

It was early 1993 in Boston, October 30 at night, Massachusetts, a very beautiful woman was in a hospital bed giving birth.

"Mrs. Sorrow, I pushed hard," said the doctor who was attending the delivery, the woman was exhausted using all her strength to push, the woman's moans were heard in the room, and at one point the room was silent, shortly after a small cry.

"Congratulations Mrs. Sorrow, he is a healthy child," said the doctor who was carrying a baby, the woman looked at this and smiled and asked for the baby.

"Erik, your name will be Erik, my love," said the woman kissing little Erik's cheek, in the window, there were a couple of crows looking from the window, their eyes were bright and the atmosphere felt heavy and solemn for both crows, they both looked at each other and saw the window.

"This is bad Munin, he is a Son of the Lord, a demigod," Said the raven to the other.

"You think I don't know, idiot, it was from the lord's affair with that mortal, come on Hugin, we have to tell the lord," Munin said, taking off.

They both flew in the direction of a mansion quite far from the Hospital, entering through a window, upon entering the place seemed to have changed larger and with an old appearance, both flew quickly to a room where several men and women were celebrating, at the main table a Man short gray hair dressed in a red jean shirt and a nametag that said All-Father, a trimmed beard and large arms along with a dark blue eye and an eyepatch, there was also a man with shaggy red hair drinking from a mug, a very beautiful woman by his side.

Both ravens flew to the man.

"Lord Odin, we have a problem," Hugin said taking a breath.

"What problem could there be that I don't know," Odin said with disdain, taking his jug.

"A son of yours, with Erica Sorrow, that human" Munin said as Odin opened his only eye in shock and saw the ravens.

"It better not be a joke," He said, the whole aura of the room changed to more solemn, Odin was letting his power escape and it was terrifying.

The woman and the man saw him, "Father, what's going on?" The red-haired man said.

"Nothing Thor, if you'll excuse me I have something to do," Odin said getting up.

"If it's because of the Child, I already felt it, do you think I wouldn't feel it being the goddess of motherhood and fertility," said the woman taking her glass and looking at Odin

"What a boy," Thor said surprised.

"One of your father, with a Human as was the Name of Erika Sorrow, that drunken adventure," Frigg said taking his glass, Thor saw this and began to laugh.

"Come on everybody go find my brother!" I yell with the mug raised too many of them whooping in approval.

"No one is going to look for him, rules he has to arrive," Odin said with a voice that resounded throughout the room, which Thor and Frigg watched with disapproval as Odin left.

"Since when do we have those rules for a brother of mine," Thor said getting up behind his father.

"Since never," Frigg said doing the same.

Odin hurriedly walked towards a door, with the Ravens following them, it was an old door, when he opened it he saw an old house, with a burning fireplace.

"Odin, what is happening and why are you going with the Norns?" Frigg shouted to which Odin stopped short.

"There is no time to explain Frigg, you felt the child, I did not realize its existence, it was never shown to me" Said Odin

"How not to feel it, he is a Powerful Demigod who with time would become stronger than Thor," Frigg said looking at Odin

"Exactly so powerful, I didn't see it or know it existed, I, the one who sees everything, was blind for nine months to this event," He said, opening the door and entering the house, where 3 women were sitting in front of a fabric, the 3 women looked up.

"Odin, Son of Bor and Bestla, for you to come to our home, what do you need from the Norns," said the older woman with a smile

"Urð, Verðandi, Skuld" Odin said looking at them seriously.

"Ah you come to know why you cannot see the child, a mystery in the threads of fate," Said the Youngest of the Norns, Skuld with a big smile.

"Something that shouldn't exist, but exists that destiny forged for itself," Urð said smiling.

"Stop playing, it's the child" Demanded Odin

"What it is or will be, we don't know, by his hand fate will forge, good or bad we don't care, something that never happened to a man born of free destiny is out of the loom, what an emotion," Verðandi said excitedly.

Surprising Frigg and Thor, Odin looked at them, "Then you can't tie the child," Frigg said.

"No, because we would bind it, we see glimpses of what the future could be too many sudden changes, but it follows the general path," Urð said.

"They think it's fun, the child is a danger that they cannot hold or spin" Odin shouted.

"A lot of the truth, something we don't know what it will be is a mystery, but I can give you a prophecy or advice, A Youth without destiny will be born to compensate for what was taken away, Greatness or calamity will come from his hand, he will only endure the toughest tests and in his hand perhaps he will triumph or lose, neither fire nor chaos will be able to bear his wrath, but death will be his helping hand, one more thing when the true end draws near he will fight on which side you will not know," Skuld said while in the threads formed images of a black-haired youth with an Ax fighting a fire giant.

"Sure, the other professions are valid," Odin said looking at the tapestry.

"There is more to see," Thor said, looking at the tapestry, the women saw it and smiled.

"Too final to see, the child is unknown and if the other professes are valid," Skuld said, Odin looked at this and left.

When the 3 women were left alone, they saw each other, "You could have told him to come in" Urð said

"I wouldn't change anything, his mother will still die by the hand of Loki and company," Skuld said, burning the tapestry that showed the young man

Odin, Frigg, and Thor were back in the room, "What are you going to do, Father?" Thor said.

"Nothing, the child will grow up with his mother, if he discovers us one day he will come," Odin said looking in another direction.

"You know that he will die before, all the monsters will go after him. Loki will send all his minions for him as soon as he finds out" Thor said angrily preparing to leave.

"Thor, stay still, no one will kill him" Odin shouted making the place tremble, Thor grunted and left.

"If that child dies, it will be your fault," he said, leaving, hitting a table with his hammer, shattering it.

"Odin, what happens to you, knowing that the child can die," Frigg said, puzzled.

"That it is a variable that I cannot control, that can bring about our end," Odin said seriously, his face showing fear and disgust.

Frigg looked at him and shook her head, "He's a child, the prophecy said Greatness too, as well as very hard tests" Frigg said to which Odin looked at her.

"Fine, but if the boy makes it to the Hotel, he will be treated the hardest" Odin said with Frigg glaring at him.

"You will do that to your own son," she said.

"Yes, if that means that he is stronger than Höðr and Baldur," Odin said, remembering his two Children with nostalgia, Frigg's face showed tear marks.

"Fine, but I'll take care of the child in secret, I hope you don't condemn him to hate you and everyone because of your paranoia," Frigg said leaving. Odin sat on his throne and looked up at the sky.

"I prefer that he hate me with all his being, to form a strong man and that the same thing does not happen to my other children, besides, I never said that I would not take care of them, Munin and Hugin," Odin said with a tired voice, both crows arrived

"Sir" Hugin said looking at his lord.

"I want you to send two of your sons to watch over him," Odin said looking at him.

"Sir, you are sure, you know what Loki will do when he finds out, he will send Hela to kill him," Munin said looking at him.

Odin kept silent, "Send your children, but you are forbidden to talk to the child, just protect him in case of something bad," Odin said with both of them leaving.