
Percy Jackson: Scaled Lord Of Strife

Eldritches, Abominable creatures that originated from the deepest depths of the earth, they were dark creatures that hid and lurked under the cover of night searching for prey, they devoured anything who dared to roam the world under the light of the moon, they would slowly creep upon the poor soul and sneakily spread their long, noxious, tentacles around you and strangle you as they slowly moved you toward their maw, then they'd pull their tentacles back and little ridges on them would tear your body apart and you would fall into deep into the abyss that was their large, miasmic maw. Humanity prayed to their gods for millennia yet their gods had not answered, not until one day, when mankind was at the brink of extinction did they finally receive their blessings. From Zeus, The Authority Of The King From Poseidon, The Will Of The Creator From Adonis, The Soul Of Rebirth From Apollo, The Spark Of Liberation From Heaphestus, The Seal Of Confinement From Hercules, The Emergence Of Unembellished Power From Hestia, The Seed Of The Hearth From Artemis, The Bestial Sapien From Hecate, The Soul Of Mysticy From Hades, The Woke Of The Soul From Athena, The Spirit Of Conquest From Ares, The Body Of Savagery These 12 blessings were the cornerstones of the Eldritch Slayer path, a path forged by the hands of both mortal and divine, with these, humanity would be able to combat their foe, however, this was many many years ago, nowadays, Eldritch were the least of problems. --------------------------------------------- "Trixion, from behind you!!" A deafening scream resounded through the continent of war like the clap of thunder, though the noise did little to put a stop to the endless bloodshed occurring on the crimson continent. The one who had been alerted of an incoming attack, Trixion tried to look back at the perpetrator of said attack however the attack had already reached him and he was unable to react to it anyway. "You were a worthy opponent, Krimson Khaos...." To be a worthy opponent to the Scaled Prince, The Golden Dragon, of the Empyreans was truly commendable, yet to Trixion who looked down at the scaly arm piercing through his torso it seemed like more of an insult, an insult that brought him rage. Trixion attempted to move however the poison within his body wouldn't let him, after all, what led to him managing to get pierced like this. As Trixion slowly passed he started to accumulate his energy within his body, within a second his body was full to the brim with energy, soon he would burst into a bunch of blood pieces, and burst he did. "W-what are you doing?!?!" The Scaled prince hastily removed his arm and attempted to dash back but it had already been done. Trixion busted into hundreds of little pieces each piece of his body was supercharged with energy and thus was incredibly durable, it would pierce through many Empyreans and go undamaged, even more, he made it so that when it came in contact with anything it would burst even more it was like a bomb with shrapnels that that acted like a bomb. That act had killed nearly 10 million Empyreans and from then on out he was known as a hero to the whole world, he was someone who even in his final moments managed to bring the enemy to their knees. They were correct however it was not in his final moments it was in the final moments before the end that led to his new beginning. However, Trixion wasn't the only one who would begin once again, for Dendracove, The heir to the Driconite Empyreans would accompany him in his journey, as this was the story of both the Krimson Khaos, The Lord Of Strife, And The Golden Dragon, The Scaled Prince Of The Empyreans.

Lord_Sleepless_ · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
11 Chs

Giant's Trilogy Part 3: Energy Of Life I

||Primordial Blood Tomb||[Centuries ago, a primordial engaged in a catastrophic battle with a powerful giant, the aftermath of the battle devastated the land for centuries, transforming it into an eternal battlefield, a cursed place where ghastly creatures prowl at night, charging at anything that breathes, the vile creatures follow after their father, forever in conflict with towering, dark abominations whose size put even immortals to shame. Any who dares venture into this ruined land, beware of the broken curse of d@%^n*&(v)%^9x??]

An immolating wave of green energy erupted from the mad giant, maiming its already broken body to spine-chilling extents, hundreds upon hundreds of gallons of crimson liquid bathed the ground before succumbing to the steaming inferno that the earth had now become, soon however the gallons of blood managed to cool the ground and seeped into the ground filling the mile wide cracks within the ground and turning them into small rivers of blood.

The ruined land, smeared by dark, gooey flesh, melted bones, and other, far more chilling melted body parts, The giant's body had almost been destroyed, lest for one part, the giant's head.

The giant's head had flown up deep into the higher levels of the atmosphere before hitting the ground releasing an immeasurable amount of force, expanding the many cracks littering the ground and creating a gargantuan crater spanning 250 kilometers from side to side.

Sitting on the still-cooling crack at the floor of the crater, nearly 18 miles underground was the giant's building-sized head. The giant's eyes maimed eyes spilled blood that evaporated constantly as if in a battle with the very earth, Those ever-bleeding eyes seemed to stare into the depths of one's soul bringing terror into any soul-cursed enough to trek the broken lands it rested upon.


Resting deep within a 4-mile-wide crack spanning nearly 10 miles, filled to the brim with blood was Dentrivix's lone head floating upon the steaming crimson river of red, the head charred before going back into its untouched state in an endless macabre loop. 

'How fuck did I end up all diced n' sliced like a samurai's target practice....' Dentrivix's stalemate soon came to an end as the blood river eventually cooled enough for him to regenerate himself a bit, however, it wasn't much as constant regeneration had left him almost completely drained of his usually abundant life energy, evident as he only manages to form his neck until his lower abdomen.

He tried to regenerate his arms but only managed to heal them until his elbows and thus he was stuck within the mile-wide cracks with only a bit of his chest and abdomen his half-crippled arms accompanied by only his thoughts.

'Just what the fuck was that energy that giant used?' Dentrivix pondered on just what had occurred, He had been crawling through the giant's optical organ and his body tingled, feeling immense danger from everywhere where he tried to escape the eye but within mere moments a wave of immolating heat struck his body, the sheer force of it blowing his body apart as he tried his very hardest to heal despite being constantly broken apart, spilling gallons and gallons of blood which evaporated and headed to the sky.

The force had shot him up into the highest layers of the atmosphere, enough for him to see the stars up close however he quickly fell from the sky, leaving a blazing trail of incandescent flames with his descent. When he hit the ground he left a gigantic crater probably spanning around 8-9 miles from side to side, at the time he guessed himself to be around 100 or so feet below ground but not for long.

The giant somehow managed to make it farther up than him before slamming back down splitting the ground nearly in half of course that force created a large crack that had conveniently spilled right under him and thus he had fallen in.

"Was he using life energy?" Dentrivix exhausted and battered, lying within a river of his own blood. He couldn't help but wonder what could have been different if he had the power to control life energy. The giant he had just fought had been too much for him to handle, and he couldn't shake the feeling that he could have bested it with far more ease if he had such power.

As he lay there, his mind raced with possibilities of what he could have done differently. Maybe he could have used the life energy to increase his own strength or to weaken the giant's defenses. Perhaps he could have even used it to heal himself during the battle, to keep himself from being so badly injured.

But it was all just speculation, and he knew that he couldn't change what had already happened. He had entered the giant like a parasite, crawling through its eyes until it ran mad, finally killing itself and nearly killing him in the process.

Dentrivix decided to try to control his life force, uncaring if that was what the giant had used or not as ultimately if it could boost his strength then that was all that truly mattered.

'It's MY life energy, why the hell doesn't it come back?!?!' 

Dentrivix closed his eyes relaxed what was left of his mind and tried to feel for his life energy and soon he felt it, a hint of familiarity in the blood around him however he couldn't properly feel nor interact with it. It was like being called but the sound was distorted and impossible to understand.

Dentrivix exerted his willpower in an attempt to summon the life energy that had seemingly departed from him. He focused his mind and body, trying with all his might to bring back the elusive energy that sustained him. Despite his efforts, there was no response from the life energy. Undeterred, Dentrivix tried numerous times, using different techniques and approaches, but to no avail. He even made a promise to express his gratitude if the energy would come back to him, but it remained unresponsive. Dentrivix was left feeling frustrated and powerless, unable to regain the vital force that had abandoned him.

He wondered if it was because it was his first time trying to truly manipulate his life energy, if one were to compare his life energy to a muscle then he was only flexing it in time of need not moving it and a barely used muscle is hard to use during one's first time or if it was because the life energy was no longer in his body anymore, he guessed that it was probably both.

Dentrivix continued to focus and concentrate on sensing the life energy that flowed through his veins like a river of blood. Gradually, to his surprise, he started to feel the energy more strongly. It was as if someone was speaking to him in a language he didn't fully comprehend, but he could discern the tone and cadence of the voice. Despite not understanding the message completely, he felt a sense of accomplishment in finally being able to sense the life energy more acutely.

Dentrivix sat there for even longer focusing his entire being on the incomprehensible voice that was the life energy surrounding him. Suddenly however he felt a subtle shift within himself, like a cog had finally clicked into place. It was as if a barrier had been lifted, and he could now interact with the message on a deeper level. The words that had previously been muddled and confusing now came through with clarity, and he was finally able to comprehend what was being said. It was a pivotal moment for Dentrivix, one that left him feeling grateful for his persistence and determined to approach future challenges with the same level of determination.

Dentrivix took a deep breath, feeling a sense of excitement and anticipation building within him. With a sly smile on his face, he reached out to the energy source resting beside him, his fingers tingling with the power that was about to be unleashed. As he closed his eyes and focused his mind, he could feel the energy pulsing through his veins, ready to be manipulated to his will. "Now for the finale," he thought to himself, his mind racing with possibilities for what he could achieve with this incredible power at his fingertips.

As he gripped the life energy firmly, he could sense a certain resistance emanating from it. He realized that it was trying to break free from his grasp. He applied more force to his grip, determined to gain control over it. After a few moments of intense effort, he felt the object give way slightly. He tugged harder, commanding it to come back to him. Finally, it gave in to his order, although it put up a significant struggle before yielding. Despite the difficulties he faced, he was able to regain control over the object.

As he looked up, a mesmerizing sight greeted him - a bright green energy that seemed to coalesce and gather above him. It was like a giant sun, but unlike any he had ever seen before. The green orb pulsed with a rhythmic beat, sending out ethereal wisps of energy that danced and swirled around it. Its majestic form towered above him, emanating a radiant green light that illuminated everything in its path. The ground below was bathed in a bright green glow, as if the energy from the orb was seeping into the earth, making it come alive. The giant crater that lay before him seemed to be transformed into a holy object, as if it had been touched by something divine. It was a truly awe-inspiring sight that left him feeling both humbled and awestruck.

For a moment, the celestial object appeared suspended in the sky, as though admiring the world below. It glowed with a brilliant radiance, casting a warm and comforting light upon everything within its reach. As it lingered there, it released a final burst of energy that sent waves of heat and light rippling across the landscape for miles around.

The sky lit up in a dazzling display of colors, as if a painter's brush had swept across it, leaving behind a brushstroke of vibrant hues. The celestial object seemed to bask in the beauty of its creation, soaking up the wonder and awe that its presence inspired.

And then, as suddenly as it had appeared, the object began to shrink, its size dwindling down to that of a small soccer ball. But even as it shrank in size, it seemed to grow in power, with bolts of raw, unrestrained life energy crackling around it.

Despite its smaller size, the object's majesty remained undiminished, and it continued to emit a brilliant glow that illuminated everything around it. It stood as a testament to the wondrous and mysterious forces of the universe, a reminder of the vastness of space and the limitless potential of the cosmos.

The giant green sun continued to shrink in size, transforming into a tiny sphere similar to a baseball. From this small ball emanated a cascading stream of vibrant life energy, which quickly enveloped the broken body of Dentrivix. The effect of this healing energy was immediate and profound as Dentrivix's wounds began to close and his body was revitalized. The surge of life energy continued to shower down upon him for a while longer until the last vestiges of the verdant sun were finally extinguished.

As the abundant life energy coursed through Dentrivix's body, he was left completely speechless. He couldn't believe the incredible spectacle he was witnessing, and the intense feelings he experienced were beyond anything he had ever felt before. The energy seemed to flow through him like a river, and he felt as if his whole body was being caressed by soft, warm hands. It was an absolutely amazing sensation, and he was filled with a sense of profound wonder and joy.

However, as amazing as this feeling was, it was nothing compared to the second sensation that swept over him. It was like a thousand fireworks going off inside his body all at once, and he felt a sense of pure ecstasy that was beyond words. It was as if every fiber of his being was vibrating with incredible energy, and he was filled with a sense of boundless energy and vitality. This was by far the best thing he had ever felt in his life, and he knew that he would never forget this moment for as long as he lived.

Dentrivix gazed downwards at the earth beneath him, his mind still reeling from the incredible spectacle that had just unfolded before his eyes. The display had been nothing short of divine, leaving him awestruck and speechless. However, as he took a moment to collect himself, he quickly became aware of something entirely absurd.

He was flying! Or to be more precise, he was suspended in the air, but Dentrivix refused to use such mundane terminology. It just didn't do justice to the incredible sensation he was experiencing. He felt weightless as if he were floating on a cloud, and the world around him took on a surreal quality, as if he were seeing it through a dream. Dentrivix couldn't help but laugh out loud, feeling a sense of pure joy and freedom that he had never experienced before.

As Dentrivix laughed heartily, reveling in the thrill of his flight, he suddenly felt himself beginning to fall. Whatever had been suspending him had quickly given way, and he plummeted downwards, hurtling towards the gaping crack in the earth below. The sound of shattering glass echoed in his ears as he fell, and he let out a panicked scream, desperately pleading to be put back up and regain his airborne freedom. Despite his annoyance at the unexpected interruption, Dentrivix's fear was palpable as he tumbled helplessly towards the unforgiving ground.

Dentrivix's voice echoed through the cavernous space as he screamed, "PUT ME BACK UP, BACK UP!!!". He was desperate to feel the wind rushing past him once more, to soar high above the clouds and feel free. The intensity of his plea was palpable, and it was clear that he would stop at nothing to take to the skies again.

With a sense of desperation, he cried out for help, his voice echoing through the vast open space. His heart was pounding as he looked up to the sky, hoping that the heavens would hear his plea. Suddenly, his body felt light and weightless, and he was lifted off the ground. As he soared through the air, he felt a rush of freedom and exhilaration. It was as if the divine powers had heard his call and answered it, granting him the flight of birds.

Dentrivix stood still, his focus completely on using world sense, a unique ability that allowed him to spread his conciseness out into the world, he had learned to do this while trying to sense his life energy. Standing there, he analyzed his surroundings, studying how he was suspended in the air.

Dentrivix hoped to understand how it was being done so that he could do it as well, maybe even strike a pose similar to a certain blue and red-wearing comic hero dubbed super by the masses, Suddenly however, through his world sense he felt something small rushing towards his head at super-sonic speeds, No, not just something, it was a small humanoid foot rushing at him, as his mind started to react to the lightning fast attack, he heard a quiet, almost whisper like noise from above him.

"This is for Nexter....." 

"Ohh fuck...."


As I, the great one have said before, go check out Lordly Ones: Lord Of The Strife it is the same book as this just as a novel now, If you don't want to read that version because you have sentimental value to this one then at least give the novel some collections, leaving the link in paragraph comments and normal comments oh and go read the other book in the Lordly Ones series, Lordy Ones: Abyssal King