
Chapter 7

"So quidditch is really that fun?" Percy asked as he sipped from his cardboard cup of coffee. Percy and Harry were walking around town with two cups of coffee in hand. It had been a week since they meet, and this was the first time since then that Harry and Percy found time to hang out.

"Yup, it's the best. Plus you can fly, who doesn't want to fly?!" Harry asked.

"Hm, well then why did it have to be a broom?"

"What's wrong with a broom?"

"Well I mean...it's a broom! Why a broom? Didn't they have anything else? Like maybe a carpet? Flying carpets are real right?"

"Well yes, but they are illegal."

"Really? Why?"

"Oh something about them falling over the edge, really complicated," Harry waved it away.

"Alright fine, no carpet, how about a skateboard?"

"A skateboard? Are you mad?"

"Well it's better than a broom! I mean come on! One of these days you just know you are accidentally going to grab the wrong broom to clean the floors with and the next thing you know you would have just used an expensive piece of wood to clean your floors!"

"Well you do know that it's really difficult to confuse a normal broom for a magical one right?"

"Hey, I'm just saying, it can happen."

"Right," Harry rolled his eyes.

"Don't you roll your eyes at me Potter, you know I have a point! A charmed skateboard in a hundred times more sensible than a broom!" Percy blinked, "and you know what, I'll prove it you!"

"What? Are you going to charm a skateboard?" Harry chuckled.


"Ah, I thought you were terrible at charms?"

"I am, but I didn't say I would do it alone did I? I'm sure my aunt would love to help me out."

Harry's cheeks tinged red as he quickly hide his face behind his coffee cup, "your aunt, right."

Percy laughed at Harry's embarrassment, but he really couldn't blame the kid. Percy still remembered the first time Hecate and Harry meet.

Harry had just successful poured Percy's potion into Dudley's drink and had come back to tell him about how the fat bully reacted. But when had knocked on number 7's door Hecate was the one who had opened.

Harry blinked as he looked at the attractive woman, "ah, hello. Is-ah, is Percy here?"

"Yes he is Harry, please, come in," Hecate moved back allowing Harry inside. The goddess shut the door behind her and called out, "Percy! Harry's here!"

Harry looked at the woman, she was very beautiful in his eyes. She wore a form fitting red robes that hugged her chest and stomach giving a low cut at her cleavage. Her hips seemed to be hidden well, and Harry couldn't stop himself from imagining what she would look like underneath that.

"So Harry, are you done picturing me naked yet?" Hecate asked with a sweet smile.

Harry looked shocked, "I-I'm sorry!"

"Oh don't be dear, everyone does it. In fact I find that the only ones who don't are the men in my family, Percy and the rest. I think they can sense that I'm trouble in the regard, hm."

Harry blushed red, "I-I swear I didn't mean to!"

"Really? And why is that? Am I not pretty enough Harry?"

"What? No! You're very pretty!"

"Then why didn't you mean you picture me naked? Is it the dress? Sigh, I knew I should've gone with the black one, much more scandalous."

"No!" Harry shouted yet again, his blush growing bigger and bigger, "I-I think this dress is very pretty."

"Oh thank you dear," Hecate smiled as she walked closer. Harry quickly moved back until his back was pressed up to the wall. He took deep breaths as Hecate looked into his eyes, she could smell her, she smelt so good, Harry felt warm wearing these clothes.

Hecate looked him over and smiled, she traced a finger down his cheek and whispered, "you know, if you wish, I could show you a world you can never dream off Harry. I can make you a man, and leave you wanting for more. And I can make you," she leaned in and whispered, "mine."

Harry gulped. Hecate drew back and smiled as she ran her hands down Harry's shoulders to his chest and then kept going lower. Harry stammered, "I-I-"

"Hecate!" Percy cried out, "stop trying seduce undergae boys!"

The woman groaned as she stepped away. Harry couldn't help feeling saddened by the loss as he watched her turn around and face Percy.

"I wasn't going to do anything," Hecate said with a shrug.

"Care you say that again under Veritaserum?" Percy chuckled.

The goddess huffed, "spoil sport."

Percy turned to Harry, "don't' mind her. She's what I would call a cougar, tends to go after younger men a quarter her age."

"You say that like it's a bad thing," Hecate smiled before turning to Harry, "the offer still stands Harry. Call on me anytime you change your mind." she waved seductively and walked away leaving Harry light headed.

"Ah hm," Percy coughed, "Harry, ah….your pants."

Harry blinked before he looked down. Apparently his lower half decided to show just how much it appreciated Hecate's offer. Immediately Harry cupped his groin blushing, "s-sorry."

"Need a minute to yourself?" Percy teased.

"I hate you so much right now," Harry grumbled. And that was Harry's first meeting with the goddess of magic.

Percy smiled recalling the memory as Harry and him walked towards the movie theater. Harry had finally managed to get a day away from the Dursley's and Percy was more than happy to take the little guy out.

"So what movie are we going to watch?" Harry asked putting his empty cup into a trash bin.

"Well it's called The Lion King, so you know," Percy shrugged.

"Ah no, I don't. Hasn't it just released today?"

"Oh, well yeah, what I meant was that it is made by Disney, they have a pretty good track record," Percy quickly spat out.

"Really? What other movies did Disney make?"

Percy blinked, "ah….Mickey Mouse?"

Harry raised an eyebrow, "right….you are a strange wizard Mr. Jackson."

"Oh please, compard to the average wizard I'm completely normal! I mean come on! Who wears bathrobes all the time?!"

"They aren't bath robes, they are just robes."

"Which I would wear while stepping out of the bath. Hence they are bathrobes."

Harry groaned, "I hate arguing with you."

"Because you can never win?"

"No because you make no sense," Harry groaned as they quickly bought two tickets and waited in the lobby for the theater doors to open. Percy bought them both a large popcorn and soda, and when Harry insisted that he payed, but then Percy threatened to obliviate the boy and Harry decided otherwise.

"So you excited to join Hogwarts?" Harry asked as munched on his snacks.

"Well yes, from what you've told me it sounds like an amazing place," Percy shrugged, "the fact that you guys had a werewolf for a teacher is awsome! It's sad he got kicked out, it would be so cool! Imagine the jokes Harry! 'Kids I'm sorry, but when I turned into my wolf form ate your homework.' It would be hillarious!"

Harry laughed, he found himself becoming closer and closer to Percy. The American was easy to talk too and very relaxed, a week ago he didn't even know the guy, now he feels like a good friend.

Just then Harry spotted a large group of teenagers walk into the theater and head for the snack counter. Harry groaned when he spotted Dudley and his gang mixed in with the older teenagers. He turned to Percy and elbowed him, "fat boy 12 o'clock."

"Really? Where?" Percy looked up and saw Dudley and Piers standing at the snack counter. He also saw Casey and Jenny with them along with few other teenagers, probably their friends.

"Great just great," Percy turned around and faced the wall. He took out his wand and discreetly put a notice-me-not charm on himself and Harry.

Harry blinked feeling the sudden rush of magic, "w-what was that?"

"A notice me not charm," Percy explained, "it's OWL level, and one of the few charms I can actually perform. While under it we will be ignored by everyone else. But be careful, it's not that good though, so it might break if you do something stupid."

Harry nodded, "got it." Dudley then started looking around and Harry saw his eyes pass over his form without any sign of recognition. Harry couldn't help a grin forming on his face, "God I love magic."

Percy chuckled and agreed. They went inside the theater the moment the doors opened and sat down near the back. Dudley and his gang sat a few rows down and none of them seemed to notice Harry and Percy.

The movie was alright, Percy didn't mind it too much as this was probably the 20th time he saw this movie. When he was growing up his mom had watched it with him again and again. Harry on the other hand loved it.

"You are such a big baby," Percy laughed as they walked out of the theater.

"I am not!"

"Yeah you are! Don't think I didn't see you cry when Mufasa died!"

"Of course I did! Who wouldn't have cried?! Only a heartless monster that's who!"

"Are you calling me a heartless monster?"

"Did you cry?"

Percy chuckled, "I did."

"I didn't see tears."

Percy gave a lopsided grin, "drying spells are amazing Harry, you should really learn them."

Harry gaped, "not fair," he grumbled as Percy laughed. They stepped out and stretched, the day was still young, it was barely passed 4 in the afternoon. Harry turned to Percy, "so what now Jacky?"

"Now? Well I don't' know really. I just come here, watch a movie and then maybe spend some time in the park relaxing. And then go home when it becomes dark. What do you usually do?"

"Be stuck at the Dursley's doing chores," Harry grumbled.

"Well then maybe we can go back to my place and I can help you get back at them?"

"You want to help me prank them again?"

Percy grinned, "yup! This time I was thinking we could stick too mortal means and just mess with your uncle's car. Maybe we can lossed his lug nuts so when he takes the car out the wheels will automatically break apart!"

"I don't know, how are we going to do that and not get caught?"

"Hm, maybe in the middle of the night when everyone's asleep? We could make it fun too, you can help me get the tools needed, or maybe I can just transfigure what we need and then-"

Percy felt someone bump into him and suddenly the charm he placed over himself and Harry fell apart. Percy turned and saw Cassy looking up at him with wide eyes.

"I-I'm sorry," Cassy stammered and soon everyone else in Dudley's little group noticed Percy and Harry.

"Freak!" Dudley cried out as he spotted Harry, "what are you doing here?!"

Harry hit himself up the head, "somebody help me."

Percy rolled his eyes, "come on Harry, let's go. I'm hungry for some pizza, you're buying."

"Sure," Harry nodded as they two quickly did their best to walk away from what would surely become a scene. But alas Fate as always was a bitch.

"Hey wait!" Cassy called out as she tried to catch up to Percy and Harry.

Percy groaned, he looked at Harry who shrugged. Percy turned around, "yeah? What do you want?"

"I..." Cassy stopped as she looked embarrassed, "I wanted to thank you, for...you know. Saving our lives."

"Don't mention it," Percy waved it off.

"So...what are you doing today?" Cassy asked shly.

"Nothing, me and Harry here are going to get a late lunch."

Cassy looked at Harry and looked surprised, she didn't seem to notice him before. "I-I see. Hello Harry."

"Hello Cassandra," Harry greeted her looking a little confused, "long time."

"Yeah," the girl nodded before turning to Percy, "well me and my friends are going to Habit's to get a slice, you can with if you want. I'll pay, consider it my treat for saving me."

"No, it's fine," Percy waved her offer away with a smile, "I wouldn't want to intrude, plus you know having the two freaks of Pivert drive around might not be the best thing to enjoy a party."

Cassy flinched, "I'm sorry Dudley called you that, I don't' know what came over him. He's usually such a nice boy. I'll talk you him, I promise."

"Don't bother, whatever he says isn't worth the breath he wastes saying it," Percy shot a glare at Dudley who flinched in fear. The demigod then turned to Cassie and smiled, "enjoy your pizza. Come on Harry."

Percy and Harry walked away as fast as they could. Cassy growled, "at least tell me your name!"

"Call me Peter!" Percy called back as they quickly left the town walking back to Privet drive.

"That was rude," Harry said after they were out of Cassy's ear range.

"Which part? Rejecting her offer for lunch or giving the fake name?"


"Well in my defense I don't like her one bit," Percy grumbled.

"What did she mean saved her life?" Harry eventually asked.

Percy sighed, "well a few days after I came here I ran into your cousin bullying a kid. I told him to step off and he tried to punch me in the face, but he got his wrist snapped instead."

"You broke his wrist?"

"Not really," Percy grumbled, "it's complicated. I kind of have very thick skin, can't really be broken you know? And Dudley learnt that the hard way."

"Wait, you're the one Petunia has been whining about?!" Harry exclaimed.

"What do you mean?"

"Ever since I came back this summer my aunt has been yelling at anyone who listened how some ruffian had broken her little Dudley King's hand. She said she tried to confront his parents but they were equally rude, I think she might have tried to start a riot at one point."

Percy sighed, "man don't take this the wrong way, but your family if fucked up."

Harry laughed, "believe me, I think the same."

"Anyway, one day I was coming back home from watching a movie and I run into Dudley and his friends. Dudley then tells Cassy that I broke his wrist and she started yelling at me. At this point I had managed to run into the park, and I realised we weren't alone."

Harry looked alert, "what happened?"

"A magical creature attacked. I don't know what it was but it looked like a giant dog with yellow eyes. It was as big as a bear, and it attacked us. I managed to chase it away though, luckily, and I had to alter their memories. But you know how I am with charms, so instead of simply removing the memory I ended up changing it, so now instead of them remembering me fighting a giant bear sized dog they saw me fighting an actual bear."

"Wow," Harry gasped, "that's awesome!"

Percy chuckled, "thanks, I have my moments. Anyway so yeah, there we go. Now apparently little miss sunshine over there was something off a crush on me."

Harry rolled his eyes, "obviously."

Percy nodded, "you know her well?"

"Well, when I was young. Peirs, her little brother, and Dudley were best friends when growing kind of bonded through their love of tormenting me. Cassy always stopped them though, she was nice. But eventually the Dursley's told everyone I was a troubled boy and they should stay away from me. And so Cassy and a few others did, and once again Dudley was free to torment me."

Percy glared, "I don't like your uncle and aunt, and I like your cousin even less."

Harry chuckled, "join the club."

"You know what, I don't think I'll be happy with just losing your uncle's wheels."

"What do you have in mind?"

Percy grinned, "magic."

The next week was one of the worst weeks in the Dursley's entire life. Percy had been relentless, and as was Harry whenever he could help. Percy made sure that the pranks didn't seem too magical, least the Dursley's blame Harry, as far as they knew they were just having a very, very bad week.

On Monday Vernon found that his car's tires has become so well worn the rubber had literally peeled off while he was on his way to work. He was stuck in the middle of a highway with a broken vehicle and had to take the tube to reach home. For the rest of the week Vernon was stuck taking public transport to reach work, and Percy had struck again when on Thursday he managed to summon Vernon's wallet right out of his pocket. Percy and Harry treated themselves with Vernon's money, bought themselves a very fancy lunch.

On Tuesday Petunia nearly had a heart attack when she opened his washing machine and found all off her clean white sheets dyed purple. Inside she found a single purple sock belonging to Dudley, Percy swore he could hear her screaming at him from his own house!

And then on Wednesday Petunia hosted her weekly neighborhood tea party. Percy used a simple switching spell and switched all her sugar with salt and watched as the woman spat out their tea in revolt. The way Petunia looked one would think she had just found out her only son got murdered.

And then on Sunday when the family went to church Percy decided on pulling an old mortal classic. He took a whoopie cushion and casted a sonorus charm on it. The moment Petunia and her family sat down Percy let it rip causing everyone to look around confused and Petunia to blush red.

Of course Dudley was also not spared. Percy had Harry feed him the 'fat gaining and pooping' potion and passed it off as Dudley's diarrhea. The poor kid constantly found himself in the toilet.

Just for laughs once Percy snuck into number 4 and waited by the loo. He locked the bathroom downstairs while Vernon used the one upstairs. Dudley felt the urge of poop once more, and quickly tried both bathroom. Percy magically unlocked the loo with Vernon inside and Dudley rushed in without thinking.

Percy swore he had never heard someone yell so loud. Dudley screamed at the sight of his naked father, he fainted on the spot. But the creme dula came when the potion inside Dudley started to get agitated and took effect regardless of dudley's state of consciousness causing Dudley to shit his pants.

Harry had laughed for so long at the last one Percy was afraid the wizard was going to pull a Dudley and shit himself.

Percy and Harry now sat in a bench in the park overlooking the pond. They had a loaf of bread with them breaking off pieces to feed the ducks.

"This week has been amazing Percy, thank you," Harry said with a smile.

"My pleasure Harry. I got to prank someone who deserves it, plus it gave me something to do you know?" Percy took off a piece of bread and threw it into the water. A duck quickly swam up and swallowed the crumb whole.

"You know the best part? They didn't know it was us!" Harry laughed, "all that, and they still don't think I did it! All those times before when I didn't do anything and they blamed me, but now I really did do something and they don't know it!"

Percy grinned, "and that my friend is the mark of a true prankster. Conner and Travis told me that."

"Really? Who are they?"

Percy blinked, he didn't realise he had even mentioned his old friends. Percy sighed, "they...they were my friends. Twins, best pranksters I ever knew. Once they got into a cabin full of girls and mixed in super glue with their lipsticks! I swear they couldn't speak, but one look from them and the brothers were sent running! And then there was this time where the Stoll's broke into our camp counselor's office and filled it with rubber balls! Best playhouse ever!"

Harry laughed, "they sound amazing. You know there are a pair of twins in Hogwarts just like them! Fred and George Weasley, amazing blokes, they love pulling pranks!"

Percy blinked, "huh, sounds cool. Which year are they?"

"Well...I think they are going to be in their sixth year," Harry scratched his chin, "so they should be a year younger than you."

"What are you talking about? If they are in their sixth year then they are my year mates."

"What? But you're a seventh year aren't you?"

"No...I'm a, or I'm going to be, a sixth year."

"Sixth year?! How old are you?!"

"Sixteen, why?"

"S-sixteen?! But you're using magic!"

Percy blinked, "oh...right."

"That's it?! You use magic and all you have to say is all right?! How are you using magic anyway?! How haven't you gotten expelled yet?!"

"Expelled from what? I haven't officially joined Hogwarts yet have I?"

Harry blinked, stumped at what he had heard, "what?"

"Technically speaking I haven't joined Hogwarts yet, I'm waiting to receive my OWLs and then I'm going to join."

"But-but won't the ministry at least know that you are performing magic openly?!"

Percy shrugged, "I'm American, diffrent system," Percy didn't know if that was true, but he really really hoped it was.

Harry was speechless for the longest time. He then slowly blinked, broke of a pieces of bread and threw it into the pond, "that's so not fair."

Percy chuckled, "life isn't always fair."

Harry nodded, "yeah...anyway I should probably leave. Ever since Dudley's little incident Petunia has put us all on a diet and things have become hell."

"You need me to sneak you some food?"

"Yes please," Harry sighed, "hopefully I can last until my birthday, usually by the time Hagrid of Mrs. Weasley would have given me tons of food."

"Your birthday? Is that soon?"

Harry nodded, "yes, it's on the 31st."

"That's in three days! Why is this the first time I hearing off this Potter?"

Harry winced, "sorry."

Percy grumbled, "great, how am I supposed to get you a present in three days time?"

"You don't have to get me anything, I mean it's not like-"

"Oh shut up Harry, I get my friends presents, and that's the end of that. We are friends yes?" Percy glared.

"Yes Percy, we're friends."

"Then I won't hear you arguing, got it?!"

"Yes sir!"

Percy chuckled, "cheeky bugger."

"Hey look at that! You're using british slag! How does it feel to be finally using proper english?"

"How does it feel to live in a country whose wether ether looks like the top of a chimney or the bottom of one?"

"...okay...that was a good one."

Percy grinned, "thanks. Now get outta here, don't' want Petunia pissed at you more than she is." Harry nodded and with a quick goodbye left Percy alone by the pond.

The demigod had spent the month of June mostly ether with Harry or with Hecate learning new spells. Obviously Percy didn't like studying too much, so these breaks he took with Harry were very much welcome.

The younger boy was nice to talk too and often gave Percy company whenever the demigod felt bored. He also joined in whatever crazy idea the demigod had thought off and for that Percy was grateful. Percy decided he should probably get Harry something good for his birthday, maybe Hecate would help him?

Percy sighed, the sky was going dark, he got up from his bench and threw the rest of the bread into the lake. He started to walk away when he heard a call, "Peter!"

The demigod turned around to see Cassy run up to him. She wore a pair of shorts that ended a few inches above her knees and a grey hoodie with the words 'Girl Power!' written across in bright neon pink.

"Cassy," Percy nodded, "what's up?"

"Oh, I, ah...well I just wanted to say hello," Cassie blushed, Percy tried his best to not chuckle, but he couldn't help the smile coming on his face.

"I see….hello then."

"Right, hello," Cassy's blush grew redder she looked around nervously while Percy waited for her to say something.

Finally Percy got bored, "well this has been fun. I'll see you around."

"Wait!" Cassy called out, "do, do you..." she mumbled something in the end that Percy couldn't hear.

"I'm sorry Cassie, but I didn't hear that."

Cassy turned red, "and-nothing. Sorry for bothering you."

Percy smiled sadly, he nodded and walked away leaving the girl blushing red. He felt bad for her, he did, and he would have even asked her out first if...well there were just so many things wrong for that to happen.

"I'm home," Percy called out as he walked into number 7. The house had changed since two weeks ago. Hecate had finally taken Percy shopping and they had furnished the entire place. Nothing too fancy, just the basics. Tables, chairs, couches, beds. Percy even finally got around to furnishing his bedroom.

"In here," Hecate called out. Percy went to the kitchen which now had a fridge microwave and other necessary items. Hecate herself sat at the dining table sipping tea from her favorite cup.

"Hello Percy, how was your day?" Hecate asked looking up from the Atlantean spell book she had gotten him.

"Not bad. Just spent it with Harry," Percy shrugged.

"I see...so when's the wedding?"

Percy's eyes went wide, "what?! No! We aren't gay Hecate!"

"Well I know he isn't, but I'm not too sure about you..."

"I'm not gay Hecate, just because I don't want to sleep with you doesn't mean I'm gay."

"Actually it does," Hecate pointed at the simple black dress she wore, "which self respecting hot blooded young man wouldn't want a piece of this?"

"The kind that knows not to stick his dick in crazy."

"Are you calling me crazy?"

"Yes. Are you saying you're not crazy?"

"...I still think you're gay."

"And I still think you are crazy."

Hecate grumbled, "you know you can't just put your life on hold expecting things to go bad right?"

"What do you mean?"


Percy rolled his eyes, "spying on me have you?"

"No….Harry told me."

"When did he do that?"

"A few days ago, when you were out pranking Petunia in church."

"Huh. Well what does Cassy have to do with anything?"

"You know what I mean Jackson," Hecate glared, "you need to accept that this is your life now. You can't keep holding out thinking that things will suddenly go back to the way they were. You need to realise that you have to live and to do that you need to form relationships."

"I do have relationships. I have you."

"Really?" Hecate raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, you're my sexy crazy older aunt who teaches me magic and tries to constantly drag young men into her bed."

"Hm...fine. Who else?"

"Harry. He's like my little brother."


"Come on Hecate that's not fair! It's just been what-"

"-four months. Almost five," Hecate put down her book. "It's been nearly half a year Percy and yet your only friends are a goddess and a teenage boy with a hero complex. Don't even pretend that that's normal."

"Well I'm still trying to learn to move on!" Percy yelled slamming his hand on the table, "do you just expect me to forget 16 years of my life?! Shit, I left friends behind Hecate, I left people I considered family! And….I left so much more. I'll move on, I promise, but I'll do it in my own time…..good night."

Percy went to his newly furnished room and stripped. Once he was down to his boxers he curled into his bed and began to remember.

He missed his old life, he tried to move on, he did, but how could he not miss them? Thalia, Grover, Tyson, Blackjack, Rachel and so many more. And more than any of them he missed Annabeth the most.

Percy sighed as suddenly he felt the weight of the world come down on him. He tried his best not to think about it, but he couldn't hold it back forever. He had been in love with her, she was the reason he even survived taking the curse of Achilles. And in the last moment of the future she out right admitted to loving Luke.

Percy's heart had broken into pieces, and yet he never really dealt with the pain. Something always came up. First it was being sent back in time, next was studying for the OWLs, then came Harry himself who provided another distraction. Percy had been running away from his feelings, even now he was afraid of what to think.

Time was probably his best friends right now, healing the wound, numbing it. Which was ironic considering it was time that got him in this mess in the first place. Percy never let himself feel hurt by Annabeth's rejection, though he can't really blame her, she didn't know how he felt.

So Percy now had no idea where his heart lay. He didn't want to begin anything new, he didn't want to fall in love incase something stupid happened and he get's sent back even further in time. Well that was kind of farfetched, but that was the point. His life was so complicated that he doubted any woman would be sane enough to want to deal with it. He was a demigod from the future that was now hiding inside the magical wizarding world to prevent destroying the timeline otherwise Kronos would win thereby destroying the world….think about that for a moment.

Percy didn't get much sleep that night, and what sleep he did get was infested with nightmares. The next morning he came down and made himself some toast with butter. Hecate came down later and the two sat down in silence.

"I realise I went a bit far last time," Hecate began, "I apologize for what I said."

"Forget it," Percy waved her off, "you were right. I need to move on, just….just give me time."

"Don't take too much time, or else that Cassy girl will move on before you can say accio."

Percy snorted, "yeah, that's definitely not happening."

"And why not? Is it because of Harry?"

"For the last time Hecate I'm not gay!"

The Goddess laughed and slowly Percy joined in. They talked a lot that day, not as master and student but as friends, Percy would even go as far as to say like family members. That day Hecate took Percy to Diagon Alley to help him pick out a gift for Harry, a book about defensive magic. Harry showed an interest in the branch of magic and Hecate agreed that he had talent in the subject.

The next day was the 30th. It was an ordinary day, nothing too special. Except for one thing, it has officially been one month since Percy had stuck a mandrake leaf to the roof of his mouth. He had cast the animagus spell on himself every day at exactly 10:01 am. He didn't miss a single day, and now a month had passed.

Percy sat in the living room with Hecate by his side as they looked over the Animagus text.

"Alright, so you completed the first step?" Hecate asked.

Percy nodded, he pressed his wand up to the roof of his mouth and canceled the sticking charm he had placed. He then took out the leaf and sighed, the bitter taste it had in the beginning had vanished halfway through the fourth day. Now the leaf tasted very bland and looked like it had been soaked in water for days.

"Alright, now all we have to do is create the animagus potion shown here and you drink it." Hecate showed Percy the potion and the demigod groaned.

"Something wrong?" Hecate asked.

"Well...yeah. From what I'm seeing here the potion will have a hallucinogenic effect on the drinker. I'm just wondering if that's safe."

"Not to worry, I'm sure it will be fine. Now get to work. According to this thing it will take you a week to complete the potion, so you better start now."

Percy agreed and quickly he started working on the animagus potion. He took care with all the ingredients as they were not only rare but also dangerous if used improperly. It took Percy the better part of the day to ready the potion, and when he was done he put the potion's burner on simmer. Now all he had to do was wait for a week.

Percy then began another pet project of his, the hoverboard! Or at least trying to make a hoverboard.

He went into town and bought a skateboard for himself, nothing too fancy, just a plain black board. Once back home he removed the boards' wheels and axle and placed it on his study bench.

Percy then began to read up on all the charms he could find involving the creation of brooms. It seemed that there were quite a number of charms applied to a broomstick. There was first and formore a levitation charm for it to fly, then there was also charms to induce movement and forward trust, charm that would change the direction of the broom based on movement from the rider and even charms that could help keep the broom stable.

Percy spent the entire day compiling a list of charms that he would need to apply on his board to make it work and he realised he was basically screwed. Even if he was as good at Charms as he was at potions he would have a hell of a hard time reflecting the charms.

Percy groaned, 'it' hopeless. Why did it have to charms? Why couldn't it have been something simpler? Like rune? God's…..wait...runes! That's it! I have the spells on hand, I just had to find their rune equivalent and then activate them! And anything I can't apply as a charm I'll simply apply as a potion or something else! It's brilliant! Haha! Screw you charms! You can kiss my ass!'

Percy then quickly looked over the charms and did his best to find a substitute for them. When he could use a rune instead he did so. One charm he found he could replace with a potion, it was to reduce air resistance, esly done with Percy's skill.

When Percy was done he realised it was nearly midnight, meaning it was almost Harry's birthday. Percy wasn't really feeling sleepy, so he finger he might as well surprise his friend with an early birthday wish.

Percy looked inside his fridge and found frozen leftover pizza. He took it out and applied a quick heating charm to the pie before grabbing Harry's birthday present and walking out.

He snuck into number four's backyard and looked up to the windows on the first floor. Harry mentioned that his room was the smallest one and that at one point his uncle had bars on them. It didn't take long for Percy to find the window in question.

'Let's see, it's a good….maybe 15 feet up? Should be easy enough to jump,' Percy remembered times where he jumped twice that distance. The curse gave him enhanced strength and reflexes a jump of this height was nothing.

Percy placed the pizza pie on the ground and shrunk and pocketed Harry's present. He moved back a good ten steps and then ran forward leaping in the air.

'Almost got it!' Percy flew threw the air and found himself missing the window about to crash into the building's wall, "shit!"

Percy crashed into the wall, Percy thrust his fist forward punching into the concrete and finding a hold on the flat structure. The demigod dangled freely, he sighed, 'thank you curse of Achilles.'

Just then the window swung open and Harry's head popped out, he looked down and his eyes went wide, "Percy?!"

Percy grinned as he waved with his free hand, "heya Harry!"

"What are you doing here?!" Harry hissed.

"Well I came to wish you a happy birthday! Duh!" Percy grinned like an idiot and Harry palmed his face.

"For Merlin's sake man just don't dangle there! Get in!" Harry hissed.

"Right," Percy reached up and grabbed Harry's window sill. He pulled himself up and into the room and sighed in relief, "remind me never to do that again."

"You're crazy, you know that?" Harry said laughing at Percy' goofy smile.

"Yeah tell me something I don't know," Percy got up and patted himself down. He then went over the window and summoned the pizza pie he left down on the ground. Percy turned around and grinned, "one half eaten extra large meat lovers delight."

Harry smiled, "best birthday ever!"

Percy and Harry sat down on Harry's bed as they ate the pizza. Harry moaned in joy as he tasted the first slice, Percy chuckled, he couldn't really blame his friend he had heard what kind of diet his aunt force him into, Harry was already thin, that would have made him anorexic.

"So am I the first one to wish you?" Percy asked.

"You are, although I expect to receive owls from my friends soon," Harry munched on his slice, "they usually come about this time."

Percy nodded as he looked around the room. He found the room smaller than normal, but it wasn't too bad, he had personally lived in shittier places. He did notice that a lot of the room was allocated for storing piles of broken toys. Percy saw a lot of action figures, a few broken toys and even a broken broken TV!

"No offence Harry but you really need to clean up in here," Percy grumbled.

"Your one to talk, Hecate told me you basically threw all your stuff into the living room when you first came here!"

"Well in my defense I had very little stuff. And why are you and my aunt talking?" Percy gasped, "could...could it be? Did she finally do it?"

Harry raised an eyebrow, "do what?"

"No..no it can't be! She swore she wouldn't! How woe is you Harry, poor poor you!"

"What are you on about Jackson?!"

"My aunt," Percy sniffed hiding his face behind his hand, "she took anyway your innocence didn't she?"

Harry turned red, "shut up you asshole!"

Percy couldn't help it, he broke into laughter further angering Harry. The young wizard grabbed a pillow and hit Percy in the face. The demigod fell back and held his stomach as he laughed harder and harder. "Gods! Your face! So red!"

"Shut it Jackson!" Harry kicked Percy off the bed, "or else you'll wake up the whole house!"

Percy chuckled, "yeah, yeah," Percy took out his wand and cast a silencing spell on the door, "there, now we can be as loud as we wan't and the Dursley's can't hear shit. Happy?"

Harry smiled, "very. Now, where were we?"

"I was commenting about how you and my aunt totally had-"

"Not that!" Harry cut in, "we were talking about Dudley's toys."

Percy blinked, "wait these are Dudley's things?" Harry nodded, "why aren't they in his room then?"

"Because this used to be his room also. I moved in here after I got my Hogwarts letter. They kind of just left all of this here."

Percy blinked, "wait...that's not right. My house and yours are basically the same, and we have only three rooms. How many rooms are in this place again?"

Harry flinched, "ah...three."

"Okay….so if your aunt and uncle shared one room and Dudley used tow, where did you sleep till you were 11?"

Harry gulped, "ah, well I just kind of moved around you know. Sometimes I-"

"-Harry. Where did you sleep?" Percy narrowed his eyes.

Harry sighed, "you know the closest in your house that you use to store your magical things?"

Percy's eyes went wide in horror, "you're joking."

Harry hang his head, "no...I'm not."

"Dude...I'm sorry man," Percy sat down next to Harry throwing his hand over the younger boy's shoulder, "damn...I didn't think they were that bad."

"It wasn't so horrible. I was pretty small back then, so the cupboard was actually pretty big for me."

"Yeah well if yours is anything like mine then it's filled with spiders and covered with dust. I have to clean that thing every other day to prevent a dust build up! Shit Harry! This is child abuse level crazy man! Fuck, get your coat we are going to the cops right now!"

"What? No Percy! Please, you don't understand-"

"I understand perfectly Harry! These people are monsters! Not even Gabe was this bad!"

"Gabe?" Harry asked.

Percy groaned, "abusive stepfather, tell you later. Look Harry you don't deserve to be treated this way. Pack your bags, you can stay with me and Hecate until the cops settle this."

"Percy you don't understand! I can't leave them!"

"Why not?!"

"Because Dumbledore told me!" Harry cried out. Percy looked confused so Harry continued, "the headmaster of Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore, you know him?"

Percy nodded, "yeah, Hecate mentioned him once or twice."

"Well he basically told me that I had no choice, I have to stay here. When Voldemort came after me and my family, my mom gave her life up for me and in doing so she….she created this protection around me. As long as I have it he can't hurt me and in order to power them up I need to stay with my blood relatives for at least the summer."

"But...but isn't Voldemort dead? Don't you kill him all those years ago?"

Harry looked up, a cloud of anger and hate fell over his jade green eyes. "No...he isn't. He's still alive."

And Harry then told Percy about what happened. How in his first year Voldemort had possessed his teacher and tried to steal the philosopher's stone. How Harry and his friends, Ron and Hermione, had stopped him. He didn't go into any details and Percy didn't ask.

Then came second year when Voldemort had possessed a student and tried to unleash some kind of monster upon the school. Harry didn't mention who the student was or what happened, but he told Percy that Voldemort had almost won.

Luckily nothing Voldemort related had happened during his third year, but the way Harry spoke told Percy something else had gone wrong.

And the end of the tale Percy sat on Harry bed looking impressed and slightly surprised. "Well I have to say, you might have just beaten my person record of getting into trouble with psychotic killers."

Harry chuckled, "yeah, I tend to beat everyone when it comes to that."

Percy grinned, "I said almost kid. Your life is pretty fucked up, but it has nothing on mine."

Harry raised an eyebrow, "oh really?"

"Yup. But that doesn't really matter, if you want I'll tell you about it later," Percy smiled before turning serious, "so Voldemort is alive huh?"

Harry smile fell away, "yes, he is. I think right now he's just a spirit floating around somewhere."

Percy sighed, "well that's better than him having a human body. I've read about the things he did, gave me a nightmare."

Harry nodded, "yeah."

"...alright, enough of this depressing shit! On with the presents!" Percy grinned as he jumped on his feet.

"Percy you didn't have to get me anything."

"Oh nonsense," Percy reached into his pocket and pulled out the defence book he had gotten harry. He enlarged it and gave it to the wizard, "happy birthday Harry. Thought you might like this."

Harry accepted the book grateful and looked it over. His eyes went wide as a sparkle returned to it, "this-this is amazing Percy! Thank you!"

"Hey no problem man," Percy smiled, "think of it as a thank you for making my summer less boring. I'm sure if you weren't there Hecate would have probably locked me up in the house and force me to learn for my NEWTs already!"

Harry smiled. He put the book aside and extended his hand, "thank you Percy, for being my friend."

Percy grinned, he stepped forward and grabbed HArry into a hug, "you are very much welcome Harry!"

"Hey! Let go of me!" Harry squirmed.

"No chance buddy boy! You'll find that I'm a hugging kind of guy!" Percy squeezed harder.

"Help! Someone help! He's trying to break my bones!"

Percy laughed before releasing Harry, "whiner."



"That's not really an insult."

"It is when I use it."

Harry chuckled. "Seriously Percy, thanks. It's nice having a friend around. Usually I'm alone when I'm with the Dursley's with you here this place is a little more manageable."

Percy nodded, "right...look I understand why you need to stay here, I get it. But they have no right to treat you like they did. To treat anyone like they did. So from now on I am going to make their lives hell. And you are going to help me."

Harry grinned, "gladly."

Percy nodded, he then noticed something in the corner of his eyes. He turned out the window and saw owls flying towards them. Percy grinned as he turned to Harry, "I'm guessing those are from your friends."

Harry grinned back as he quickly went to open the window and let the owls in. Percy sat with Harry as he read all his letter and unwrapped all his gifts. He had gotten one from Hagrid, Hermione, Ron, Mrs. Weasley, and even Remus Lupin, the werewolf teacher that Percy found totally cool.

Percy then noticed an exotic looking bird with feather of multiple colours swoop down. He tried to look at the letter but Harry snatched it away before he had the chance.

"Who's that from?" Percy asked.

Harry blinked, "ah...a friend," Harry then pocketed the letter, "Susan, Susan Bones."

Percy grinned, "is she your girlfriend?"

"What? No!"

"Really? A girl sends you a present and a letter on your birthday, and she isn't your girlfriend?"

"No! It's not like that!"

"Well it sounds like that. You better smarten up Harry, I expect Susan wants something more than just a casual acquaintance."

Harry blushed but said nothing. Percy sneaked a glance at the letter while Harry unwrapped his presents and found the handwriting to unrefined to be from a woman. He knew that wasn't much to go on, but Percy had a feeling the letter wasn't from Susan Bones.

Either way it didn't matter, Harry was allowed his own secrets, as was Percy. So the demigod put the mystery of the mysterious letter aside and simply helped his friend enjoy his birthday.