
Chapter One

"Whoa, take it slow, tigress," she watched as her fiancé lay on their bed in their apartment with another woman who looked so much better than her. Her husband to be was cheating on her. She had heard the rumors but she couldn't bring herself to believe them. They've come too far in their relationship to just break it off so soon. But today made it known to her just how much she'd been played on.

Ciara backed away from the door, her fingers running through her dark locks. She tried to hold the tears but they just fell out. She held the wall for support as the excited laughs from the adults in the room became loud. She exhaled.

"Why, Jerome? Why did you have to do this?" She asked, feeling her heart ache so bad. She just felt the need to cry hard. To hit something. To throw things away, but not here, not now.

Ciara managed to climb down the steps with a heavy heart. She sat down on the couch in the living room and just let every tear flow.

Her brother, her friends, everybody! They had warned her that marrying Jerome was bad. And even having a relationship with him was bad enough. Today she saw things for herself. He was a bloody cheat!

Ciara stood up quickly and stared up at the steps in anger. She ignored the way she was breathing. Their laughs echoed through the house and she did one thing, she ran.


Mason dropped the phone he held onto his bed in an absentminded way. He wished he hadn't dialed his girlfriend. He wished he just came home from work and just slept off as he had planned on his way. What In the world made him even dial her number?

Mason held his hair tight as he glared at the rectangular device that had echoed the overjoyed voice of his girlfriend and a man he failed to recognise. He had called her and she answered but since she was so interested and so excited about the man with her she failed to end the call. He'd heard every thing they said about them having sex.

He felt anger boil within him as stood up, he began to thrash things across the room in pure rage. He turned their vanity table upside down, he threw things at the mirror and screamed out in rage.

Mason calmed down for a moment but later began to punch the wall. It hurt him so bad that the woman he loved could do this to him.

He exhaled and walked out of the room.


Ciara didn't care that she forgot her coat, the weather was changing and it was going to rain. She hugged her body. She wished mentally for the rain to pour down quickly so it would wash away her pain and tears. She glanced around the open park for anybody. The only persons she saw were people running away from the incoming rain. She let out an air from her mouth and walked to a bench. Her green eyes gazing deeply into the grass ahead of her.

"What did I do to you, Jerome? We've been together for long now. How could you?" Her voice broke and a tear from her eye dropped on her hand, and immediately the rain began to pour.

That was her cue, she cried hard. Pulling out a picture of Jerome from her back jeans pocket, she gazed at the blue eyed blonde man smiling cheekily in the photo with her in his arms. She cried harder at the picture and placed it beside her, the picture getting wetter.

Ciara covered her face and immediately felt a presence beside her, whoever it was, she didn't care. All she cared was the rain washing her sorrow. She cried silently, lost in her thoughts of what could make Jerome hurt her so.


Mason found himself In the park, somehow this place at night always soothed him but right now nothing even tried to make him happy.

He was blindly walking through the park, his face hard, void of any expression. He looked up from his feet and found a bench with someone on it. The rain was pouring but he wondered why the woman was sitting like it wasn't. He didn't care. He wanted the rain to wash away his pain and anger.

He strode to the bench and sat on it. He didn't bother looking at the woman. She looked like she needed her space. He pulled out a picture frame he'd broken of him and his girlfriend, Fiona. He traced his finger over her smiling face. Her blue eyes shinning so bright in excitement. He carefully pulled out the picture from the broken frame and allowed a tear leak from his eye. He rubbed his nose and kept the picture beside him. He bowed his head. The cold rain touching the scalp of his head perfectly.

"Why, Fiona? What did I do?" He whispered to his hearing. His heart ached so badly he felt he might have a heart attack. Even the rain couldn't do any thing to soothe his pain. He looked up in anger, took his picture without looking and ran off.


Ciara jerked when whoever was sitting beside her left in a haste. She looked around for anyone but found no one. She sneezed and sighed.

"Now I'm going to get a cold," she said in a hoarse voice. She took her picture without looking and pushed it into her pocket carefully, knowing it was wet. She stood up and walked herself home.

"There's nothing you can do, Ciara," She said and walked in, making deliberate noises to alert them she was around. She cleared her throat. "Jerome?!"

She heard struggles upstairs. She tried not to cry and she almost let herself cry but held them when she saw Her beloved boyfriend. He was shirtless, his muscles and chiseled upper body in plain view. Normally she would have been turned on by that but now she felt disgust.

"When did you get home and you're soaked," he said, his British accent in every syllable and his eyes raking her wet body. Shameless.

"Yeah, I was with my friend, Nora. She told me something though. But it doesn't matter. I'll go change," Ciara stated.

She knew that Jerome hated Nora. Because Nora never liked him and now she saw why. And all these years she never believed her best friend.

"Oh, Okay. I'll make you a cup of hot tea then," he said and winked.

Ciara exhaled and went up to their room. She glanced around. It was clean like a soul never touched here. She just rolled her eyes and pulled out the picture to let it dry. The moment her green eyes took in the image of beautiful blonde woman and a handsome brown haired man she said;

"What the bloody hell?!"


Mason walked into his house and found Fiona watching TV. She took him in with a smile but frowned.

"Did you get beaten by the rain?"

He snorted. "Obviously."

"Uhm. Are you okay?" She asked, getting up.

"I'm fine."

"You look pale and sick. Your eyes are red. What happened?" She asked.

"I'm fine, Fiona. I'll be up in my-our room," he said and walked past her.

As he made his way to the door to their room, he pulled out the picture and frowned at the couple in it.

"What the hell?!" He barked.
