
Percy Jackson: The God of sea and magic

Don't expect me to be a good writer, and this novel I say has a lot of mistakes and I'm learning on so if you guys have a BAD DAY PLEASE DON"T READ THIS I'M JUST WRITING FOR MY OWN GOOD AND BECAUSE IT'S FUN!....... Hi!! My first book so don't expect me to be perfect writing just writing to have fun. (Reminder)!!! English is my second language and I’m not that smart so don’t expect too much. The cover is not mine credits to the owner. Okay for the synopsis: Matthew Lux(loose), Is your typical otaku, he’s 17 turning 18 tomorrow, but sadly died while saving an old lady. He got 7 wishes. He wishes to become Poseidon. He became God and act as a God.

CosmoLuz · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
17 Chs

Chapter 6

( READ THIS PLEASE, so unfortunately the third wish is basically a dumb wish I mean that's my fault gods can make mortals and mortals to immortals by feeding them the Ambrosia means whoever consume it can gain immortality but in the myths if Demi-god can only consume it if there badly injured to heal, and if mortals consume it they turn to dust, but I'm not gonna go with the myths. So for the Levels or ranks, I'm gonna delete it officially, WHY? Well because it doesn't match up with this kind of world so THANK YOU guys for commenting and suggesting I really really enjoyed reading your comments even the comments are you know haters, but if you don't like my story the door is always open.



Tartarus is an abbreviation for Tartarus You already know what Tartarus is. That place is a living nightmare.

Tartarus was both a primordial god who lived before the Olympians and a name for an area of the Underworld in Greek mythology. He was the third most powerful deity, after Chaos and Gaea, and before Eros.

Cerberus, Hydra, Nemean Lion, Chimera, Sphinx, and Caucasian Eagle were among these creatures. Tartarus was in charge of transporting sinners' souls from earth to hell. Hell was represented as a prison where these souls will be tortured forever. (Oh, and by the way, this is all copied and pasted from Google, so haters, leave a comment now; 0)

"So we go into Tartarus and bring back the Cyclops and the Hundred-Handed Ones," Hades said as he approached me.

"So, what are we going to do now? Let's go to that Fuckin place! ", I shouted.

"Let's go!" Zeus exclaims.


We have no idea how to get there. I could just teleport us there, but I prefer to eat and talk with my siblings, particularly Hera, or read from my library. It took us a while to locate the entrance, but Hades discovered a cave system that led deep underground, and we figured this was the entrance we were searching for, so we followed it until we entered the underworld. We were right, the cave is the entrance. Hades is a skilled navigator.

Styx, the underwater river, Charon, the boatman, is probably on the other side. We followed the river until we came to a cliff. Tartarus' void was visible to us. We transferred our bodies into our own flying bird. and flew off into the abyss that Hades leads.

We landed at the bottom of the void minutes after flying down, where we saw a massive rock pyramid in the center of the dark area, volcanic ashes everywhere, and plenty of evil spirits running about like ants, while there were hundreds of scary creatures.

I frowned and took a deep breath.

"Fuckin hell, there's a hundred, if not thousands, of monsters living here!!" I exclaimed, while my sibling just nodded and sighed. I can tell they're disappointed by looking at their expressions one by one.

Tartarus is creating more primordial beings below. Aether, Hemera, Moros, Apate, Dolos, Nemesis, the Keres, the Moirai, the Hesperides, Oizys, Momus, the Oneiroi, Hypnos, Thanatos, Philotes, Geras, Eris, and Charon are among the children of Nyx and Erebus.

Why am I so knowledgeable? I have my own library, after all.

We looked for days before we came across a heavily fortified location guarded by a swarm of monsters.

I couldn't gamble our good fortune, so I teleported us inside to avoid being seen by the creatures.

"Brothers and sisters hold each other's hands," I said quietly.

"Poseidon, what are you going to do? Please do not do something dumb "Hera responded in hushed tones.

"Just trust me," I said back, my lips near to her ears. Hera's ears turned pinkish before quickly continuing to rise.

They nodded as I told them. And we teleported inside the prison.

But I totally missed the fact that Campe is defending The Elder Cyclops and the Hundred-Handed Ones. Campe is a female monster who has been assigned to protect the location in the dungeon.

I wouldn't say she's a hideous and frightening beast, but she has a human head and snakes for hair, similar to Medusa. She has a half-human form, similar to a centaur, but with reptilian scales and dragon teeth. Her dragon half is described as being black, with white streaks down her back and a pair of black demonic wings. She had serpentine hair, fifty bestial heads arranged around her shoulders or waist (lions, boars, and other wild animals), and a thousand vipers for "feet." Her shoulders were equipped with dark wings, and she kept a poisonous scorpion sting over her head.

Keeping a flaming whip, she tortured her captives.

We were watching her from behind, and I was wondering if it was possible to sneak up behind her and make a water sword to stab from behind, or if we should just make a bunch of water swords and spears and throw them behind her. To be honest, I'm at a loss about what to do; I need to move quickly in order to avoid being seen by the monster.

We wanted to be careful and strike when the time was right. We observed the Cyclops forging metals from iron and bronze. and the Hundred-Handed Ones bearing volcanic rock blocks to build a structure Campe would go to the prisoners and whip their backs and mark whip marks, but that darn whip was burning their flesh.

Even if they manage to defeat her, the creatures will overwhelm them as well. Since they can't do something, they prefer to simply listen. in addition According to Percy Jackson's novel, they were not battling maniacs, but forging and building maniacs.

"I have a plan. I'm going to make this place my domain so that the outside beast doesn't hear me fighting Campe, and while you guys go ask the Cyclops to make our weapons," I said quietly. They were both nodding. I started to make this area one of my domains in order to debuff Campe and make myself more powerful. I discovered that when I'm in my realm, I can go all out without caring about my surroundings and if I'm not in my realm, I'll use my divinity so that I can really go all out even if I'm not in my domain.

I inform them that I will distract Campe and go to the Cyclops while successfully making the place one of my territories.

Campe can be overpowered and defeated by me.

I crept up behind Campe's back and produced a slew of various water-shaped weapons floating above my head while covering my whole right hand with flames. I then leapt really hard, jumping on one of Campe's hair snakes and punching it to death. Oh, and by the way, she's very tall.

"Who dared to kill one of my precious snakes?!!!!" exclaimed Campe.

I then leaped away from her and began to hurl my water weapons at her. I could tell it was working, but depending on my power hurt more than just my water. I covered my right arm with flames again and my left hand with lightning, "Zzzzzzzz Chiiiii....!!!!!", It's fucking so fucking loud.

Campe turned around and glared at me with a scowl on her face "So you're the one that killed my lovely snake. What's your name, Boy, and what exactly do you want?! answered before I killed you!! ", she yelled.

"I'm Poseidon, and I'm here to kill!!" I yelled, certain that I will consume her soul.

"DIEEE FOR ME!!!!" She then hit me with her whip, which I quickly avoided. I jumped again, except this time instead of going to her back, I attacked her lower parts in the hopes of slowing her down. I fell on her dragon tail and punched it several times before stopping when I made a hole in it. So I'll have to end this quickly.

I then jumped down to relax. Her whip was getting stronger, but she was barely able to stand. I laughed as I watched the monster struggle and reached her tail. I collect a vast volume of divinity in my hand, making a giant energy ball. At first, I thought I was creating Kamehameha, Rasengan, or Chidori, but the ball is a rainbow of lightning, fire, water, and several other elements.

I leaped onto the back of her body. She didn't even notice me at first, but when she did, she stared at her body without her head.

I then kicked her head before moving to the side of her body. I put my hand on her body and started absorbing her soul. I felt like my body was going to explode, so I kept going because it was my first time trying this skill of mine. Minutes later, I had fully consumed her essence, and I could feel my power coursing through my whole body.

The body and head of the monster shrank. I held the body and picked up the head. I made my way towards my sibling and the Cyclops.

"I really can't believe it. Killing this beast proved to be more difficult than I had expected "I sigh and look at my sibling before tossing the corpse to the ground.

"I can't believe my brother really killed this creature!" Hades screamed as he touched the monster's body.

My siblings were all staring at me in wonder, but I ignored them and focused on the Cyclops.

"We can get you out here if you make us a weapon," I said, staring at the Cyclops.

"Brontes is my given name. Arges and Steropes are my brothers. We accept to assist you in creating your weapons ", Brontes said as he set his hammer on the table.

I grinned, and my siblings seemed to be overjoyed. Then they began forging; but, they forge in the manner of an artist, hitting down violently and thin, with plenty of sparks shooting all around. Each of their motions is so rapid that average people would not see it, but I can see it clearly. They then completed the first weapon.


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