

“I’m not crazy.” “I didn’t say you were! You just need help. Do you really think this is what Papa would have wanted? If dad were here…..” “BUT HE’S NOT HERE IS HE KATERINA? HE’S DEAD!” She says screaming hysterically.

Mbong_Aicha · สมัยใหม่
8 Chs



I take my keys out of my purse and unlock the door to my apartment. I was the one worried about Daniel being a serial killer and here I am inviting him into my home. I'm really stepping out of comfort zone here to do this, but before moving to Castings I made a decision to live my life to the fullest and I guess that includes making new friends. Daniel and I didn't meet twice by accident, it's not a coincidence that we bumped into each other that night, it's not a coincidence that I met him tonight either.

"Come on in." I say leading him into the apartment. I point towards the couch urging him to take a seat while I go to the kitchen to pour him a glass of wine. I take out my phone and send Olivia a text as I pour wine into two glasses.

Me: Daniel's here, in my apartment. I'm so nervous, I don't know what to say to him.

Olivia: You're going to have to give me some more details here Kat.

Me: He brought me home and I invited him in.

Olivia: OMG you did what?? Who are you and what have you done to my best friend??

Me: I'm serious Liv. What do I do?

Olivia: I can't tell you what to do or say. Just be yourself. Dig into that deep dark feminine energy. Ask him what he likes or something. And don't forget to give me all the spicy details tomorrow.

I stare at her last message for a few more seconds before pulling myself together and going back to my guest. Let's do this.

I walk into the living room and hand him his glass of wine, taking a seat on the space next to him. He takes a sip while glancing at me. It makes me take another good look at his eyes. They look even better with the lighting in my apartment.

"You're not scared it's poisoned?" I tease but he doesn't stop drinking. His neck moves in a satisfying way as he drinks. He empties the glass of wine in seconds and places it on the table in front of us. Wow.

"You don't look like the type to poison people Katerina." I like the way he says my name.

"You don't know that." I say

"True but life is all about risks, no? Just like the risk you just took letting me into your apartment. What if I turn out to be a serial killer?" He asks with a smirk.

I don't answer him and the staring starts again. It's like every time we lock eyes, the world stops spinning and we stare into each other's souls. At least that's what it feels like. His eyes are warm and hold so much emotion.

"How old are you Katerina?" He suddenly asks.

"Twenty two." I answer.

"I'm twenty five." He says and I think we just got a few inches closer to each other. He clears his throat and turns his face away, leaning further into the couch.

"Full name?" He asks.

"Is this a question and answer game?" I ask raising my brows with a smile. My heart is beating faster from how close we were just a few seconds ago. His deep baritone voice resonates on my skin making me shiver.

"You invited me in to talk, yes?" He asks getting a nod out of me. "We're talking."

"How about, you tell me something about yourself and I'll do the same." I say. I don't want him to ask a question I would feel uncomfortable answering and I don't want to ask him a question he feels uncomfortable answering. This way, we only tell each other what we want the other person to know.

I push myself lower into the couch, getting more comfortable. We both stare at the ceiling as we speak.

"Well, my name's Daniel Hugh. I'm twenty five years old and I love chocolate cake." He says with a light smile glancing at me from the side of his eye.

"My name's Katerina Muller. Chocolate cake's fine and I'm allergic to cats." He jerks out of his position and gives me a painful look. Like I said something I wasn't supposed to.

"Katerina." He says my name slowly. "What the hell do you mean chocolate cake is FINE. It's the most amazing thing to ever exist."

"I mean, it's not something that I crave to have in my mouth. I can go months without tasting chocolate." I let out a laugh as I speak.

"I'm going to make you the most amazing chocolate cake one day and change your mind." He lays his head back on the couch revealing his amazing neck.

"You cook?" I ask keeping my gaze on his neck.

"Yep. One of the things I love doing." He lets out a sigh.

"Wait, did you say you're allergic to cats? Kat is allergic to cats?" He raises his brow at me.

"I know it's ironic. They're cute but they make me sneeze." I stand as I speak. I'm tired of sitting. He raises his bow at me and I raise my shoulders. I start moving in circles around the couch.

"My butt hurts." I say still revolving around him and the couch. He smiles as he stands too and starts doing exactly what I'm doing. Now, we're two planets revolving around the sun which is my couch.

As we walk around the couch, the power suddenly goes out leaving my living room pitch black. He comes to a stop behind me, and I can feel his breath warm on my neck. I turn to face him even though I can't see anything. I feel his chest rise and fall as he breathes. We're inches apart and I feel the warmth coming off his skin. After a few seconds the lights come back on and we stare at each other for a while before a takes a step back.

"It's late. I should probably go."

"Yeah. You should." I say but he doesn't move. He stands there staring into my soul with those beautiful eyes. It makes me feel weak in the knees.

"What's your number?" His question makes my heart smile.

"Give me your phone." His fingers graze mine as he hands me his phone. He exhales and electricity shoots up my spine. I type my number into his phone and he saves it before putting his phone back in his pocket.

"Goodnight Katerina."

"Goodnight Daniel."

He walks out the door and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in as I fall to my back on the couch. What the hell just happened?

I walk to the kitchen to get a glass of water to calm myself. I don't know what just happened in here but I need water to calm me down. My phone lights up with a message from a strange number. It's Daniel.

Daniel: Friends?

Me: Friends.

Olivia is going to freak out. I think to myself as I gulp my water.