
The Truth Part One

After slowly taking each step cautiously, Mei found herself standing in front of the gates to the palace. The gate that led into the Palace's front yard was a tall metal barred gate. The space between the bars was big enough for Mei to even squeeze between. She reached out and touched the gate, with her eyes closed and her brow scrunched up as if she was expecting to be electrocuted the moment she touched it. But to her surprise, she was able to touch the bar without an issue. Seeing no danger, Mei quickly stepped through. But when she turned around to look at the spot she just came through from, she was stunned to see nothing but a tall stone wall that went up a few tens of meters high. 

Mei quickly touched the wall to see if this was an illusion but the wall was completely solid which made Mei's heart sink. "Am I trapped in here!?"