
Permanently Discontinued

The world of Atriax is filled with many wonders but there lives one Sorcerer who seeks to rise above it all I plan to update every other day

Draconaii · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

Chapter 1

The sun shines over the town of Fairheart as a young child no older than eight can be seen running through the town laughing as he is chased down by two adults currently covered in black paint.

"Get back here you damned brat!" one of the men yells out as the child continues to run away before bumping into someone and falling back onto his butt. "Ow why did you block-" he stops speaking as he looks up seeing a man cladded in bright silver armor.

The man stays quiet and picks the child up by the shirt, "Kai! Did you play another one of your damn pranks on people again" he says as he looks at the two men completely covered in the black paint. Kai stays silent for a moment before responding in a low tone.

"Yes...father" he says as the man who seems to be his father puts him down and pats him on the head before going over to the men and apologizing. "I am so sorry, he's young and I'm trying to teac-"

he gets cut off "Look Mr. Sotaro, I don't care what you have to say or what you say you are trying to teach him just keep him away from the Tavern! He's driving away all of our customers with his stupid pranks and even the sight of him drives people away so if you would be so kind as to keep your cursed child away from us, we would be overjoyed"

As the man finishes his small speech Mr. Sotaro steps forward as a bright red aura surrounds him, he looks at the man in front of him before punching him hard in the gut dropping him to the ground "I understand your complaints sir but to call my child cursed was a step too far, and as Kai's father and as the knight of the town I believe I am in the best position to judge him. Now then why don't you two scatter off and get that paint off, you don't want it to stain now do we?"

The two men glare at the knight before going away to clean off as he turns around to look at the smirking child. "And you! What have i told you about playing these pranks on people, they already think you're the devil incarnate so why do you help their thoughts like that?" Mr. Sotaro sighs and takes Kai into his arms letting the walk home be a silent one.

They soon arrive home to be greeted with the smell of smoke Mr. Sotaro quickly putting Kai down and rushing into the kitchen as coughing can be heard before the smoke dissipates, Mr. Sotaro walks back into the living room as fresh air can be seen blowing out from his hand till the black smoke is fully gone.

"Damn it I accidently left the food cooking while I was out" he sits down on the couch as Kai joins him "Sorry it seems we are having leftovers tonight bud." "It's okay dad it was a simple mistake I wasn't that hungry anyway" he lets out a small chuckle to ease the tension and the two sat in silence for a small moment to think before Mr. Sotaro spoke once more

"How about a little training I know you enjoy when I teach you about sword fighting" Kai jumps up at this excited at the offer. "Yes! Let's go dad!" He quickly runs outside into the yard and waits for his father who comes out a few moments later. Mr. Sotaro throws him a sword which he catches as both take their places in front of the two dummies made out of wood

"Alright so you remember what I taught you so far right?" Kai nods and recites what he was taught "Keep your stance up watch your breathing and control the sword" Kai says repeating the basic rules that Mr. Sotaro told him. After reciting the rules Mr. Sotaro backs away and lets him do his drills, slashes at the sides, stabs to the chest and more all moves so that he can focus his mind on something.

Mr. Sotaro smiles at the sight as he can see a small show of Kai's aura appear the horrifyingly dark aura fully appearing around Kai which makes Mr. Sotaro have to catch his breath feeling the same sense of dread he gets every time he sees it. Suddenly Kai slashes all the way through the dummy causing Kai to back away startled at his own actions

"Kai what did I say about using magic on the dummies?" Kai looks away with a nervous chuckle "Not to use it..." "But why won't you let me use magic dad! All the other kids get to use it, except for me"

Kai says looking down as he puts the sword on the ground, Mr. Sotaro pulls him into a tight hug "I know how much you love magic and want to use it, but it's dangerous son, especially with what we know about auras and specifically yours." "Dad, do you think I'm going to become a cruel power-hungry person likes the legends say if I use magic?" Mr. Sotaro pauses for a moment to think but before he can open his mouth the town alarm rings out.

"Wh-what is going on?" Mr. Sotaro shoots up and quickly speaks "I don't know son but that's the town alarm and i need to take care of whatever is happening so for now I want you to get inside and hide inside, don't come out till I get you!" He says quickly rushing into the house and grabbing his sword, Kai follows him inside and stays in as his father runs out.

Mr. Sotaro runs through the streets before arriving at the gates "What's the issue?!" One of the town guards salute him and give him the rundown "Sir! it's an army of Drakes! They are demanding that we give the town to them!" Mr. Sotaro quickly climbs the stairs to the top of the gate to witness a massive army of humanoid creatures resembling those of the ancient dragons. Their scales of various colors shown outside their robes and armors.

"The answer is NO! Mr. Sotaro yells out as everyone quickly gets to their stations Mr. Sotaro reaches one of the communication officers "You! Get to your station and send a message to a nearby city that we are under attack!" The man pauses in fear of the situation causing Mr. Sotaro to grab and shake him "I mean now!"

As he says this as front gate of Fairheart is blown open causing nearby guards to be killed and sent flying. This happens as one of the enemy commanders can be heard yelling "Burn the town to the ground we need to send a message since the boss ordered it."

The poor guards and residents of Fairheart never stood a chance people being slaughtered by the second as Mr. Sotaro rises to his feet being one of those knocked down by the blast. He quickly rushes to battle sending himself forward at extreme speeds with a burst of his air magic slicing down one of their mages in the back. He continues slicing down enemies combining his air magic and his sword to send large cuts of wind into groups of enemies before coming across one of the commanders of the army.

Neither seeing a reason to exchange words as the clash Mr. Sotaro attempts to slash at the man but is blocked each time by a block of earth dashing forward, he attempts to slice at the commander's side but cannot succeed as large fist of earth smashes into him from the sky. The impact travels through his armor but before he can get up and move, he is hit by another earth fist crushing his body and breaking multiple bones.

"So much more the mighty knight of Fairheart I heard about though I suppose air doesn't work too well against earth magic." Mr. Sotaro looks up at the man in robes struggling to even breath now as he can feel his broken ribs pushing against his lungs, as puts a hand under his chest and attempts to start healing himself when the commander casts a spell that surrounds Mr. Sotaro in a sphere of flame causing him to yell out from the searing pain.

"Just die already it will save us both the time" the commander says when he is suddenly pierced in the side by a blade causing him to dispel the sphere. Mr. Sotaro looks up to see Kai with blood on his hands after stabbing the commander.

"Kai!" He says before coughing. Kai doesn't respond still in shock after stabbing a person even though they're an enemy. The commander rips the blade out of his side and heals the wound, he growls out and punches Kai in the face sending him flying forward and landing him next to his father.

"Kai..." "Dad! Are you okay!" Kai said quickly recovering from the punch as Mr. Sotaro pulls him down. "Shut up and listen, I need you to run Kai they are too strong and your awesome dad is far too rusty" he lets out a weak chuckle and suddenly sends out a large burst of air towards the commander sending him flying across the field

" Now run Kai! faster than you ever have before" he says and before Kai can argue sends him flying as well with a burst of air putting him right next to the forests next to the town panicking and looking back at his dad who he can see giving him a smile before getting stabbed through the chest with a mana enhanced sword.

"No!" Kai yells out before covering his mouth as he realizes his mistake seeing multiple soldiers look at him as he does the only thing his father told him to in his last moments... run. Kai gets up and quickly runs into the forest hearing the shouts and yelling of the soldiers. With tears in his eyes he runs and runs as far as he can getting lost in the forest as he does.

Days pass as he continues to move in the large and seemingly never ending forest exhaustion catching up to him, the lack of water and food weakening him as he collapses onto the ground he can hearing the yells of three men struggling but managing to turn onto his back letting him spot three of the drake soldiers, tears filling his eyes as they get closer.

"please someone help..." he whispers out as he can feel himself losing consciousness due to his exhaustion. The three soldiers spot him lying against a rock and attempt to finish him off when suddenly one of them is struck with a large bolt of lightning and before they can react the other two are hit with one large ball of lightning with electrocutes and kills them. Kai pants softly and looks up to see who did this, as he does, he sees a robed woman with nine tails swaying behind here each one streaked with a bolt of green. "Oh you poor child" is all he hears before passing out unable to learn anymore about his mysterious savior.

Feel free to review and tell me what you think.

Hope you enjoyed the first chapter.

Draconaiicreators' thoughts