
Percy Jackson: The Warrior Without Limits (Translation)

Hello, my name is Perseus, and before you ask, yes, just like Perseus, the son of Zeus, it's not just the name we have in common. Like him, I am a demigod, half god, half human, but I am a son of Poseidon, the god of the seas, and Hera, the Queen of the gods. You probably find it strange that I am a child of both, so let me tell you my story. I never had a very good life, never had time to be a child. From a very young age, I was attacked by monsters, but thanks to my mother, they never got me. My story begins on a sunny afternoon in Central Park. I was taken to Olympus, the home of the ancient gods, where I met them, my family. I received a lot of love and care from them, especially from a certain goddess. Still, I trained a lot, trained non-stop, day after day, day and night. I fought my whole life, and I still fight with all my strength. I've been called many things throughout my life—Prince, heir of Poseidon, god of the seas, terror of monsters, annihilator of Olympus' enemies. Because of this, I've been called a Hero, the Hero of Olympus. Big deal. I've also been called bad things, like a murderer, puppet of the gods. My enemies call me the Exterminator... Monster, the gods' pet monster. I tried to never let it shake me. I was raised as a Warrior. I was born for war. I am the gods' most loyal ally. I consider myself the Guardian of the gods; I was created for this purpose. I am Perseus Hector Jackson, son of Poseidon and Hera. The Warrior Without Limits. This beautiful synopsis was made by a lovely reader of our story, Miss ~Cupcake2107. Thank you so much for this beautiful synopsis. S2 S2 S2 S2 With some editing from me and my friend ~Damndad, so thanks to everyone who helped with this synopsis. So, I'm here promoting the good guy who made the cover; he makes covers for everyone, just ask. Well, thank you very much, buddy. ~Otaku_Pt -------------------- This is a English translation from the Portuguese fanfiction "História Percy Jackson o Guerreiro Sem Limites" by mestrejiraiyaetrevor

AeonTranslations · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
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16 Chs

Chapter 1

POV: Sally Jackson

I had just finished breastfeeding my little prince, Perseus Heitor Jackson, who was five months old today, five months that little being had brightened my days. That hair as black as the darkest moonless night, that smell of the sea, those eyes as green as the sea, eyes that conveyed a security, love and power that he could have taken so much from his father. He looked so beautiful in that blue horse jumpsuit.

"Hi my love, is your belly full? Hello, my prince?" I said, stroking his belly and seeing him giggle contagiously.

"My love, mommy is going to the kitchen to prepare something for me to eat, okay?" I said looking into those incredible sea green eyes, how beautiful they were, looking into those eyes and I swear that for a moment, I would have sworn that he could understand me, but that's impossible, he's too young. I left him in his beautiful navy blue cradle and left our room, yes his cradle was in my room, he was very young and I live alone, the house is small so I didn't have much choice. Well, after about 30 minutes I went back to see my little love, and I found the scene that shocked me the most in all the years of my life, a scene that filled me with panic, fear, relief and a twinge of happiness.

POV:3rd person

After Sally left, our little hero was lying in his crib, sleeping peacefully. Suddenly a bluish light came into the room, and when it faded, it left behind a beautiful woman of about 25 with blue-green eyes that looked more like a sick, polluted sea, but her face was beautiful and her body curvy and athletic, with long greenish-black hair. She looked at the cradle with disgust, at the fruit of her "misfortune", the fruit of a betrayal of her already ruined marriage, with the king of the seas, this woman sought revenge and death, and brought pain and hatred into her eyes, she wanted nothing more than the death of this little boy, who couldn't even walk or speak, let alone defend himself.

With this thought in mind, the woman snapped her fingers and two real Tartar snakes appeared, both about two meters long, red and purple, whose venom was as devastating as that of the mighty Python.

"Perseus Heitor Jackson, you will not ruin my marriage and I will not let this betrayal go unnoticed, nor leave a competitor for my son Triton, he will be the heir to the seas. Whatever it takes!" saying this with disdain, she disappeared, leaving behind a smell of rotten seaweed and pollution. The two snakes come crawling slowly towards their target, they stand up ready to strike, our hero grabs them with surreal speed, his small hands right below their heads where their "necks" would be, making it impossible for them to attack, and with an iron grip he slowly kills them, suffocating them. At the same moment, Sally returns to find her son holding the two dead snakes, after which the little hero collapses.

POV: Chaos

It was truly incredible how right Bills and Whis were, how that little being, son of Poseidon/Neptune, could be so powerful, but not even Triton received the two divine "essences" from his father, only the Greek one, even though Sally is the daughter of Athena, surely the greatest demigod warrior of all time, even though he was only 5 months old, he already showed surreal skill, when he killed the 2nd most poisonous and powerful snake on earth with his bare hands, and not just 1 but 2, even for a well-trained adult demigod, this feat is something great, he is certainly the hero without limits. I really must go and have a little chat with his mother, and release his internal barriers, I'll do that now, she must be very worried about Perseus fainting, but it's no big deal, just tired from killing the snakes. With that in mind, he disappears into a starry black vortex.

POV: 3rd Person

"God, my little one, I fainted, he must have been stung. And now what do I do?" exclaims Sally in despair, going to the cradle. At that same moment, a black vortex appears in the room, and Sally already taps her owl bracelet given to her by Athena, and from it grows a celestial bronze spear, Sally would protect her son at all costs. Out of this vortex comes a tall man, about 1.90 meters tall, with short black hair and an athletic build, but his eyes seemed to be looking at the sky of the most starry night of all, but his face was calm and compassionate, and Sally just needed to know that he wasn't there to harm her little one.

"Calm down, mighty daughter of Athena, I'm here to help and explain a few things." The man spoke with his hands raised in a sign of surrender. Sally, who knows how to read people very well, noticed that he was telling the truth.

"Good. Who are you then?" Sally asks, lowering her spear slowly with her eyes fixed on any suspicious movement. Noticing this, Chaos lets out a sideways smile, finding the mother's protection of her child commendable.

"I am Chaos child, I am the creator of everything, calm down child, I come in peace, just to explain a few things to you." He says, but when he realizes that Sally is about to bow, he steps forward and says. "Don't bend over, child."

"And what are these explanations, my lord?" Sally asks respectfully, it's not every day that the creator shows up at her humble abode.

"I've come to inform you that your son is fine, just exhausted," Sally's expression softened and she gave a smile "but I also bring you some other news, this attack was only the first of many, he is powerful, certainly the most powerful of these last centuries, and perhaps of all time, he will be great and today's event was only a preview, he will attract many monsters and enemies, because in addition to being Athena's grandson, he also got both "essences" of Poseidon/Neptune." seeing the confusion in the eyes of Athena's daughter, he explains "well, as you don't know, when a God, in this case Poseidon, falls in love with a mortal he comes in one of his "essences" but when he really falls in love with a mortal or demigod in his case, and it's very rare to hear of such cases, he passes on his two forms to his son or daughter, both the Greek Poseidon and the Roman Neptune. In the last few millennia there have hardly been any demigods of this type, and certainly the first from Poseidon/Neptune" seeing Sally's astonished face he continues his explanations. "Now that this has been explained, I must inform you that Amphitrite will do anything to kill your son, including allying himself with Oceanos." Seeing Sally's expression of confusion and hatred, he moved on. "Yes, Poseidon has separated from her, but she feels betrayed and wants to leave the throne to Triton alone, and yes, Triton will probably want young Perseus dead."

"Gods, I'll give my life to protect my son's, you can be sure of that, sir." Sally says with a steely determination in her gray eyes. Chaos smiled broadly at the young mother's determination.

"I'm absolutely sure of that, my child." Said the creator, seeing the mother's determination. "Now I have to go, but I wanted to ask if I could have a few moments alone with him? I'm not going to hurt him, just give him some presents" Sally nodded and turned to leave. "Sally, you're a great mother, don't doubt it." Sally gave a broad smile and left.


"And little warrior without limits, get ready." Saying this, Chaos begins to chant a song much older than the titan language itself, certainly the language of creation. "little warrior, when you are ready you will receive the blade χάος(chaos) and your hidden power will be unleashed, but train hard to achieve this feat." And looking with compassion at the little being who could define the end or the continuation of the age of the gods. "I'm ready with you little Hero without limits."