

“I’m not crazy.” “I didn’t say you were! You just need help. Do you really think this is what Papa would have wanted? If dad were here…..” “BUT HE’S NOT HERE IS HE KATERINA? HE’S DEAD!” She says screaming hysterically.

Mbong_Aicha · สมัยใหม่
8 Chs



"Ah Olivia. I remember her from last time. And yes, I will gladly give you a ride Katerina. Consider it a real apology this time, for bumping into to you." I say to her and she offers me a small smile. A smile that I'm growing to like.

"So, is this your home town?" She suddenly asks which makes me happy because asking questions means being interested. At least I hope that's what it means. She places her elbow on the counter and directs her sight of vision more in my direction until we're now completely facing each other.

"Yes. My family has always lived here." I tell her, staring into her green eyes. Green eyes that hold a million stories I feel intrigued to explore.

"How is it over here? I haven't really had the chance to visit yet." She says.

I take in a deep breath and push myself closer to her before answering, to close some of the distance between us. "It's a calm environment. Crime rate is basically non-existent. Weather is amazing. Maybe I can show you around sometime." I have no idea why I just proposed to give her a tour but this conversation is making me think about what I promised mother.

I know I said I wouldn't fall in love with the first girl I laid eyes on but Katerina's eyes are doing something to me and I hope this conversation leads us somewhere. Not like I'm desperate or anything, but there's just something about her that intrigues me. I want to know her.

"Thanks for the offer but Olivia is taking care of that already. She's really interested in showing me all her favorite spots." Katerina says and a part of me somehow feels sad that she declined my offer.

We sit in silence for a few minutes, not saying anything to each other. Just occasional glances and weird sighs from time to time. I notice a lot of things about Katerina's features as we sit in silence in the not so loud club.

She has a scar the shape of a star at the back of her neck. It's not a perfect star though, it's a bit distorted. I want to ask her how she got it. I notice her hair, shoulder length and pitch black. I want to ask her if that is her real hair color. I notice how perfectly her lips are shaped, how beautiful her nose bridge is.

I didn't notice all these things about her the first time I met her. Probably because I wasn't paying much attention anyways. Few days ago I wasn't interested in a relationship. But now, with Katerina in front if me and the fact that I've decided to start dating again, I can't help but notice all these things about her.

"You're staring." She says breaking me out of my trance.

"Who wouldn't?" Her eyes glitter at my response and I wonder if I just made her uncomfortable. She stares at me for a few seconds before speaking again.

"I think it's time for me to go home. Still willing to drive me I hope."

"Of course." I say.

The ride home is quiet, too quiet. It makes me think maybe I'm boring her. Or maybe she's one of those people who just enjoy the silence. She's staring out the window and I steal a glance at her. I want to tell her she has one of the most amazing side profiles I've ever seen, but I don't. I don't want to distract her from the view.

"Why did you carry me home that night? And why were you so willing to bring me home tonight? I'm a stranger, not your responsibility." She suddenly asks, still staring out the window, stealing a glance at everything she can see.

"It's the decent thing to do." I answer.

"So you're being nice not because you want to but because you have to?" She asks, only this time she turns in her seat and faces me. I keep my eyes on the road this time, not wanting to meet her eyes. I'm not about to have an accident because I got distracted by her eyes.

"I carried you to your apartment last time because I felt responsible for making sure you got home safe. You were drunk and you fainted in my arms. Anything could have happened if you ended up in the wrong hands." Her face falls in embarrassment at my explanantion and I quickly say something to make her feel better. I'm certainly not one to judge so she shouldn't feel bad about getting wasted.

"Everyone gets drunk from time to time Katerina." I say.

"I know, I just…I don't normally get drunk. I guess I just wanted to forget for a while." She explains with a low voice.

"Are you talking about your mom?" I ask her furrowing my brows. I notice the face she makes when I ask her about her mom. The same face she made when she mentioned moving without her mom back in the club. Something tells me they don't get along very well.

"Never mind." She says, shifting her focus back to the window.

"I'm taking you home this time because I want to." I say and I catch a light smile form on her lips from the corner of my eye. She has a beautiful smile. A smile I suddenly want to see all the time.

"Isn't Jordan going to be offended when he finds out you left without saying goodbye?" She asks.

"I doubt he even noticed we're gone."

"Thanks Daniel. For taking me home, again." She says as we come to a stop in front of her apartment door.

"You're welcome Katerina." I say as we lock eyes one more time for the night. I hesitate for a few seconds before I start walking away then she says something unexpected. Something that succeeds to make my heart skip a beat.

"Would you like to come in?"