
Pessimist Reincarnated as a Worm

What would happen if you were reincarnated as the weakest thing in the world. A WORM?!??! Read as the MC, Quinn, struggles to survive in hopes of one day thriving.

Black_Flare · แฟนตาซี
20 Chs


'Life is boring.

Wake up, go to work, work, go home, eat, game, sleep, repeat.

I work even though I hate it.

I game even though all games are slowly becoming boring.

Not to even mention how girls avoid talking to me just by looking at me.

I hate my life.'

As if to answer Quinn's prayer, Truck-kun suddenly appeared from an alley ready to hit its victim.

Sadly, it wasn't Quinn. It was a little girl who carelessly ran out without looking both ways.

Quinn froze.

A guy standing next to him ran out and grabbed the girl, and at the last moment, the truck made contact.

Dislocating the man's shoulder, the man twisted as to prevent falling on the girl.

He landed on his other shoulder.

Truck-kun slammed on the breaks. The truck driver seemed to immediately pull out his phone to call Emergency Services.

Quinn pissed his pants.

This added to his odour of not showering for weeks.

Noticing this, Quinn scurried back to his apartment to change.

'I wish I was that man.

He was handsome, brave and that girl's mother seemed to want to fuck him.'

His thoughts turned into words to himself.

"No one wants to fuck me. Not poor old Quinn. All these people playing victim don't know what it's like to have no friends."


In a fit of rage, Quinn went to the medicine cabinet. He pulled all the medicine and started downing them.

Panadol. Aspirin. His large amount of unfinished antidepressant scripts.

As expected, he collapsed.

He tried to stay conscious, but his eyes felt heavier and heavier. Until a sharp pain invaded his gut. He vomited.

It burnt. His body betrayed him. He opened his mouth, trying to scream, but nothing came out.

He tried to flail his body, but it was already collapsing in on itself. A void of black nothingness consumed his conscious.

Theoretically, death couldn't be black. Black is the concept of no light. However, death is the end of consciousness, and without consciousness, concepts like language and black can not even be fathomed.

But despite that, a window appeared in front of the fat degenerate.

[Your pessimism disgusts the Gods]

'Huh, what is this? Who the fuck cares about what some fake Gods think'

Thoughts were felt rather then coherent substrates of clear thoughts.

Like everything was silenced to the point that the only thing left was tiny fragments of subconsciousness.

[Punishment loading ...]

'Punishment? Am I going to hell??'

[Punishment Complete]

'I don't deserve punishment'

[Reincarnating to another world ...]

'Wait, I'm gonna be a hero'

[Reincarnation Complete]

'Yes, this is gonna be so good.'

[Successfully reincarnated]


Quinn felt alive. The energy of a new spirit.

'Ahh, fresh youth. Wait... Why is it still dark. And crampt.'

Quinn tried to flail his body around only to find out that it felt like he was in a slimy cocoon. Or a womb. Or an egg.

'Ohh snap, I'm not born yet. Just need to wait'

So Quinn decided to wait.

However, due to Quinn's overindulgence in Tik Tok and the latter, he had little patience.

1 minute later...

'Ahhhhhh!!!! Why is it taking so long'

Quinn stretched his body against the confines of his unknown environment. The walls burst open, and...

'It's still dark. Ick, get this slim off me'

He went to wipe his face with his hands. Only to realise he has no hands. He tried to step out of the egg only to realise he has no legs.

'Just a, tail???'

Quinn couldn't see it but felt it. His entire body consisted of one large tail. Head to tail-end.

'Oh snap, I'm blind and my body is a tail. Fuuck, I'm a snake. I guess that's not that bad.

But aren't snakes only half blind.

it must be night time.'

Eager to experience the world, Quinn crawled out of his egg. Only to be hit by a wall.

'Well, I'm obviously in a burrow'

But searching around Quinn discovered that the burrow was quite small and insignificant.

His egg was lodged on the side of a tunnel. It didn't make sense.

'Surely there's a status window I can check'

So Quinn tried, but he couldn't talk.

'Status' ... Nothing.

'self appraisal' ... Nothing.

'Ahhh... What the heck. How am I gonna get stronger if I can't even check my status?'

After a while, Quinn stopped whining in his head and felt his egg. It wasn't hard and brittle. The egg was more squishy and slimy.

He had to feel around with his unfamiliar body, of course. And with touch, the first system window appeared.

[Skill Unlocked: [Appraisal] ]

[Awarding 20 Exp]


[Appraisal: [Worm egg] ]

Now, it is clear that the [Appraisal] skill requires a sensory stimuli to activate.

However, Quinn was more concerned about his race.

'W-WORM!?!??! This is bs!! This is outrageous!! Even a slime is better!!!'