
perfect match

"I'm afraid" "of what?" "I'm afraid, I'm falling in love again" two souls in their early twenties fell in love but fate wasn't on their side and decided to tear them apart. misunderstandings rose. but now after years, fate decided to make them meet again but things aren't the same anymore. what will happen? are they ready to face eachother again?

ujal_a · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

back home

"Faster Lucas, faster!!!", Emma screamed.

"Gosh, I'm so excited!!!", Emma chimes for the hundredth time now making Lucas let out a giggle.

"I know baby I'm too!", says Lucas who speeds up his car to reach the airport quickly.

"We're finally going to meet Ava after two whole years!", Emma screams again almost making the poor cat's ears bleed.

"God, these mfs know nothing but screaming bless my ears", bubbles speaks irritated sitting comfortably on Emma's lap.

"We're here!", Lucas announces as he parks his car in front of the airport.

"Oh my god, yes! I can't believe it haha!", Emma shouts in excitement yet again

Yes, the woman was too excited to meet her best friend after 2 whole years of separation.

Emma runs to the airport with bubbles in her arms and makes her way to pick her best friend up meanwhile, Lucas follows her behind after shutting the doors of his precious car and kissing it.

He really loved his car.

"Where are they? They're supposed to be here by now", you said checking the time on your watch. Yes, you were really impatient to meet them too.

"Incoming call"

"What? Ava???", Emma picked it up just to get her ear bleed the next second. "Oh gosh, Emma where are you??!"

too bad she put it on speaker.

"She screams so much gosh", Lucas shook his head.



"I CANT HEARrrrRrR~", Emma cried out loud.

God bless her poor ears.

"Oh my gosh, baby are you okay?? maybe your eardrum couldn't handle it omg lemme see", Lucas said worried and grabbed her ear and blew into it.

"Hello? HelloOoO~ You there, Emma??"

"Let me take this", Lucas took the phone from Mun's hands and received the call instead.

"Hellooo? Ava? Can you wave so that we can see you?"

"Oh yes sure I can", you waved your hand up in the air.

"Omg Ava Ava, Emma Look Ava!!", Lucas shook mun and waved back at you.

"Omg where where??", Emma asked while jumping.

"gosh these bitches are so loud can't they just shut up?", bubbles talked being annoyed again.

Yes the people passing by were quite disturbed by their shouting too.

"There, there, she's there look she's waving", Lucas said still waving back.

"I see Lucas finally oh my goodness", you said running to forgetting your suitcase.

"Avaaa!!!", Emma screamed while running to you as she dropped bubbles.

Just as bubbles was gonna hit the ground-

"Oops, haha you're safe, sweetie" Lucas said to bubbles as she had a horrible expression on her face.

"EMMAAAA!!!", You screamed back as you ran towards her.

Emma and you both jumped onto each other making Lucas chuckle.

"Heyyy! How can y'all leave me I'm here tooooo!", Lucas came running to you both and hugged y'all tightly.

You all enjoyed a group hug while bubbles was being squished in between.

"BUBBLESSSSS~", you chanted as you took her in your embrace after pulling away from the group hug.

"Meow", Bubbles snuggled more into you.

"Awwwww", Both Lucas and Emma awed at the lovely sight.

"Click", Lucas phone made a voice.


"Shut up, of course, I had to capture it"

Lucas smiled.

"Omg, can we just go home already??? I can't believe I literally saw you after TWO WHOLE YEARS", Emma stated.

"Haha sure, darling", you totally forgot about your suitcases yes.

All of you started walking towards Lucas car when-

"Wait, Ava where is your stuff?" "Huh? My stuff- MY SUITCASES I FORGOT ABOUT THEM OMG", You dropped bubbles and ran as Lucas sighed and ran behind you.

"Guess it's just you and me bubs", Emma stood there with bubbles in her arms.

"Thank God in safe, these bitches dropped me for the second time in 5 minutes", bubbles said.

"Of what colour were they? Actually how many were they??" "Three" "THREE? Actually how many things do y'all girls keep?", Lucas asked amused.

"Important stuff", you wink at Lucas making him scoff.

"There they are!", You ran to your suitcases and take two of them with you while Lucas takes the one left.

"Gosh, finally", Lucas huffs.

Y'all make your way to Luca's gorgeous red car again.

"Let's put them in the trunk", Lucas opens the trunk and puts your suitcases in it.

"There all done, now let's go home", Lucas says with a smile.

"Finally", Emma sighs making Lucas giggle.

"M'lady", Lucas says as he opens the car door for Emma.

"Oh well, thank you", Emma says as she gets in the car.

"Drama queens", you rolled your eyes and then chuckled cuz you might've looked really funny.

You and Lucas sit in your respective places as Lucas drives you to "HoLy Emma and Lucas House"

"Meow", bubbles comes and sits on your lap as she makes herself comfortable there

"Bubbles, my love"

"meow", you let your fingers stroke her fur and you can tell that she was definitely loving it.

You smile and doze off as you were really tired of travelling for hours.


"Gosh, I can't believe I've been standing here for the past hour, waiting for them to open the door for me", Eden sighs.

"Woof", coco jumps out of Eden's arms.

"Lucas! Emma!! Open the door for god's sake!", Eden says now almost giving up.

And rings the bell for the hundredth time now again hearing the funny "ding dong"

"Woof, woof!", Coco points at the carpet.

"What are you doing coco? What about the carpet?"

"Woof!!", Eden fails to understand his beloved son.

Coco tries to move the carpet with his tiny paws.

"Wait, wait hold on idk what you're trying to do but I'll help"

Eden bends down and throws the carpet somewhere only to find the key.

"The keyyyy!! Coco you're a genius", he ruffles his son's hair.


"Funny how they didn't even used to lock their door before, looks like they took my advice seriously, well nevermind."

Eden unlocks the door and gets inside with coco.

"Wow, the lights are all off they aren't even home, that's why they weren't opening the door for me"

Eden closes the door and enters the living room plopping himself on the comfiest couch.

"Gosh I'm tired coco, can you even believe that that Lucas brat called me half an hour ago to hurry up and rush here?? And the fact that they aren't even here?? Is this what you do to your best friend?? I'm mad"

Eden lays there and pulls coco in his embrace.


Coco stares at the frustrated being in his late twenties.

The poor puppy searches for his best friend bubbles.

"Oh, my son, bubbles is not here too she is with her parents"

Eden looks at his beloved son and makes a sad face.

"When will Lucas and Emma be back? Lucas said it's a surprise"

"Beep beep!"

"They're here!! They're here coco!"

Eden rushed towards the door only to see and hug his best friends after ages.

"Oh Eden you're here....wait, how did you-", Lucas was confused.

"Omg Eden did you break in our housee?!", Emma yelled and ran inside her house to check if it was alright.

"Oh- no no no no no no, i didnt- i know where you guys keep the keys", Eden smirked. Damn he's smart.

Lucas rolled his eyes and smiled sarcastically at him while Emma came back outside.

"Thank god, my beloved house is safe buttface or else i wouldn't have let you in"

"Lol, as if im scared, witch"

"Who did you call-"

"Gosh, can you both stop and help me get the suitcases inside?", Lucas asked seeking for help.

"Yeah sure but whose suitcases are these? Is someone here?", Eden was confused at this point.

"Yeah A-" "its a surprisee", Emma cut Lucas off by hitting his arm with her elbow.

"Ouch, what was that for?", Lucas whined.

"Y'all better not be clowning me".

At this point Eden was really confused. He left his work and rushed at his best friends early in the morning only for the surprise.

"We're not, youll know lets go inside and take these suitcases" Lucas patted Eden's shoulder.

"Yeah sure", Eden nodded and took two suitcases inside while Lucas took the other one.

While Eden and Lucas went inside, you were in a deep slumber having a peaceful sleep in your best friends car.

"Wake up Ava, wake up", Emma shook you lightly.

"Mh~ i love you too my prince charming"

The smile on your face was creeping mun out.

"The fuck bitch?! I aint your prince charming, freaking wake up!!"

This time Emma yelled making your ears bleed and your beautiful dream shattered.

"What the- my beautiful dream! You ruined it Emma", you said almost crying out.

"Well for your kind information, there is no prince charming in reality and you must wake up and face it".

"Ouch thats harsh", you pouted at Emma.

"Dont pout at me like that", Emma picked bubbles up from the backseat.

Wow bubbles has a really deep sleep, she didnt wake up even after Emma yelled. She might've been used to it, poor her.

"Okay but will i for real stay single with no prince charming in my life?"

Mun giggled at your question.

"Maybeeee, no cuz your prince charming is already waiting for you"

"Reallyyyy???", your eyes popped out of the sockets.

"Yes honey, lets go inside", Emma shut the car door and locked it.

"Yay haha", you twirled and twirled and reached inside the house happily.

"My prince charmi- Ow", you let out a painful moan as coco jumped on you.

A thud could be heard which made Lucas and Eden run towards the door.

"Woof! Woof!", Coco jumped excitedly and licked your face making you giggle.

"Oh my coco", you broke into a huge smile as you embraced him.

"I missed you so much", you smiled with tears of joy which coco returned with a "woof" making you ruffle him.

"Now this is the mother-son interaction which we were longing for", Lucas lets out and clicks a picture while Eden stands there with an unreadable face.

Just as Lucas spoke those words, your eyes looked towards his direction catching a familiar figure standing right beside him.

You quickly stood up and stared at Eden, just as your eyes landed on him, you felt,


Yes, that's how you felt, overwhelmed.

Feeling thousands of emotions rushing inside you made you go numb, as everything around you stopped.

You stood there like a statue and stared at the most beautiful being.

As for Eden, he didn't know how to react either, he felt like he found the missing piece of his heart which left two years ago.

None spoke a single word, only, silence.

His ocean blue orbs locked with your hazel ones.

There he was, your prince charming.

That soft gaze of his which once laid on you, made you feel complete.

Your mind rushed to all those memories, when he was there with you,

Today, his eyes again held that soft beautiful gaze which he once held for you.

You felt like drowning, drowning into those gorgeous pair of eyes.

He's always had you mesmerized.

He stood there so elegantly, he had grown more handsome than before you would say.

That's right, you could stare at him forever.

How could you even describe the beauty which was dripping from him.

His beautiful features,

Him being all grown up, tall and handsome,

The fact that he was not only beautiful from outside but, from inside too.

You felt too much, too much to even explain, you wanted to touch, grab that face of his and kiss its every element.

Every feature of his face was perfect.

But, things changed.

You couldn't touch his face the way you did before, well, thats what you thought.

His parted lips when he stared at you in surprise,

Maybe, he wasn't that displeased after seeing you.

His messy, fluffy, permed brown hair were your favorite. They still are.

He looked so cuddly and cute in those teddy bear pjs. Only if, you could hug him.

Lucas and Emma noticed the situation and looked at eachother.

"Umm let me show you your room Ava."

you broke out of your trance as you heard Emma.

"Y-yeah, lets go"

As you came back to reality, you realized that you were literally staring at him for a good few minutes as heat rushed through your cheeks.

You steadily walked to your room and inhaled.

Yes, you were shaking and happy after seeing him after so long but, the question is "was he too?"

Only he knew the answer to it.

Everything changed,

You weren't his,

And he wasn't yours, anymore.

"That was my surprise?", Eden asked Lucas and Emma.

"Yes, why you didn't like it? we thought that you would love it."

Emma spoke and looked him.

"He surely loved it."

Lucas added and Eden smiled.

"Ofcourse i loved it, but y'all could've told me i just woke up and rushed here early in the morning in my 'night wear'."

Eden pouted.

"Well, don't act like it wasn't worth it", Emma rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, you're-", Eden got cut off by Lucas.

"Hey, how many times have i told you not to roll those eyes, you look like a kid"

"What do you mean? They're my eyes mind your own business"

"You are my business!"

Lucas smirked at Emma making her go shy.

"Oh god, here we go again."

Eden walked away from there because he wasn't willing to see his best friends being all clingy with eachother.

Eden's pov:

those hazel pair of eyes striking my mind once again,

that innocent gaze finished me today, she shouldn't look at me like that.

I'm weak for her, I've always been weak for her

"Oh god, today has been so weird those bitches literally brought that alien in their house."

You said feeling thousands of emotions building up inside you.

"I don't want to face him."

You organized your things on the dressing table and looked at your reflection in the mirror.

"You have to face him Ava, you have to", you sighed.

"I can't afford to fall in love again."

You stared as millions of emotions started hitting you like a truck, unknowingly a droplet of tear rolled down your cheek.

"Well I should just go and ask Lucas and Emma to give me food, I'm so hungry."

You wiped the tear and made your way downstairs.

There coco and bubbles were playing with eachother making you giggle.

"They really must've missed eachother so much"

A thought clicked your mind, your mom took your puppy daisy with her when you were staying in America.

"I miss her so much, I have to bring her from mom's house."

You made your way to the kitchen only to find out two creatures making out.

You stood there with your mouth agape. Seeing your two best friends making out already when you just arrived here few minutes ago.

His hands on her ass, her hands in his hair. This was the least thing you wanted to see.

"The HoLy EmMaS anD LuCaS HoMe"

"Damn it, looks like they already had their breakfast."

You sighed.


You said loud enough for them to hear making them pull away.

They were literally a mess and Emma was an embarrassed tomato as you pushed Lucas away from her

"Sorry for disturbing your moment but I'm dying from hunger right now so it'll be good if you give me my breakfast."

"S-sure", Emma stuttered.

"She ruined our moment", Lucas poked his inner cheek with his tongue.

Emma hit him in the stomach with her elbow.

"Ouch! Okay, okay let's just make breakfast"

Emma passed you a sheepish smile as you walked away.

"Those Nasty little shits, I can't believe it, they have no shame", you said almost crying out.

"I should've stayed in America or buy a house on rent but just won't stay here, I can't wake up to this everyday."

You spoke to yourself being frustrated and made your way to the living room.

"Wow their house didn't change at all though"

You observed their living rooms, the walls.

"We stayed at their place huh? When we had our own house!..... Well, his house I mean"

as you were talking to yourself, you heard Emma spoke.

"So, how have you been Ava?"

Emma spoke.

"I'm here infront of you all fine"

"Haha yeah, I can see that."

"What's Lucas doing? I'm so hungry"

you asked as you both sat on the couch.

"Don't worry you'll be getting your breakfast soon and he has developed a freaking obsession with the red coloured pan!"

Emma complained as you laughed.

"Gosh, he's a clown but the smell coming from the kitchen is inviting though"

"yeah he's so into cooking these days"

Emma said shaking her head.

"Haha, I still remember that burnt omelette he made for you that day"

you laughed.

"Omg hahahah I know right, but the fact that he had to eat it by himself cause no one ate it"

Ema said almost tearing up.

"What are y'all talking about"

Lucas asked as he sat on the couch beside Emma.

"Nothing much, we were just talking about chef Lucas, who once burnt an omelette!"

you said as you and Emma broke into laughter again.

"Hey! That was a mistake okay!! I'm now good at cooking though"

Lucas whined.

"Yeah, thanks to Levi"

Emma rolled her eyes.

"I told you not to do that!"


Emma apologized and you face palmed looking at both.

"So how was life there sista"

"Well, it was good though but I missed y'all so much"

you pouted at Lucas question.

"Or perhaps you missed someone else more than us"

Lucas smirked as Emma hit him.

"I- t-that's not like that"

you said looking down.

"Haha okay okay, y'all talk I'll be back."

Jimin went to the garden and stood there looking at Eden"

"Watcha doin' here buddy?"

"Nothing, just observing the nature and beauty of your garden"

"Let's go inside? There's a beauty inside too", Lucas smirked at Eden.

"Oh, shut up"

Eden giggled as he entered the living room followed by Lucas.

You and Mun both were having your girly talks when a deep voice spoke up.

"Hey, witch"

Eden waved at Emma as he sat on the couch Infront of you.


you internally screamed but tried to calm your shits down which you were losing.

"Hey, buttface what are you doing here?"

Lucas Shaked his head at the nicknames they've given eachother.

"Hey, I told you not to call me that plus that's my best friend house I can stay anywhere I want."

He proudly stated.

Yeah right, this bitch has always had the best friend card.

Eden looked in your direction as you averted his gaze.

"Don't look at him Ava! Look everywhere else but don't look at him even if he's looking at you",

you thought as you looked around the living room making Eden chuckle.


you thought again.

"I smell something burning", Emma said.

"Oh no, my food!!!", Lucas ran to check up on his food.

"I'll just check up on him", Emma said making you nod.

"Gosh, they literally left me here with this alien gosh what do I do!?!&)($'#)#!", you screamed internally as you panicked.

Meanwhile, Eden was just staring at you.

"She's gorgeous", Eden thought.

"I'll surely pee in my pants if he keeps staring at me like that"

you thought as you looked at the painting on the wall. You stole a glance at him but he was literally staring at you shamelessly, you quickly looked away.


"Everything is so awkward here"

Emma said to Lucas who was busy stirring in his pan.

"I know right, the environment is so awkward, I invited him because I want them to be together again, it's so frustrating to watch them both behaving like this"

Lucas looked at Emma after turning the stove off.

"You're right but will this even help? They're not even talking properly to each other", Emma sighed.

"They'll be fine after sometime, they love eachother afterall".

"You're right"

Mun pecked his cheeks and giggled.

"Why is it so hot here gosh."

you said attempting to fan yourself.

"Should I turn on the air conditioner? You're sweating a lot", Eden said.

"No thanks", you fake smiled at him.

"Gosh, it's better to keep a straight face instead of passing a fake smile to someone", Eden thought.

"Fine", he said and opened the air conditioner.

"Why did you-"

"Because I wanted to?"

he cut you off making you blink.

The awkward environment starts to build up again until Eden attempts to break it with an unexpected question.

"So, are you married?"


You asked as you were not sure if you heard him right.

"I asked, are you married?"


"Dating someone?"

"No", you again replied.

"Good then."

He got up and walked away.

"What the fuck just happened right now?."

You asked yourself being shocked.

"Did he just- that bitch"

"I heard that"

A deep voice spoke came from outside the living room leaving you embarrassed.

There's no way he left you dumbfounded like this.

You turn your head towards the door again to see if he was there or not but he wasn't there anymore.

"Ava, Eden come to eat please, breakfast is ready", Lucas spoke from the kitchen.


You said and made your way towards the kitchen.


you ran away from that awkward situation you were put in by none other than your best friends.

"I can finally breathe now ha", you let out a sigh of relief.

"Put it down Lucas", Emma said.

"Yes, baby"

Lucas said as he put the dish on the table.

Eden walked into the kitchen.

"Wow, I like the fresh aroma of the breakfast though."

Eden smiled as he inhaled the inviting smell.

"The eggs, sausages, cream and orange juice!! ", your eyes sparkled as you looked at the variety of food on the table.

You didn't realize how fool you sounded until you came back to your senses and felt three pairs of eyes on you, You screamed internally.

"Cute", Eden thought.

"It all looks so delicious", Emma said.

"Y-yeah", you said as you sat on the chair in front of Emma and Lucas as Eden sat beside you ready to dig in.


Eden exclaimed cutely as munmin giggled.

"Baby", you thought.

"I'll thank Levi for teaching me I know I'm a good cook now"

Lucas states proudly but as soon as he's gonna eat, the egg from the spoon fell on his shirt.

"But still a whole freaking baby"

Mun shook her head as she wiped his shirt with a cloth.

"Ohww", Jimin pouted.

Mun quickly pecked his pout while you and Eden stopped eating and stared at them in disgust.

"Nooo, ewww not Infront of my food!!"

"Hehe", Emma said.

"Okay but please stay holy at least for now"

Eden requested being disgusted.

"dvskenk shut up I'm always holy, it's not my fault that your soulmate is always ho-"

"Let's just eat shall we?", Lucas shut Emma off.

Okay, by the way, guys how about a sleepover tonight?", Emma asked.

"Wow not a bad idea though, sounds fun", Lucas smirked.

Oh no, that smirk wasn't a sign of peace.

"Sure", Eden let out.


"No buts!"

Emma cut you off.

"But, I might not be comfortable in sleeping here I've been out for 2 years"

You made an excuse and pouted to look cute.

"Cute", Eden thought as he looked over at you.

Oh, how bad he wanted to kiss that pretty pout of yours.

"You will be more than comfortable here, it's not like you haven't stayed here before so don't worry", Emma smiled.

You passed her an anxious smile in return.

These bitches couldn't let their plan be cancelled of having you and Eden together as a couple again.

They had to do it as they were your best friends after all.

and why must two souls who love eachother hurt?