
Servant, Steed, Armor


Aeron was shocked to see the humanoid servant that appeared before him after using Summoning Crystal.

[This servant will be useful, alright.]

Lapis was pleasantly surprised.

The humanoid standing before Aeron with closed eyes and surrounded by a strange aura similar to Summoning Crystal when it activated had features strikingly similar to a famous fantasy race.

Two long pointy ears, fair skin, lean-muscled figure, and short blond hair. 

He was an elf!

The strange aura around him vanished, and he opened his eyes filled with confusion and apprehension. 

"Where am I? Who are you?" the elf jumped back and a long wooden spear with magical markings appeared in his hand, pointing at Aeron with killing intent.

He wore a skin-tight garment akin to an elven ranger, with a waist belt containing pouches.


But he soon fell on his knees while screaming with pain and holding his head.