work fine. Though their shapes are less spherical. I renamed Fireball to Arrow, since it doesn't seem to be actual fire anymore.

Flying is so much fun.


I did pass the Genin exam. I was assigned apprenticeship since they don't have enough people for a team.

"Aureus Haruno? You have an apprenticeship under Anko Mitarashi. You're assigned Team 14."


"Aureus Haruno? I'm Anko Mitarashi. I'm your sensei. Follow me." She vanished with a Body Flicker. Sensing for her location, I leap out the window and fly towards her at immense speeds, blue-green wings of Phoenix Fire on my back. I quickly caught up to her, slowing down as she ran.

"Why are you running?!" *I yelled, and she clicked her tongue and Body Flickered away again. I quickly caught up to her again.

"Why are you running?!" I repeat, throwing an Arrow in her path. She halted and I picked her up, flying upwards.

Stopping, I look at her. "Now, can we talk?" I ask her, and she tries to slash my wing with a kunai, but it's made of fire, so it just sets the kunai on fire, making her drop it.

"How did you think that would go?"

She looks at me pointedly. "Put me down."

Lowering to the ground, I place her down.

"Tell me about yourself." She said with an annoyed tone.

"Aureus Haruno. I'm twelve, and I want to become the strongest person to ever live with just Arcane Magic, since I was born without Chakra."

She nods, most likely having read my file.

"Anko Mitarashi. All you need to know is my name and rank."

My eye twitched in frustration as my wings dispersed.

"Okay. I know you weren't going full speed, your battle strength went up when you sped up. There's no way I could catch a Jonin that easily."

"Special Jonin." She corrected.

I already knew this was going to be annoying.


We were on our first mission. I wasn't expecting an assassination mission, but at least I could test my skills.


Shifting in my cloak, I put on a frightened face as I sensed the target coming near me.

"Hey kid, you ok?"

Come hither, acting skills.

"T-theyre dead.." I said with tears in my eyes, causing the target to frown.

He held my hand and led me.


A Phoenix Magic circle formed under us, and a dome of Phoenix Fire incinerated the target, and I collected his ashes in a bag.

I took off, flying to the rendezvous point with immense speeds.


Anko saw my wings coming nearer. I dove, landing in front of her.

"Target eliminated."

She nodded, turning.

"Cool, let's-- DUCK!" She yelled, and I put up a flame barrier, dozens of shrunken and kunai melting after being in contact with it.

The flames dispersed.

"Hey look, ambush." I noted jokingly, sensing meters around us.

"Four Genin, Two Chunin." I said, lifting a finger, incineration half of them.

"Make that one Genin."

With a battle cry, the remaining three fired multiple jutsu.




"Gokakyou no Jutsu!" They said in unison, a ball of lightning and fire flying at me.

I put my hand out.


Two Phoenix Magic circles formed, a bomb of Phoenix Fire obliterating the Combination Jutsu and incinerating the rest of the shinobi, a dome of inferno exploding on impact.

I look to Anko, grabbing her and taking off towards the village.

Suffice to say, Anko was surprised.


What'd you think? The chapter is structured a little differently, but I can change that in the next if that's wanted.

Overall, I figured since a year passed, and AA takes place over at most a few months, (travel time) Aureus has more than enough time to get this strong, even if I halved his growth. Iruka beat him because he's still kind of just throwing attacks with a lot of power, but not much finesse.

I find it possible that Iruka can use a Shadow Clone. I know its classified as a Jonin Technique, but think about how Jonin usually make multiple at once, and Iruka only made one.

Let me know what you thought, have a good day/night!

1726 words