
Perfume Scandal!

I was visiting the market in disguise to not get caught by my father's vasals or royal guards to get the ingredients for my perfume. It sure is a hot day, and walking in a magic cloak is sure sweaty. I wish I had a beach fan here with me. Lost in my thoughts I suddenly bumped into something quite sturdy yet fleshy. "Ah, pardon me sir..", saying this I excused myself but the chest of that gentleman was really worth bumping for~ "Stop there, the lady who bumped to me just now" The voice sound ridiculously familiar to me which made my steps froze . I was processing the situation I am in, right now in my mind , within that time I hear the same voice close, ringing to my ear . "You. Isn't it the "Iris flower" smell from the Viscountess Vanessa's banquet last month?" "IT'S PERFUME MISTER!ー !" Ah shit! I just can't bear any sort of pun about my perfumery! When I turned it was DUKE ARDEN VON HALSWATHZ, smirking mischievously down at me as if he caught the prey he was hunting for. Such a handsome pervert even remember the fragrance from the tip to the roots of his lungs; Okay how should I interpret this behaviour of yours ? Being handsome and a pervert at the same time, such a loss to be rotting in the prison if I report him. His black clear eyes were shimmering even though the shadow was falling over his face while looking down at me. He looked right into my eyes as our eyes met and my heart skipped a beat quick. I swiftly covered my face with my cloak to hide my facial features; mainly my flustered expression, and with a voice sounding of a lowly origin I tried to excuse myself, "Ah!~ The Iris flower perfume is so famous~ I was looking for exactly that perfume!If you excuse meー" "200 thousand dilas " "HOW MAY I HELP YOU MY DUKE?" Seeing my immediate response after mentioning 200 thousand dilas he scoffed. I was played by him again but I mean like, WHO THE HELL WOULD REFUSE 200 THOUSAND DILAS??! 1 DILAS = 100 GOLD COINS, MAN!! For a 21st century working class korean girl who has reincarnated into this fantasy novel if someone gives me 200 thousand Dillas for just interrogating me will I refuse? HELL NAH! The Duke then furrowed his brows a little and in a serious tone he said,"Be my personal perfumer". "EXCUSE ME?!" I am surprised to hear it from the crazy tyrant that he wants me to work for him. His looks are of my type but what if he goes crazy and slices off my head like vegetables and fruits?! I am not gonna take the deal! The duke then leaned a bit lower at me and with a callous poker face he said, "Don't worry I won't bite you off. I need your skills that's it". Even if you bite me I don't really mind you see, but please don't eat me raw or slice me up. ーーーーーー Jang Jeong-Ah, a 25 years old part-timer university student died while taking a dump after an after-party in home, and woke up as Sara Galliois. Sara Galliois is a daughter of Count Galliois, a side character in a psychopath genre based romance novel ROSE GARDEN. How will her life change now? Read further to know. Stay tuned to PERFUME SCANDAL!, for more!! The cover photo is not owned by me. The credit goes to the respective owner. If they find it disturbing or uncomfortable then I might put down the cover photo as they please.

nanami_96 · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs


28...28 days are left for my trial and on the spot public execution. And I'm on my bed, with my electrified bed hair, dried trail of drool from the last night sleep, wide awake early in the morning when the reality struck out to me leaving me confused whether I have really obstructed the painful ending of my family, of me or not. Will getting Earl Emire on my side with countess Naviere Emire, my mother's friend as a bonus as well really help me? The 15 million dillas that I received, unfortunately I had to submit 10 millions dillas to the bank to deduct the amount of my loaned money and with this I HAVE PAID MY LOAN!!! YAASS!! hahahahaha! I can't help but dance and jump around!!(in my mind)

There's still 3 of the nobles on my list that I need to sign an alliance with and after Earl Emire my next target is Marchioness Velda, the only female knight of wisdom who, as I recall in novel, was the one who was deported from the SLAVIKENZ empire when Prince Lucas blamed her for not being able to cure the female lead's fever.

I doubt it was because the female lead was complaining how bitter the tablets were and skipping them over their scheduled time rather than the "insincere, undedicated, poor skills" of the Marchioness. If Marchioness Velda is on my side then not only my business might flourish as I'll be gaining her influence and wisdom to aide me, but also my peaceful and sturdy life would be sealed hot! Gee, anyways...my main concern RIGHT NOW isー


"M'LADY !!ー"


"But you're still breathing Miss, so it's fine, anyways today's your first day of starting your business and already 50 ORDERS HAVE BEEN REGISTERED!!" Yeah, that's what I was talking about babe~

"OH YEAHH!!~!!"


"OH NO!!!"

"OH YES!! LET'S GO!!~"

*drags Sara Galliois towards the bathroom*


"You'll be CLEAN if you take baths twice a day, you won't DIE..."

After 1 hour of bathing, scrubbing, manicure, pedicure, massage I look myself in the mirror as I am getting dressed by Mary. Am I clean? Hah! I guess diamond needs to accept me as it's master. The only difference is diamond has refined cuts and I have refined skin wrinkles, yes... that's it.

"! wait Mary, I have a request..."

" yes my lady?.."

" today I'll start my first business, could please use a hairpin that I asked you to prepare few days ago?"

"that strange long dart types?" I glared at her when she said that Binyeo* is like a dart.

"I'll bring it right away!"

It was my first business so I wanted to atleast do my hair in a traditional way like in my past life so I had asked Mary to prepare for it before hand. It's made up of silver and pearls as I can't wear gold or it might get stolen or someone might blame me for "stealing" on of their gold ornament and turned them out to this, so I won't take any chances.

I had my breakfast and rushed towards my store. Sunny day with white fluffy clouds like cotton candy on the sky, and the whole plaza smells of coffees and sugars with flowers scent whirling in it, oh! I'm loving it!~ I'm totally in the mood to start my business!

I opened my shop and stepped inside to see clean floors at sample bottles on display and a small money counter on the side with changes in the drawers. Upper second floor was simply elegant and beautiful, with my working table and equipments arranged there and a small bedroom attached with restroom, it was perfect for pulling an all-nighter or nightstay! The tables were laid out in the backyard for the ladies and gentlemen to rest and have some fragrant tea. Now it's time to make the shop available for the people. I asked Mary to bring one of my rose perfume that I made, some colourful chalks and the display board. I drew the invitation on the display board with items available here and discount price for their first 3 purchases and hung it beside the name board of my shop, PERFUME SCANDAL.

At first Mary opposed this name as it sounded too bold but I didn't change my decision, reason? Simple, it's fun to tease people~ And perfumes are made for scandals, gifting perfumes is a way of showing one's interest or affection to the recipient, it suits each other! Now I need to buy some welcome flowers from the side flower shop so I asked Mary to take care of the shop as I would pick them out myself.

"Good morning Lady Galliois"

"Good morning shopkeeper! I would like to see some flowers suitable for today."

"Just to see? Won't you buy?"

*Chuckles* "Of course I will..."

"Then what should I pack for you?"

"Let's see....mm~ yes! these sunflowers, Purple and white hyacinths, daisies and...!ー ...Pack these branches of white PLUMERIA ALBA as well and yes, please pack 6 bouquets of this group..." flower of Goddess Aeiyara might be my good luck charm for today.

"Here are your bouquets my lady..."

"Thank you so much"

"Please take the changeー"

"No no! it's alright you can keep them shopkeeper"

"But how could Iー"

"Hmm...how could you, yeah...So! How about this?... AHEM!! I order you, to keep this change to yourself or will you dare to defy it?" I spoke arrogantly.

"... Sigh!...Okay I will keep it" The shopkeeper agreed complaining how childish of me to act this way. But I was rather glad to hear this complain about me.

"Mm! that's good now. Okay I'll take my leave then! DO VISIT MY SHOP, SHOPKEEPER!!~" I waved at the middle-aged shopkeeper as I left in a hurry.

*Bows* "Take care on your way back Lady Galliois..."

The day's good, my business will start in few minutes and I got some fresh fragrant flowers for the welcome ceremony how great! I am humming and walking the way back to my salon but then I see a few men running towards my direction from front and the one who was being chased had covered their face in black. I was surprised and sided away but that black guy made an eye contact as he ran towards me, that made me flinch. He then within seconds pulled out my silver hairpin unfolding my long honey blonde hair, but that time I was lost in his eyes that were exposed out a narrow gap; his eyes were pretty with black eye lashes and clear eyes like water with black core. It all happened in a flash that later when my hair uncurled completely I realized what happened and got angry.



These were the sounds of stabbing and fighting with the mob that were chasing the black guy and he used MY SILVER HAIRPIN to stab and slit them dead! As this all were happening beside me, the blood slitted from the neck of one of the mob guys splattered over my hair staining it red to the strand of hair tracing my face, few splats were on my face as well as the dead man was slitted inches away from me. I was dumbfounded and statue due to shock. Then one of the mob guy was successful to slit the black guy's stomach but later he was knocked down badly by the black guy. Later his steps were a bit tipsy and he was sweating and panting, gasping for air, I glanced at the knife that slit his stomach, I guess he was poisoned.

"A-are you, alright?? Ge-gentleman?.."

We made an eye contact again. He was looking at my worried-scared face with few blood splats on the cheek, I guess he might be thinkingーthis girl has eyes red as blood and she's worrying about me, how ironic. But soon he slapped off my hand that was trying to reach him and ran away. Within minutes his traces were nowhere to be found.

"!!!No wait!! MY HAIRPIN!!! MY SILVER HAIRPIN!!!" That handsome thief took away my hairpin!! And left me dishevelled and confused here! The dead bodies near my feet, me holding wilted flowers due to this fight, I'm in a state where I could neither cry nor laugh.

It's 12 pm on the clock, my shop's inauguration and opening ceremony has begun, Mary is all on her own there, and I'm here with dead bodies near my feet, wilted flower bouquets in my hand, dishevelled hair with blood stains till my cheek, my new Silver Binyeo stolen by a handsome thief and to add up to the fire the crowd has gathered around gossiping. I don't know what new rumours will start now about me but I'm sure it won't be pleasant ones! PLUMERIA ALBA, Goddess Aeiyara's representative flowers, I swear to them if I EVER encountered that man again, I'll ask for full compensation from him! My day's fucked up!~

*Binyeo hairpin is Korean adorable hair accessory stick to tie their long hair into neat buns

I apologise for late update. I had my reasons. I hope this chapter of PERFUME SCANDAL! has entertained you all.

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Stay tuned to PERFUME SCANDAL! for more!!

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