The Story : He's been through hell ... literally. He saw things that shouldn't be known but the truth had to come out. His trust broken, his world suddenly a lie and one betrayal after another. He was the greatest hero but now, Olympus has lost him and with that, they set up their own end. A reckoning is coming and lines will have to be drawn. A new King will come and with him, a new era...
( Raven POV )
It had taken less than an hour for her to clear out every single responsible individual within the building, whether consumer or producer, and rip them apart by hand rather than use her short sword disguised as a hair clip given to her by her father.
At least she'd remained coherent enough to shadow travel with all those she rescued, over three dozen, and brought them to Will's clinic in the city. A good chunk of those she rescued where well under the legal age too so Leto would probably take responsibility for them.
That mission had been a bit of an alarming wake-up call though, especially since it seemed that Raven inherited something akin to a fatal flaw from her father, being driven over the edge emotionally and focusing on a sole directive though unless it was a repeat occurrence, that one time could be attributed to nerves and inexperience.
Regardless she had continued on with the follow up missions, steeling herself for the task she was born to handle in her mother's place.
Now that she had some experience under her belt her mother felt it right to start seeking out possible candidates to join her. It may have seemed overly clichéd and fantasy based but with the world's state now Love truly did need to be protected, especially through the greatest means such as innocence and empathy. Now she had chased down what felt like a possible lead that she'd picked out some hours earlier while in her mother's office and connecting more thoroughly with emotions of the closest humans, at least on the same continent.
The one she felt was surprisingly appropriate for the tasks and purpose of, as of yet unnamed group which Raven would lead under the supervision of her mother.
Sure, they and likely would try to spread positive emotions whenever they could but at the end of the day they were also executioners, specifically hunting for the Black Listed as her mother termed them. They would see vile and disgusting things, the ugly underbelly that humanity tries to ignore about itself and they needed to have tough stomachs for it.
The emotions she felt from this one gave an impression of experience but there were still undertones of kindness and a desire to do more. Oddly enough, this presence, though strong for a mortal, felt like it was incomplete somehow, as if something was simply removed and never replaced or returned.
She followed the presence until she came to a large studio, the dusk illuminated with bright lights of all sorts focused on the far side where cameras were rolling. She idly glanced to a big cut out, reading, "King of Sparta III: The Ascension" on it.
'Well, that's amusing considering humanity more or less knows some higher beings exist' she mused as she walked past the studio itself and towards an open air courtyard or sorts full of high end trailers, some being hounded by paparazzi. She flowed her senses, maneuvering through some groups, discreetly using the Mist to make sure no one, especially a paparazzi, got any ideas to take pictures of her or try to get her attention.
It only took her a few minutes before she arrived to one particular trailer with a large, shaded tent strung up next to it. Inside she saw a woman looking around her mid-twenties or so, dark brown hair falling just short of her shoulders with a small braid hanging near her face.
Dressed in a rather simple yet snug green blouse and jean shorts did nothing to detract from her rather impressive hourglass figure, as far as mortals went. Her light mocha skin seemed flawless and with deep, amber eyes and full lips set her apart from the rest.
However, even as she watched the woman relaxing with a chai tea in hand and a magazine in the other, Raven could see a faint wariness in her shoulders. Almost like she was tired but also expecting a visit but not one she wanted in the slightest. Raven felt tempted to use her abilities to see the woman's desires to get an idea of how to approach her but then she thought better of it.
Being this close had already tipped Raven that this woman was a demigod, though again the scent felt off as well, much like her presence. And if this was an adult demigod with clear experience judging by the subtle muscle definition in her arms and the siting stance that would allow her to move in an instant, she would be suspicious if someone unknown suddenly showed up and started a conversation with too much control or knowledge.
Coming outright and saying she was an immortal could help show honesty on her part but making it seem like a manipulation rather than an offer would be counter-productive.
So, taking her choice of action she walked forward confidently, mirroring how her mother would walk when she wanted her father's attention. Virgin she may be and no interests to change that as of yet but still, being a seductress was second nature to her. As it were, the clack of her heeled sandals drew the woman's attention up from her magazine.
Said woman watched with a raised eyebrow as Raven drew closer with an easy smile, brazenly walking into the open-air tent and asking, "Mind if I have a seat?"
The demigod looked at her with something akin to bemusement, as if wondering why exactly she was being approached or who Raven thought she was but regardless she gave a nod and smile.
"Thank you," Raven said as she got comfortable, crossing her legs and putting her hands together on her lap as she looked at the demigoddess.
The demigoddess in question seemed to be considering whether returning to her magazine or not but then set it down and looked at Raven intently before asking, "So, can I get a name?"
"Oh," Raven started, a slight blush of embarrassment making itself known though luckily the Mist hide it as a natural color. "I'm sorry, my name is Raven … Blofis," she added at the end seeing this demigoddess was simply too old to not know the Jackson name, besides, she wasn't technically wrong since her parents aren't married yet and her mother is a Blofis.
"Blofis," the demigoddess murmured with a slight narrowing of the eyes, as if trying to find where she might have heard that name before but seemed to come up short. With a little shake and smile she returned, "Nice to meet you Raven, my name is Piper … Piper Mclean."
Raven just barely stopped her eyes from widening at that, almost kicking herself for not recognizing the demigod sooner. She wasn't the most popular of subjects back at Mount Cartier but Raven had heard enough that she should have recognized her for the obvious such as her heritage, mortal and divine, but then again Piper's presence felt incomplete … and didn't she have ever changing eyes?
Still, continuing on without giving it away that Piper's name rung some bells beyond what they should, possibly because it was rather obvious now that Piper was here with her father. If she remembered correctly they'd heard that there was a falling out between Piper and Aphrodite soon after the scandal with Jason and the demigod had renounced all ties to Olympus, including her own bloodline and abilities associated with them. That … made things easier in a way.
Here she had a known and experienced demigoddess with no ties to Olympus whatsoever, already used to some of the abilities she would gain if she took a vow with her mother … if she agreed.
But then there was the entire issue of Jason and how everyone else would react to it. She was sure she could convince her father to give Piper a second chance, as well as her mother would definitely support it, but again it was all speculation until she actually got Piper to agree. That being said, she was taking too long and Piper was starting to fidget as Raven kept staring at her without even blinking.
"Well, nice to meet you Piper," she said kindly while relaxing into her seat before looking around.
She caught Piper looking oddly surprised for a moment before asking softly, "You're taking this awfully well."
Raven turned to her with a quirked eyebrow, not sure why that was, luckily Piper continued.
"For the last few years people always get excited or tongue tied when they learn I'm Tristen Mclean's daughter," she explained before gesturing to a group of paparazzi hounding some passing actor.
"They won't bother here since there are actual celebrities to go after but every once in a while I'm spotted by the curious few or new reports trying to find an easy first assignment." Then she grimaced before adding, "That or other, occasionally actors trying to get in my pants."
"Well to be honest I had no idea who you were until you said your name and otherwise no real interest in the celebrity stuff," Raven said with a casual shrug. "You just looked a little lonely and this shaded tent is rather comfortable."
"That's why I got it," Piper replied before taking a sip of her drink. "Hanging out in an air-conditioned trailer gets boring pretty quickly but being out here always gets some entertainment."
"I would imagine so," Raven agreed before pausing as she considered how to get the conversation to the more … mystic aspects of the world. "So … been seeing the news lately?" she hedged.
Piper hummed with a nod. "Yeah, pretty crazy all things considered and I thought I'd seen everything," she said, finishing with the last bit muttered under her breath but Raven still caught it.
"You don't seem that surprised," she commented, watching how Piper tensed slightly but relaxed soon enough.
"You could say I've lived … in interesting times," she replied.
"And so? Any thoughts on everyone claiming about angels and the end is near?" she asked, amusement coloring her voice.
Piper snorted at that before saying, "Wouldn't be the first time."
Seeing Raven's questioning look Piper quickly added, "I mean, everyone thought the new millennia was the end and then there was the whole 2012 year so really it's just everyone jumping the gun."
"And if it isn't?" Raven asked as she picked at her hair clip before taking it out and fingering it lightly. "What if the world isn't ending … but changing?"
Piper looked at her oddly at that before her eyes moved to the hairclip in Raven's hands. Deciding that unless she outright said it Piper would keep the conversation away from anything related to myths she twirled the clip in her fingers making it shift.
In a manner of seconds she now held a black short sword made from one of her father's own feathers and fused with tartarean steel just for her. The handle and guard were a smooth obsidian while the blade itself was slightly curved up forming one sharp edge for cutting.
Piper gaped at it but Raven quickly shifted it back to a hairclip before Piper could think she was taking hostile action, though she wasn't sure if Piper was armed anyways. Said demigoddess was now looking at her with narrowed and calculating eyes, the old training and experience from the second Giant War taking root. They stared at each other for a few tense minutes before Piper finally broke the silence.
"Who and more importantly, what, are you?" she asked.
"I told you who, you just don't know what that means unless you knew who my parents are. As for what, again related to what my parents are but …" she paused as she leaned forward and said with a wink. "… My parents and their associates have been the topic of news lately."
At that Piper's eyes widened, probably recalling the footage of Jason that practically everyone has seen by now. However, before the demigoddess could possibly jump to a wrong conclusion Raven held a hand up.
"Relax, I'm not going to hurt you or anything. I have another purpose for being here," she said.
"I thought you didn't even know who was?" Piper shot back suspiciously.
"And I didn't, I was only tracking down a strong presence that could match what I was looking for to begin with," Raven replied.
"And that would be what exactly?" Piper continued, still not looking convinced. "Because if you know anything about me, than you know that I didn't exactly leave that world behind on the most positive note for anyone."
"Well I'm not from Olympus if that's what you're asking but then again, you don't know what's been going on in the last few months, do you?" Raven shot back with a knowing smirk while Piper frowned.
"I was wondering why it's been so long since her last attempt," Piper murmured before looking at Raven's questioning expression. "The Love goddess," Piper nearly hissed.
"Has been trying for some time to get me to see reason apparently but I still reject her every time. She's even tried to get back with my father but I've chased her off several times and he already knows just enough about the mystic world to rebuke her as well.
He didn't take kindly to learning what she did to me and before you say anything," Piper added when Raven opened her mouth to comment on what happened that night, she raised her hand.
"Yes, it was my fault for letting her words get to me and in the end I'm the one that willingly slept with the sunny bastard but I won't let myself or my father become one of her playthings again."
"I'm surprised she hasn't caused anything to happen. Last I checked Olympians don't take a 'no' very well and go by the logic of 'If I can't have it, no one can'," Raven said as she crossed her arms and studied Piper intently.
"That's because of Hestia," Piper replied as she took another drink. "She'd heard what happened and probably felt how upset I was, especially when that woman appeared again.
She forced Aphrodite to swear on the Styx to never use her power or domains to interfere with me and my father ever again. Makes the goddess near harmless if she can't charmspeak you but it didn't stop her persistence."
Don't forget to throw some power Stones, to keep the story going.
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