
Test Of No Mercy Part One

When Alicia opened her eyes she was greeted by a luxurious room. She was lying in a large canopy bed adorned with jewels and expensive looking pink cloth. The room itself was about ten times the size of the room she had in her own house. But one thing she noticed was that everything seemed to be embedded with jewels. With one look Alicia knew she was now in the body of some rich person. She got out of bed and walked to the far wall that had a large makeup table with a mirror. The person staring back at her had long black hair, green eyes, and a white complexion, she seemed to be around fourteen to sixteen years of age. She was very pretty but Alicia had seen prettier girls. 

While Alicia was examining her new body a knock came on the door before it slowly opened. "Princess It's time to… Princess!" A young maid looked at Alicia with a startled expression.