
Perspective of life from the eyes of the woman

This book was about perspective of mine. It was insight that i found in daily life. It was the things that i see in this world. For people who love poetry. This a perfect book for you.

Alisa_Santes_1849 · แฟนตาซี
85 Chs

Love between two souls

Maybe I am not your first love

Maybe I would never be your last love

But I never regret for loving you

Maybe I was your lover for once

But I never regret for taking care of your heart- Her

Maybe you are not my first nor my last love

But you are my greatest love

Because you are the healer of my broken heart as it was broke by my first love

As you are my guidance of loving someone as it will give me a guide to my last love

Even we are not meant to be together

I would love you as you are my first and last love- Him

I'm falling in love when i wrote this

Alisa_Santes_1849creators' thoughts