
Incoming Danger

Another round of laughter broke out from the crowd making the young man even more embarrassed. He could no longer take the embarrassment and finally drew his sword. "Little bitch, die!" 

The young man swung his sword down but Mei was no longer there. He felt a sharp pain in the back of his neck and the world around him suddenly began to grow dark. The sword in the young man's hand fell to the ground as did his body. Mei stood there looking at the young man frowning. "Why did you pull your sword out? Now I had no choice but to knock you out." 

Mei pulled the young man to the side so that he was out of the way and went back and stood in line where she was before, waiting for the old man behind the counter to wake up. The old man was very pleased with Mei's actions. Pretending as if he had just woke up he stretched and looked at the crowd of people and the young man knocked out laying to the side. "Young lady, can I do something for you?"