
A Sign Of Hope

Back to the present…

Alicia looked over her shoulder and looked at the four incoming monsters and her face paled. Her teammates could not fly so she was forced to run alongside them. Plus flying now would really be a bad idea. Over the course of the week, Alicia had gone out solo to test her luck against these monsters only to find her ability to fight these things to be very low. She could barely do any damage to them without resorting to catastrophic means. She wanted to leave such attacks as her last choice. So far she could see that Bergath was not harming the environment. Which was good. But she still felt that eventually, she would need to make a major move which will destroy a good portion of land.

"Why are things never easy!?" Alicia yelled out in complaint.

"Princess what should we do next?" The same soldier asked again, his face was paler than the others.