

Why is she so unlucky? Why Is it that all her plan doesn't work for her? Just take a look at her, does she looks like someone that wants to marry? Why then are her parents forcing her into marriage? Kelly is getting married today but will her urge for sex make the marriage last longer or will it destroyed it? All through her life, she has declared to herself that she won't be getting married because she was never a wife material but now marriage has found her through her parents what then she should do " Oh, Kelly when you be reasonable" Kelly rolled her eyes at that word " maybe when am did enjoy life" she said without concern making her mum sigh resignedly " Which life?, you called this life?, life without a husband, can't you see your fellow girls moving around the street with their husband and children" Oh , when will her mother stop using other people to compared to her? She knew that her mother is trying to talk her to marrying that man in their sitting room but she has made up her mind long time ago and nothing is gonna change it. Read my other novel by the name The Controller

chiboss050 · สมัยใหม่
29 Chs

Chapter six looking back

A child that moves in the wrong way rather than the way he or she is supposed to go, will end up In the wrong hands. A child that listens to wrong advice, will always do wrong things.

Kelly's life has always been like that, she once lived a righteous life before she received a sermon from her mother that ruined her life forever.

A young girl of seventeen years was running along the corridor, it was as if she was running away from someone. Her blonde hair floats behind her as she runs, her beautiful face scrunched up in a frown and her rose lips opening and closing because she wanted to say something but gulping it back down to her throat.

" Kelly stop running !" she stopped and then turned around to face the boy that was calling her

" Henry, how many times have I warned you to stop stalking me ?"

" But I have explained the reason why am stalking you "

" and my answer remains the same, am not interested, so back off!" she yelled with annoyance, creating everyone's attention to her and the boy came closer to her

" But why?, Kelly I love you with my whole heart and you know that but I don't know the reason you are treating me this way," Henry said with a pleading tone

" I have said this countless times that I don't want to be in any relationship of any sort, am too young for that "

" Seventeen years? still young ?" Henry with asked a confused expression

" Whatever, ugh !" she shrugged and quickened her pace

" you can't run from me Kelly because I know the way to your house "

" don't follow to my house " Kelly warned still running towards her street

" well " the boy smirked " let's see"

when Kelly reached home, she knocked hard on their door for her mummy to open up quickly for her to enter.

" Who the fuck is knocking on my door like that, don't you have some manners!!" her mom yelled from the inside before opening the door with force to see the motherfucker that was knocking on her door non-stop but she paused immediately she saw her daughter, she was surprised " oh Kelly, why the hard knock though?"

" is it not this boy " she points towards the guy " I have warned him severally to stop stalking me, that am not interested but he won't listen" the mother looked at the boy but was taken aback by how handsome the boy looked

" what's your name boy ?"

" Henry Williams " Kelly's mother was shocked by the boy's surname. Williams family has been one of the most well-known families all over the State, they are freaking rich and have many companies running.

" Williams, why are you stalking my daughter, has she done anything bad to you?"

" No ma is just that ever since I set my eyes on her, I wasn't able to remove her from my mind "

" uh-huh, am so honored, a Williams is in love with my daughter, " Kelly's mother thought with a smile all over her face " you can go home now Henry, you will receive a better reply soon "

" thank you ma " he bowed and left to where his driver was, waiting for him

" uh-huh, so handsome " she exclaimed after she must have watched enough of the boy's back, then she turns towards Kelly " get inside we need to discuss something" Kelly opened the door angrily and went in

" Mom, there's no amount of things you will say that will make me change my mind " she uttered before she sat on the couch with folded arms and her mother smiled at her

" Look, I know you are doing as your father wished but remember that you are still a teenager, you have to face nature, or else, nature will face you and it will be very bad for you" Kelly still kept her determined expression as her mother advises her.

" Mom, father told me to stay away from all these young boys that will shatter someone's heart into pieces, I can't live with that type of pain and Henry is a chronic womanizer "

" Kelly you are still a teenager, you are still learning about life, life is not all about living with your parents and doing whatever they say, you will as well have your own family one day, you won't be under me forever but how are gonna achieve all that without knowing the fundamental, you will love, you will be heartbroken and still love again, that's life and the best way to choose a partner....."

Kelly interrupted her mother immediately with her declaration "then I won't get married "

" ssh " her mother shut her up with her finger on her mouth " don't say such a thing, don't wish yourself bad lucks, you will get married and have your children, who know whether you will end up as a member of the Williams family by marriage " her mother teased her and wiggled at her but she looked away

" Okay, what do you want me to do now? "

" Agree to his proposal, fall in love, and do what your fellow teenagers are doing, moreover, haven't you seen most of your classmates with expensive things? do you think they got those things by themselves? No" the mother shakes her head " their boyfriends got those things for them that they are using to form big girls in school, don't you want to feel among them?" Kelly's mom asked her but she kept quiet " am sure you do, so go enjoy your life when you still have it"

Kelly thought about it for some time, she has always admired those classic high school girls, how they dress, how they walk, their behaviors and so many other things, indeed she has always wanted to feel among them, so she agreed with what her mother said and started dating Henry.

When she started dating Henry, he took her to so many places she hasn't been to before like the cinema, clubs, parties, boutiques, and some other places, the relationship was so strong that everyone thought that they will soon get married but little did she know that her heart will be broken into pieces.