
Pervert reincarnate to MHA

................................................................................................................. Being a perverted, anime otaku hakuto died in the most pathetic way. "pffft! he died while jacking off!" a person who found him dead on his room laughed During his funeral people were laughing at him as well. His family tried to endure their laughter as this was supposed to be a sad occasion. soon he got reincarnated into deku's body, but he was not completely reincarnated........ "huh?" ................................................................................................................. fanfic on my hero academia where mc reincarnated as deku... read till chapters 10, since I don't want to spoil the story in the synopsis. there is gonna be so much drama, so for those who doesn't like the mc getting beaten up don't try to read. warning: English is not my first language, so for those who can't stand wrong grammars....sorry I guess. Also if you are impatient and don’t like character developments don’t read this. The mc is pretty dumb at the start and cringe. Please write a review that is fair...if my geammar is bad don’t leave a one star.

Shamelezzz · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
36 Chs

New quirk 2/2 (17)

I kept piling up trash after trash in front of the truck. He kept yelling out 'go' while Using his whistle. Looking at him I couldn't help, but notice his happy expression. It seems like he is thinking of something positive.

"Go! Go! Go! Do it!" All might said in english. Looking at him I couldn't help and think that he would pass it to me already. Feeling excited just thinking about it I started to work harder.

"Huff! Huff! Huff! Huff! Huff! Huff!"

While training I kept breathing out as I move faster. Moving one things from another I started to feel tired. There is still a lot to go through, but I need to finish this. Now that I'm doing it, I'm pretty sure that it will take a while. Since I'm already starting to get tired and exhausted.

Time passed by, I have been carrying all of it for 4 hours now and I'm about to finish I just need to carry that big ass bed. I was able to lift it up for a while, but my arm gave out from lifting it up. So I decided to push it, while Pushing the bed it leaves a trail on the sand.

'Who the fuck throws a big bed like this? Are you fucking dumb?' I complained in my mind as I push this fucking heavy ass bed.

Finally I got to the stairs, and I need to fucking lift it up the stairs.

'Fucking hell! This is heavy as a motherfucker' Holding my breathe I lift it up.

A/n: well you are a motherfucker...

"Do your best!" All might said while he encourage me to do it.

"OOOOOORRRRAAAAA!" I yelled out while I lift the bed up.


"Huff! Huff! Huff!" I breathed heavily after successfully lifting it up. I rested for a while trying to catch my breathe.

A/n: what the fuck is the difference between breathe and breath? I searched it up and still couldn't get how to use it.

I started to push it towards the truck which is far away from here.

Finally finishing it, I yelled out loud from exhaustion.


All might smiled as he looks at me, he couldn't believe that I finished it with just more than a month of time.

I look at all might with excitement. Noticing my smile he giggled then turned to his muscle form.

"Good job, midoriya shounen! Now that you finished the training with in just a month, eat!" All might said then pulled a string of hair on his head. Remembering what I had to do to inherit his power I hesitated to eat it. But I still reach out for his hair and made it into a ball of hair. Putting it in my mouth, I didn't chew on it and swallowed it.

"Uwe! It's stuck on my throat!" I said as the ball of hair got stuck on my throat. I tried swallowing it, but it's still stuck and it tasted like gel.

"W-wait...let me get some water!" All might said while panicking. He suddenly vanished and appeared again with water on his hand. I reached out for it and started to drink it.

*gulp! *gulp!

"Fuaaah! Huff....Huff.....I thought I was gonna die!" I muttered as I breathe heavily.

"Phew! Are you okay? Midoriya shounen!" All might asks me with concern.

"I'm okay...thank you all might!" I said with excitement as I try to see the changes on my body. I tried to act like deku the first time he got his power

"You will feel the changes after a day or two" all might said as he noticed what I was trying to do. I nodded then look at him.

"As soon as you got your power we will train your control over it for the next remaining months!" All might said proudly while patting my head.

"Yosha! Thank you all might!" I said excitedly. Well I'm really excited to know how this quirk works and I need to train in the training room with it. I need to at least be able to put out 20% without breaking my limbs and I need to learn full cowl as well. This might take a lot of time, but with the help of my 'training room' I will be able to improve faster.

Saying our goodbye to all might I went back to my house.

"I'm back home!" I said with a exhausted tone.

"Welcome home, but why do you sound so tired?" My mom asks me. Noticing the tiredness on my voice.

"I got too ahead of my work out" I answered, since she already knew that I've been working out recently and that I want to go to UA. There is no need to hide that I'm working out.

"Un! Just make sure to not overwork yourself!" She said while cooking food. I went to my room and picked some clothes up to go shower. While showering I started to think of my training. Now that I have a quirk, I can train in combat inside the training room.

Since there is 7 and a half months left til the UA entrance exam. I can probably train for more than a year and a half inside the training room. The first month there I will train my full cowl until I can release atleast 10 percent of the power and I will probably train some combat strategies from the comics that I know.

A/n: author here! Suggest some characters that has great combat techniques. For example, sanji's skywalk or maybe Rock lee. I probably will do rock lee first, so make a better suggestion than rock lee.

Now that I think about it my massage skill was pretty strange. I still don't know what it can do, can it only make girls horny and make people relieve their tiredness? Or is there something else?

'System! Is there other uses for my massage skill?' I asks the system while relaxing on the tub.

"You can train it until you can heal someone from just a massage!" The system explained, hearing it I needed someone to train it on. I could only think of mitsuki, but if I did it to her it will take a lot of time and her husband will get suspicious of us.

After taking a relaxing bath, I put my clothes on and went to eat with my mom.

While eating, an idea came up to me as I watch her massaging her shoulder. Can't I just avoid making my mom aroused by just massaging her?

"Uhmmm....mom, It seems like you have been working hard lately, can I give you a massage?" I asks her while I look at her with a serious expression.

"You don't have to do it. Izuku!"

"I want to help mom, so that is the least I can do for you mom" I said with a smile. Hearing my words she couldn't help but smile.

"Okay...let's eat first!" She said and started to eat with me.

After eating she lay down on the sofa her back facing the ceiling. I lifted her shirt up and saw several red lights, but I avoided it and pressed the green light and multiply green lights showed up. Since I don't want to make my mom horny.

A/n: don't worry I have some plan on her, don't think that I'm not including her to the harem

'System can you notify me when my massage skill is improving?' I asks the system politely.

"Yes! I can!"

'I'll leave it to you' I replied then started massaging my mom. She started to moan softly, but it wasn't erotic like when I was massaging mitsuki's red spots. I went from her back to her shoulder. Strangely enough I'm not feeling aroused at all. Maybe because I'm in deku's body and She is my mom by blood.

"You're really good at this, izuku!" She said while she relax her body.

"Thank you..." i said then continued massaging her.

After a while, I finished massaging her. I realized that she fell asleep while I was massaging her . So I decided to leave her alone. I fixed her clothes back and went back to my room.

"Massaging skill improved +1 experience"

'Huh? 1 experience only? How much more to level it up?' I asks the system.

"You need 97 more points to level it up" the system answered. Hearing how much more points I needed made me frowned. If I gain one points per person that I massaged then that means I need to massage a hundred people or a hundred times. Even if I level it up I'm not really sure if I would be able to use it as a way to heal up someone just by massaging them.

A/n: he won't be able to heal cut up wounds. Cause that's not gonna make any sense

Going up to my bed I started to think of ways to level it up. Where is a place that I can use it freely and be able to benefit it to the heroes. Well....I'm just gonna find an agency that does all those work. I probably need to disguise myself as well, since I'm gonna be on television during the school festival. I also want to meet midnight and feel her or maybe miruko as well...

A/n: ending the chapter here....remember to vote with your powerstones for more chapters. Please rate if you liked it so far!