
Percy Jackson Normal

Percy gets injured, and that's what it takes for him to realize he can also have a normal life.

Asterius_Daemon · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
1 Chs


Percy Jackson, demigod, son of Poseidon, God of The Sea, couldn't do anything else. The truck was far too fast. A drunk driver, probably. Heading straight for a little child standing on the seeming empty road, frozen in fear and so close to death that it was downright cruel.

Body and reflexed honed from fighting two wars against two different immortal races, the Titans and the Giants, let him move his body just quick enough to throw the child out of the way before the truck crashed into him.

Emotional turmoil caused by Annabeth's break-up and exhaustion from the end of the war two weeks ago had left him in a state that he could barely use his powers to keep himself from dying, and he stared at the scared child's face, giving him a weak smile before slipping into darkness.

-Scene break-

Heads were turning in the Griffin Hospital. The Olympians were gods, but they had a mortal company for cover. Needless to say, the entire world knew them, and when Poseidon Olympian, the marine biologist and older brother of Olympus company owner, Zeus Olympian, strode into the hospital, walking right to the reception with sadness rolling off him in waves and asked in a soft voice for his son, people noticed. "Percy Jackson, my son, where is he?" he asked.

As soon as he had thanked the receptionist, he immediately walked to where his son was lying on a bed. Dr. Walters, a renowned doctor in his late forties, informed him of the blood loss and severe exhaustion. "Ms. Jackson and Mr. Blofis asked for water and did something, but it didn't work. And she also said that normal blood can't be transplanted," the man mentioned, and immediately noticed the man stiffening slightly.

"Thank you Doctor, you saved my son's life. About the blood, he will heal soon enough, since he heals faster," Poseidon gave a nod and walked to his son's right, barely noticing his mother and step-father on the other side, holding his hand, not moving.

-Scene break-

What seemed like multiple hours later, the air shimmered and Zeus and Hades appeared through an Iris Message. "Brother, the seas have gone wild, what are you doing?" Zeus asked in a firm tone. After the war, the three brothers had come to some sort of truce and got along well. Mostly because something happened that never happened, the three of them actually liked their nephews and nieces, the demigod ones, at least.

"Percy had an accident, suffering from blood loss and exhaustion. His powers are weak after the battle and his healing from water has slowed down. I'm healing him right now," they heard the exhaustion in their brother's tone, and just barely stopped themselves from flashing there.

"What happened?" Hades' tone wasn't emotionless, and a hint of sadness had creeped in. Sally replied instead, "A drunk driver in a truck lost control and was about to his a small boy, but Percy pushed him away," she said, her voice cracking a bit. "The driver?" their voices were a tad angry, and their masks had cracked slightly.

Annoying or not, even if he was Poseidon's child, they liked him. After saving their hides two times, how could they not? Storm clouds rolled in the sky, the shadows darkened as geologist all over the world scrambled to find a reason for the sea and sky be suddenly active, and demigods wondered, somewhere in the back of their minds, who managed to piss the Big Three off.

"Charged for drunk driving," Paul answered softly. The two brothers stared at their nephew bed-ridden form, a thin sheet of water present to accelerate his healing, before swiping at the mist and ending the call.

One hour later, the nurse informed that the doctor believed Percy will be healed in another three days, and the man to cause the accident was in jail for attempted murder, courtesy of his uncles.

-Scene break-

When Percy regained consciousness the next day, his parents had been with him. After asking how long it had been, he had cracked a joke. "Far from the longest sleep I've had," he had said with his trademark lopsided grin.

The child's mother had come to thank him, as well as many visits from gods and demigods. Thalia and Nico had stayed with him for the longest, since the adults had to leave and attend to their duties. They made sure to keep him entertained, telling about various campers' reactions, comically over-exaggerating the facts. Apparently, Hermes had sneaked the Stoll brothers in the prison for a few minutes, and they had made sure the man, James Simmons, would have an entertaining life there.

Percy had once, jokingly asked Thalia to massage his shoulders, and both the boys had stared at her in disbelief when she agreed. She had almost done it, just coated her palms in weak lightening before starting, making Percy complain even more for the rest of the day.

The most comical incident had been when Aphrodite had arrived, making most people stare at her, to which Percy had given her a half-hearted glare. After admiring the new scar near his collar bone for some time, she had complained how Annabeth had ruined the perfect relationship of the decade. Once Percy had been bored enough, Thalia had threatened her with a lightening shock to send her away.

Hermes and Apollo had made a game that temporarily let him ignore his ADHD. Athena and Artemis had given him an Ancient Greek book to read, which was still unwrapped, and Dionysus hadn't visited, but a can of Coke had appeared on his table out of thin air, so Percy had thanked him. Hestia had also visited a couple of times, as well as Zeus, Hades, Hera and Persephone.

His dad had mentioned how Demeter had sent her regards and told him eat a lot of cereals, while Ares had told him to heal quickly so that they could have a rematch. Once he had said how he had suffered worse injuries and would be out and about in no time, his mother had pointed out how they never had time to actually do all this for him, however severe the injuries may have been.

That night, as Percy stared out at the night sky from the window by his bed (he had requested the bed be moved, so he could at least look outside), he wondered how normal his life seemed, and if such moments would be just as rare in the future.

Just trying out this site. I might write more if I get ideas.

Asterius_Daemoncreators' thoughts