
Chapter 31


Percy winced. He hated that stupid damn canon! He sighed and looked around, he was here, again. The champion's tent. Harry and Krum where in their own corners while Fleur sat next to Percy, whispering encouraging words to herself.

Percy turned to his girlfriend and smiled, "you'll do great Tweety."

Fleur looked up and nodded, "I'm zure," she wrapped her fingers around his hand. On her right hand was a metal band with runes around around. The anchor band. She had accepted his proposal for help. Just in case.

She wanted to say no at first, but after seeing how afraid Percy was for her, she relented, stating however she would refuse to be a damsel in distress. Percy agreed, after all, he wasn't interested in being with a whiny little princess.

He tightened his grip around her hand, "you know...I'm just hoping I won't have to fight a monkey inside that maze."

Fleur blinked, "what?"

"You know, if a giant monkey comes after me, I really don't want to fight it. It'll probably kill me and tear my face off," Percy chuckled.

Fleur sighed, "oh my god, you must be nervous. Your jokes have never been this bad."

Percy rolled his eyes, "everyone's a critic."

"Alright then everyone!" Bagman called out as he walked in with Dumbledore and the other headmasters. He smiled as he looked around, the other champions getting around the man, waiting for him to continue.

"Now, as I have explained, this last task will test not only your skills in navigation, but your bravery, intelligence and luck!"

Percy sighed, "so no test in loyalty huh? Guess the Gryffindor lucks out again."

Everyone chuckled as Fleur leaned in and whispered, "now that was a good joke."

"Yes yes, now, the rules are simple, each of you will enter the maze and navigate it in order to find the Triwizard cup hidden in the heart of the maze. We'll decide who enters based on the points, meaning Mr. Jackson has the lead followed by Mr. Krum and Mr. Potter. Finally will be Ms. Delacour. Now, any questions?"

Percy raised his hands, "yeah. Is it possible for me to just fly over the maze? You know...since I can do that?"

Bagman smiled, "ah, thank you for bringing that up Mr. Jackson. No, you are not allowed to fly over the maze. One is not even allowed to leap over the hedges, we have witches and wizards on brooms flying overhead and charms on each hedge top to monitor any activity above it. You so much as leap over a hedge trim, you are disqualified."

Percy sighed, "worth a shot."

Bagman smiled, "now, without further adue! Let's begin!"

There was a round of well wishers. Each school went to their champion and wished them good luck. Moody pulled Harry aside to talk to him while Dumbledore approached Percy with a smile.

"I must say Mr. Jackson, I am proud of the path you have chosen," the man gave a warm node, "I hear you are attempting to pass your NEWTs a year early yes?"

Percy nodded, "yes sir. Well, I was, but Professor Moody has been...well, Moody lately. He doesn't want to grant me permission, for whatever reason."

Dumbledore frowned, "yes he has been...quite adamant about that. I have know Alaster for a long time, he isn't one to stifle raw talent such as yours...hm, I'll see what I can do."

Percy sighed, "thank, but I honestly feel like there's no changing that man's mind."

Dumbledore nodded, "yes, that is also what makes him the fiercest warrior I have ever met," he then smiled again, "now tell me, have you give any thought to what you wish to do after school this year? Assuming you do actually pass."

Percy nodded, "yes. Madam Maxim offered me a place as the new potions professor in Beauxbaton. The old one is set to retire two years from one. She says I can shadow him for a year before taking over the year after that."

The old man hummed, "I'm disappointed to hear that you will leave Mr. Jackson. You are a credit to this school."

Percy shrugged, "hey, you gotta do what you got to do."

Dumbledore smiled, "when did you learn French?"

"Fleur is a great teacher."

The man chuckled, "yes I'm sure she's a very good motivator," this caused Percy to blush red, "ah young love. Truly a magic beyond all others. Very well Mr. Jackson, if that is your choice then you have my full support. If you ever need anything from this old man, please, just ask."

Percy smiled, "thanks professor D, that means a lot."

The small mentoring session now over the champions all gathered and left the tent into the now converted quidditch pitch.

The cheers of the crowd was deafening. Percy looked around and found so many people in the stands he knew there had to be more than just the three schools up there. He found magical beings of all ages, children, adults, old people. It looked like the entire magical britain was here cheering them all on.

As his eyes roamed around the stands Percy noticed a group of blonde cheering his name loudly. Percy smiled as he recognized the veela cheerleaders. They had a giant boner made, 'Percy the Pudding!', it drew many a curious look towards them.

Percy noticed all the men weren't drooling over the girls, just taking cautious glances. Percy figured the women were all wearing the rings he made for them. He was glad, he understood blending in was a...difficult thing for a veela.

The champions stopped at the entrance of the maze. The giant dark and looming structure before them caused fear to run through his veins. Percy felt his inner senses tingle, it was like he was back in the war again, his inner warrior itching for a fight.

"Perzy...be zafe," Fleur whispered besides him.

Percy turned to her and looked at her worried face. He smiled and lowered his face kissing her gently on the lips. The veela cupped his face and deepened the kiss. Percy could hear men wolf whistle at the sight, so many people cheering them on.

Slowly the demigod broke the kiss and looked at her blue eyes, "I'll be fine Tweety bird. I love you."

Fleur smiled, "I love you too."


Percy grumbled, 'stupid canon!' He let go of her hand, her fingers twitching as she did so. Obviously she didn't want to let go. He walked towards the entrance, swiftly drawing his wand out as the darkness slowly enveloped him.

He walked into the maze as the cheering of the crowd died out. It was like he was in another world the moment he's trapped inside.

'Silencing charms,' Percy realised. They didn't want people helping him out by shouting out warnings.

The demigod sighed, 'alright, time to work for a living.' He knew he can't win, or rather, shouldn't win. But he could clear out the path for Harry and more importantly make sure nothing in here kills Fleur.

He ran like a mad man, not bothering to use any direction spells to guide his way. He took a left, right, left, right, and soon he didn't even register which direction he was going, just moving where his legs took him.

And then, came his first task. A giant pit filled with black vines that suddenly reached out and grabbed his legs.

"Fuckign hell!" Percy flicked his wand and went through his spel library, settling of the most effective one, "Incendo!"

The vines were ablaze in moments as it immediately let go of Percy's legs. Percy smiled and sent another fireball at before running around the pit of black thorns. Creepy thing.

He quickly then found himself facing a heavy mist covered part of the maze. Percy didn't even have to stop running, a snap of his fingers and the mist vanished into nothing. He found several booby rune traps on the ground, good thing he didn't blindly run into the mist.

For a minute Percy ran around in circles before suddenly he came upon a section of the maze covered in darkness. It was creepy, not a sound, not even his footsteps, could be heard. It was like...it was like he was in space. Darkness before him.

Percy was tempted to just turn around and leave and never look back. He was going to, but when he turned around the pathway was gone. Percy cursed, the hedges were moving, it's like they were alive, meaning he didn't have a choice...or.

"Incendo!" Percy yelled as he sent a blaze of flames at the hedges on his right, burning through the grass. They quickly began to grow back in seconds, resulting in the hole he created to be sealed up the moment he stopped the flames.

Percy groaned, a spell to regrow the fauna, but no matter. "Incendo maxima!" This time, the flames were spewing out like the fire from a flame thrower. It burnt a huge portion of the hedge, Percy cut the spell fire off and quickly leaped through the flames, just making it through as the flames cut off behind him.

Percy landed in a roll and looked up seeing the now closed hedges, he grinned, 'take that you overgrown plant!' He got up and turned to the open field, only to stop as he noticed Harry turn a corner at the end of the row, Percy was about to call out when suddenly;


It was the sound of something heavy landing on the ground. A creature with the body of a lion, the wings of an eagle and the face of a woman stood before him. She smiled as slowly her tongue came out and licked her lips, "a demigod, well well well, isn't this day full of surprises."

Percy narrowed his eyes, "a sphinx? These wizards are fucking crazy!"

The monster shrugged, "all a matter of perspective demigod," she looked down at Percy's hand spotting his wand, "ah, I see, disguising yourself as a wizard, very interesting."

Percy became cautious, sphinxes were clever, they had to be since she figured out who he was and what he was doing with a wand with a single look. Percy looked around, the sphinx was so large he couldn't go around her, only way was through. Or maybe...

"So, you here to give me a riddle?" Percy asked as a lowered his wand.

The monster nodded, "yes, I am. That is of course my purpose here."

Percy nodded, "right...well? What is it?"

The sphinx smiled, "what flies when it is born? Lies down when it is alive and runs when it is dead?"

Percy blinked, "that totally isn't what I was expecting."

"Did you expect me to ask that same old boring riddle about man? Please, Oedipus ruined that riddle for all of us, stupid mother fucker," the sphinx snorted.

Percy groaned, "okay...flies when it is born...lies down when it is alive and….runs when it is dead?"

The sphinx nodded, "correct. Do you give up?" it asked licking its lips, "because if you do, that will be a very tasty meals for me. It's been awhile since I tasted demigod."

Percy blocked her teasing out and focused on the task ahead. He thought and thought and thought. And suddenly smiled, "it's snow."

The sphinx blinked before growling, "a child of Athena?"

Percy smirked, "no, child of Poseidon."

"GROWL!" it roared in pain, humiliated to have been bested by a son of Poseidon no less. It growled, it looked at him and smiled, "you may have answered my riddle son of Poseidon, but your time will come soon. Beware the rise of the Titans! They will destroy Olympus and-"

"-Yeah yeah yeah, I know all about the great prophecy," Percy snorted, "now move aside birdie, I have a maze to clear out."

The sphinx glared but took off into the air, disappearing into the clouds. Percy chuckled and continued, hoping to catch up to Harry. But seeing as the maze moves, he might have lost his chance.

He ran and ran, looking for someone, but just then, he heard it, "Imperio!" Percy's eyes winded, 'who would use a forbidden curse here?!'

Percy ran towards the voice, westwards if his guess was correct. He ran and when he rounded the corner spotted a figure rushing down a corner as the hedges covered his route behind him. "Hey!" Percy called out, but there was no response.

The demigod took another turn and, "Bombarda!" spell fire flew at him. Percy ducked just in time to see it fly over him.

The demigod got on his feet and looked up to see Krum leveling his wand again, "avada kadavara!" Green came flying out, Percy leaping over the death beam.

"Stupefy!" Percy shot out in rapid succession, firing off five shots, three of which missed and two hitting Krum right in the chest.

Percy ran over to the other champion's side and looked him over, the boy was bleeding in the left hand, but nothing too deep. The curse...he must have been improvised. But by who? Not Harry, he's too kind, and not Fleur, the man who Percy saw wasn't wearing blue robes.

The demigod looked around, they were not alone. There was someone inside here with them. And if the Fates were accurate, which they always are, this man was the one responsible for Harry's participation in the tournament. Meaning, it was a death eater.

Percy's wand hand clenched and unclenched, he was going to have to track down a killer. But first, Krum. He sent out a huge wave of sparks into the air alerting people to come and help Krum.

He then quickly ran to the grassy furn where he saw the man run through and leveled it down, "incendio maxima!" It burnt off in seconds allowing Percy to jump through to the other side.

Choosing a direction in random he ran into the grassy hedge and ran until he came upon his next challenge, a giant two tailed scorpion which was bleeding fire out of it's stingers.

Percy groaned, 'blast ended...something...damn it Hagrid!' He leveled his wand at the creature, no time for fighting, "wingardium leviosa!" The spell it the thing, bu should no reaction, instead the monster was alerted to Percy's process and began charging it.

"Damn it," the demigod hissed as he leaped back from one of its stingers and sent a bombarda that blasted off it's exoskeleton. He then quickly ran backwards firing off several spells, fireballs, cutting spells, every a semi-dark spell that caused bleeding. But nothing worked.

"Fine then, can't harm you, I'll trap you," he turned around and ran away, the damn thing following him closely. Percy leveled his wand before him and casted a transfiguration spell, forming a giant ditch twice as deep as the monster and three times wider.

The demigod partially transfigured his back into pegasus wings and leaped over the pit, flapping just enough to glide over to the other side.

The skewer, being blind, just kept running forward, falling into the ditch like an anchor. Percy landed on the other side and looked down, seeing the monster try and escape, but finding the pit's walls to steep.

Percy smiled and quickly flew over the pit, turning his shoulder's back to normal before running towards the heart of the maze.

It was five minutes of running that followed. Percy found himself getting mentally exhausted from all the greenery. It might be dark and spooky, but he was used to that shit. Right now he was bored out of his mind.

And then, he heard it, "ah!" Percy's eyes winded, 'Fleur!' He turned and ran, turning three times before coming upon a sight that turned his blood cold.

Fleur and Harry were fighting a giant spider, acromantula, and right behind them, standing right in a straight line, was the triwizard cup glowing a supernatural blue.

Percy didn't even think of going after the cup, not for a moment. He looked at the spider instead and saw that it ha lunged at Harry and Fleur who were being pushed into a corner, it's hairy pincers biting at them.

Percy moved, thinking up a spell on the spot, elastic, strong, whip motions, three turns for added strength and a sticky element to grab onto something and hold it. Calculating movement and…. done, "lenta verbera!"

A yellow line of magic came flying out, wrapping around one of the acromantula legs, grabbing onto it. Percy then pulled with all his might, causing the giant spider to fly over Percy's head, landing on it's back a good twenty feet away.

"Percy?!" Fleur cried out in surprise.

Percy turned to them both, "go! I have this!" Percy sent a stunner at the spider which it easily dodged. Percy turned, they both looked at him, "go! I'll be fine!"

They nodded and ran, Percy turned around and quickly sent a fireball at the spider causing it to leap away in time. He fired stunners, cutting spells and ever a tripping jinx, but nothing seemed to stick, it just leaped away in the nick of time.

Percy grumbled, his patience running out. He whipped his wand forward and sent out a wide range transfiguration spell aimed at the ferns around him, turning them into vines before animating them to follow his will.

The spider tried to leap forward with Percy's attention being divided. But before it could close it's pincer's around his neck, the vines exploded outwards, wrapping the spider's body up and capturing it in the middle of the air.

Percy smirked, "take that you stupid spider!"

"Way to go Percy!" Harry called out.

Percy turned and smiled, he saw them both waiting for him. Just then, the maze began to shift again, the direct path way before him closing up.

"Percy! Come on!" Harry called out.

The demigod ran towards them, he couldn't let Fleur win, she can't touch that cup! He ran as fast as he could, he was moments away as the hedges started to close in. "Incendo!" he blasted a hole in the middle of the ferns.

He was about to leap forward, when suddenly, "avada kedavra!"

The green stream of death came at him from the side, his superior instincts the only thing that saved him as he jumped to the side, avoiding it. The hole he burnt into the hedges closing up, Harry's and Fleur's horrified faces looking to see if he survived.

"Percy!" she cried out, but said nothing more as the fauna closed up, leaving Percy separated.

The demigod got up and turned around to the man who fired at him. He was in the shadows, hiding, Percy leveled his wand and looked at him, "so, you're a death eater huh? I have to say, I expected more."

"Really? Did you expect this?" the figure asked as he walked out into the pathway, facing Percy.

The demigod's eyes winded, recognizing the man immediately, "pr-professor Moody?"

The man with the glowing blue eye smiled, "aye. Did you expect someone else?"

Percy pushed his surprise aside, this was war. "Yeah, I half expected Malfoy."

"Malfoy? Bah! That boot licker isn't fit to lick the master's shoe. I am his greatest follower! Me! Not anyone else."

"I hardly think an ex-auror is a death eater," Percy scoffed, "so what is it? Polyjuice potion?"

The man smirked, "clever boy. I must say I'm really rethinking signing off on your NEWT pass, you really could pass the exams."

Percy's eyes winded, "y-you mean, all this time... you were our teacher?!"

Moody laughed, "you haven't figured out that yet boy? Yes! It's always been me! Hah! I can't say I blame you, I even managed to fool the great Albus Dumbledore with my acting!"

Percy growled, "yeah...so why show yourself now? I get you're here to kill me, but why?"

Moody snarled, "because you were going to win the damn thing!"

Percy blinked, "what?"

"Why do you think I put Potter's name in the damn cup? It would be the perfect chance to snatch him up! In here, no one can see, no one would suspect a thing!"

"The cup's a portkey," Percy replied, already guessing the intention.

The man grinned, "very clever indeed. So you see, that's why I couldn't let you win, you're not the one my master seeks."

Percy growled, "Voldemort."


And then, the tension broke. Like an unspoken agreement, the time for talk was over. They moved, firing spells at each other. Percy had to jump from spot to spot, avoiding every single spell the imposter sent at him.

It was like seeing a light show on the fourth of July, expect these were just as deadly as a firework. The lights blazed past him, the demigod sending out stunners and bludgeoning curse, not used to actual wizardry combat.

"You're going to have to do better than that boy!" the man growled sending a sickly orange spell that flew over Percy's head, hitting the shrubbery behind him, turning it into dust on impact.

Percy knew then, this wasn't a game. He ran behind a turn for cover and fired off suppressing fire, the fake Moody being held back, forced to send curse that either hit the hedges besides them, or flew past Percy.

The demigod had a moment to breathe, to think. He realised then and there that he wasn't much of a fighter when it came on wizard combat, that much was true. He loved magic, he loved making new things and spells, but he had no experience using all of that in combat.

So he needed to switch back to what he knew, or else he was dead. So he put his wand away, sheathing it inside his wrist holster. He reached into the pocket of his robes and there it was, there it always was.

Over the year, since studying here, Percy almost forgot it was there. The familiar weight pulling down his pocket, but not ever registering. But he knew, he knew it was there. His first weapon, the one he thought he would never need to use in this world for a war again.

He took out the bronze pen, it's light almost shining in the darkness, like it was happy to be finally brought out. Percy flicked the cap open, it's tip growing in length, it's handle growing to fit Percy's grip like a glove.

Riptide, the weapon that helped him defeat the King of Titans. It shined in the dull light of the maze. Percy twirled it around, his skills may have been a bit rusty, but he knew it would be more than enough.

"Is that the best you got Jackson?! You disappoint me half-blood!" Moody cried out.

Percy reached for his watch and twisted the dial, the watch immediately expanding into a circular shield. Percy took a deep breath, his body itching for battle, his sword arm owing to kill phantom enemies.

And then, he moved.

He was fast, faster than 'Moody' could believe. The boy was like another person, he had a shield and sword, 'Moody' scoffed, the weapons of muggles.

"Medio ignis!" he cried out sending a flash of fire. It would burn his insides and keep going till he was dead. But the boy didn't falter, he didn't even doge.

He flexed his shield arm, catching the spell with the flat of his shield, reflecting it away into a hedge row. 'Moody's' eyes went wide, he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

Like a river passing through stone, the blade flew, moving past the death eater's defences and stabbing into his right bicep.

"ARGH!" the man cried out dropping his wand and tripping as he fell on his back as the demigod pushed him down, flicking the sword out and cutting deeply into the man's skin.

Percy level his blade under the man's chin, the battle was over in moments. He glared, "you're going to come with me. Dumbledore will deal with-"


It was like a pull, a familiar pull. He heard the words, 'Black Wings', the zipline was being active. Percy had no time to waste. Not on him. He pulled his sword away, 'Moody's' eyes widening in surprise. He focused, allowing the zipline to activate.

And suddenly, Percy found himself being flung away from the maze, flying through the air. The familiar hook behind the naval sensation pulling him away, he saw the countryside flying past him and suddenly, the spinning spotted.

Percy came rolling away, the ground below him now hard and stoney. He rolled around and looked up, headstones all around him and there, before him, was Harry tied up on a statue and a pudgy man looming over a bubbling cauldron.

"Percy! That's Peter Pettigrew!" Harry cried out, his left hand bleeding.

Percy nodded and turned, he was about to charge, when he saw her. Her eyes looking up, her body, right before him. Her face unmoving, she didn't look at him, she didn't have the smile he always made her smile when they met. No. No. NO!

Percy's mouth widened, "Fleur? Fleur?" he approached her, his weapon dropping down in shock as he approached her unmoving body. He cradled her head, shaking it gently, afraid to even be too rough, "Fleur? Tweety?"

"Percy! He's coming!" Harry cried out, but the demigod ignored him.

What was she doing here? She shouldn't be here! She wasn't supposed to be here! Just Harry! Him and Harry! No one else!

Percy's heart felt lose, lose like he only once felt before. The lose of a friend, of someone dear, but even the death of Zoe Nightshade paled in comparison to the woman he loved for more than half a year.

Pain, loneliness, sadness, it all weighed heavily on him, his eyes dampening.


The pot broke as a greyish figure arose from inside it. His scaley voice spoke out, "robe me."

Percy didn't care, he couldn't. Her face, her beautiful face that always smiled for him, that always smiled for him. It was empty. She was dead.

Percy's hands shook, pain replaced with anger. "Who? Who did this? Who killed her!"

"My servant did," came the reply. Percy looked up, a man, tall, grey pasty skin with red slitted eyes looking down at him. He wore a black robe and in his hands was a pale white wand. He looked down at Percy and then Fleur, "ah, such beauty, truly a waste. She would have been a fine broodmare."

And Percy felt his persistence snap. He put Fleur's head down slowly and arose, his hands moving to Riptide's handle. He stood there, looking the snake man down, meeting his gaze.

Percy's hands shook, anger flowing through him, the man behind him squirmed, refusing to meet Percy's eyes. The demigod narrowed his green eyes, "you...you killed her."

Peter shook his head, trying to deny it, but Voldemort cut him off, "yes, he did," the man smiled, "what are you going to do?"

Percy didn't respond, he just moved. Red eyes went wide in shock as a flash of bronze nearly cleaved his head off. If it wasn't for Voldemort's timely doge he would have been headess.

A silent banishing curse flew from the tip of Voldemort's wand, hitting Percy in gut. It was supposed to tear his inside open, it was supposed to kill him. But all it did, was push him back two steps, the demigod standing.

"H-how?" Voldemort asked, fear in his voice.

Percy growled, all signs of thought leaving him. He moved like he had over a hundred times before, sword flashing in the darkness. Voldemort sent spells at him, moving away to dodge his blade.

"Avada Kedavra!" came the loud cry from the mad man. Percy ducked under the spell, sweeping a cut at Voldemort's robes, slicing a portion of it off. The dark lord's eyes widened, he quickly began to fire spell after spell.

Percy blocked the spells, not letting a single one touch him. He leaped over a killing curse, the third one Voldemort used, and brought his blade down hard over the monster's head.


He appropriated in the nick of time. But Percy didn't care, he didn't care about the mad man. He only cared about the man who killed his love.

Peter was there, looking afraid for his life, as he should be. He turned around, ready to run, Percy knew the movements, he was trying to apparate away. He wouldn't let him.

A wandless spell flew from Percy's left hand, hitting Peter in the back, freezing him in place. The demigod grabbed the man, leveling the blade on his neck, ready to cut it off.

"No!" Harry's suddenly cry called out.

Percy stopped, "why?"

"B-because he can prove Sirius' innocent," HArry called out, "h-he can tell everyone that Voldemort's back! He's useful to us Percy!"

Percy looked at him, dead in the eyes, "he killed Fleur." Harry couldn't say a thing, he knew he couldn't. The demigod didn't hesitate. He pulled his sword, cutting into his neck, he was ready to slice his head off when suddenly a spell hit him in the back, sending him flying into a tombstone.


Percy groaned, a few inches to the right and it would have hit his mortal spot. Even if he had an unbreakable patch there, there was no telling what that spell could do to it.

Percy got up from the rubble and saw Voldemort back, the dark lord narrowed his eyes at Percy, grabbing the frozen Peter Pettigrew and hissed, "next time."

Percy's eyes widened, "no!" but before he could leave, they both apparated away with a loud crack.

Percy dropped his sword, he failed, his revenge, it failed. He looked down, his eyes going back to Fleur's vacant eyes. He ran to her side. He grabbed her cold body and hugged it close, tears coming out as he cried.

He grabbed her hand and looked, the ring he gave her, the veela protection ring, it was cold, it was useless. She was gone. He cried, he cried, the future, the future he finally set down plans for. It was gone.

The dream he had, the dream of a future where he didn't have to worry about surviving another year, the future with her, with a picket fence with a loving family. It was all gone.

"Percy..." Harry called out. Percy didn't know how long he held her, he didn't care. He looked up with red eyes and looked at Harry tied up form. He snapped his fingers transforming his binds into paper.

The Gryffindor ripped the restraints off and grabbed his wand and Fleur's. He walked over, his eyes looking afraid, "I-I'm sorry."

"Why?" Percy asked, "why was she here?!"

"S-she wanted to win the cup...for you," Harry replied, "she said...she said if you hadn't been there to save us, if you had just left us...you would have won. She claimed that it was her duty to make sure someone represented you. Either way...she wanted to give the cup to you."

Percy's heart tore up a little more, if that was even possible.

Slowly thunder clouds began to form. Percy didn't care. It began to rain. Percy didn't care. A small tornado was forming as the winds picked up speed. Percy didn't care. He held her, he held her for all his life, and he cried.

Soon, Harry placed his hand on his shoulder, "w-we need to go. He could come back soon. We need to leave."

Percy growled, "then you go. I'll stay. If he even steps foot here again, I'll kill him! No...not just him. I'll kill them all! Everyone responsible for that mad man! I'll kill every single one of them! I swear on the Styx the man who killed the woman I love will die! His head is mine!"


Harry flinched, he thought the thunder came from the storm clouds forming overhead, but he was wrong. It was the sign of a promise, a divine promise. Spoke only with the greatest of care, and Percy had just sworn to have Peter Pettigrew's head.

"P-Percy, we need to leave," Harry encouraged.

Percy nodded, "r-right...give me your ring."

The boy nodded, taking off the metal ring Percy gave him and putting it in his outstretched hand. Percy looked at the ring and casted a simple charm on it, allowing the magical item to be active all the time, to allow Percy to zip back here in a moment's notice.

He threw the ring away, he would return to start his hunt. He pressed his fingers on her eyes and closed them. 'Rest in peace my love,' he lifted Fleur in his arms and turned to Harry, "grab on."

The boy nodded as he held Percy's hand tightly. The demigod focused and spun, apparating away, bringing Harry along with him.


Harry landed in a pile while Percy stood up straight, he didn't want her body to be dirtied, no part of her would be dirtied.


"They came back!"

The cheering of the crowd was deafening. Percy had brought them all to the beginning of the maze. People cheered them all on, thinking they had one.

Percy stood there, his head lowered in shame, not moving a single inch. And slowly, the crowd began to soften, people stopped cheering, they began to whisper.

"Fleur?" a soft little girl's voice called out. Slowly people began to look, they began to see and they moved closer, walking off the stands.

Percy's tears came running again, his legs gave out as he fell down, he held her head up, he refused to let her hair get dirty. He cried, he let the tears out. Harry stood afar, looking on in utter self hate and grief.

"Fleur?! Fleur!" Gabby came running out, pushing past between the adult's legs as she ran to Percy. She ran to her sister's side, "Fleur? Fleur?! Wake up sister! Wake up! You won!" she groaned, she turned to Percy, "horsey? Why isn't she waking up?"

Percy couldn't speak, his throat closing up as he dry heaved, tears running thick.

"Fleur! My baby!" two more figured ran out. Pierre was the first to reach them as he grabbed his daughter and pushed Percy away, "Fleur?! Fleur! No! No! No!"

Apoline reached her last, she couldn't even come five feet within her daughter as she broke down into tears. She dropped down to her knees as she cried, "no!"

They family cried, they all cried. Percy cried, he smashed his hand into the ground, cursing loudly. "She wasn't supposed to be there," he murmured, he looked up, her limp body being shaken by her father, still giving out hope that his little girl was alive.

She was dead, he refused to even think it until now, but it was true, she was dead. She was going into the afterlife, into Hades' realm, she would be alone...forced to wait in the lobby of DOA records, waiting for decades to even cross the Styx, to even…

And then it struck him, like a bolt of lighting. He remembered a story, a story of ancient Greece. Where a man lost his lover and in order to get her back he went into the very depths of Hades itself. He begged, he pleaded with the god, and Hades relented.

'The man...what was his name?' And the moment he asked that question, the demigod part of his answered. 'Orpheus.'

Percy had gone to Hades once before, he had destroyed it the last time he remembered. Could he? Could he go there now? Was it allowed? No...no, who cares? Who cares if it was allowed? The Fates owe him one, the world owes him one! He was sent back here against his wishes, and now? Now when he finally had a chance of happiness they take it away from him again? No! He refuses to let that happen!

Percy stood up, his feet like iron rods as every step he took filled with determination of his success. He approached Pierre and Gabby, both crying their eyes out.

Percy placed a hand on the man's back, he snapped towards him, looking at Percy with eyes filled with hate and sorrow. The demigod spoke, "I'll bring her back."

"What?! Have you gone mad?!" the man roared, Gabby and Apoline now looking up at Percy, confused as to what was happening.

"No," Percy replied, his eyes narrowing, "I am bringing Fleur back. I'll do it. Give me time, don't do anything to the body until then, not a thing, do you understand?"

"What are you saying you fucking son of a bitch?!" Pierre roared as he pushed Percy's hand away, "you let her die! You did this!"

"Can you really bring her back?" Gabby asked, her eyes filled with hope.

Percy nodded, "yes."

"Gabriel! Don't listen to him!" Pierre cried out before turning to Percy, "get away from me and my family! Or I'll kill you where you stand."

Percy narrowed his eyes, "you can try. But I'll still bring Fleur back," he turned to Apoline, "I swear, I'll bring your daughter back, or I'll not return. Just give me a day, one day, that's all I ask."

Apoline and Gabby looked confused while Pierre just looked angry. Percy turned away and walked to Harry, the boy looked confused as well. Percy spoke quickly, "Harry, don't let them burn or alter Fleur's body in anyway. I'll be back, promise me Harry, promise me you won't let them."

Harry blinked, "I-I promise."

Percy nodded, there was nothing else to say. He closed his eyes and focused, he recalled the entrance to the DOA, he didn't think he could ever forget it, never in a hundred life times. He turned on his heel and with a sudden and loud crack, his disappeared.

He left an entire stadium filled with confused people, who now slowly turned to Harry for answers. But the Gryffindor cared only about one thing, making sure Fleur was unchanged, like he promised Percy.

Percy landed in a dumpster. The smell said as much.

The demigod groaned as he picked himself out of the garbage heap and got out, he looked around, it was the middle of the morning. He walked out of the alleyway and saw people and cars running around. The cars were on the right side of the road, the correct side as far as Percy was concerned.

People were giving him strange looks and they were all dressed like stuck up rich twits, he saw an American flag flying over a deli on the other side of the road, 'yup, I'm in America.'

As Percy quickly looked around, he saw it, DOA records, the entrance. He ran without a second thought, going through the doors and immediately finding himself in a giant lobby filled with specters of humans floating about, waiting.

He was at the entrance to Hades, he was sure off it. And as if to confirm his suspicions, he saw a specter with yellow blonde hair walk by, dressed in blue robes. Percy froze instantly, he saw her face, so lost and confused.

He couldn't help calling out, "FLEUR!"

She turned to him, her spectral eyes widening, "P-Percy?"

He smiled, not believe his eyes. Her eyes shone with relief, her happy smile in ran at her, immediately wrapping his arms around her into a hug, but instead of feeling her warmth, he slipped past her, almost like she wasn't there.

"H-how?" Fleur asked looking at her hand before turning to Percy, "what's happened to me?"

Percy looked at her, his eyes teared up, so close, yet so far. "Y-you died."

Fleur's eyes winded, "fuck," she looked down at her hands and then looked around, "w-where am I?"

"T-the afterlife," Percy told her, "you're at the gates of the afterlife."

Fleur blinked, observing the place around, "I-I...wait, then why are you here?! Did you die as well?!"

Percy shook his head, "no, I'm not dead. And if I have my way with it, neither are you."

Fleur blinked, "Percy, what are you saying?"

Percy moved to her, trying to cup her cheek only for his hand to slip past her ghostly skin. The demigod curled his fingers and growled, "I'm getting you back. I'm going down there and asking the devil for your soul back. I promise, I'm not leaving here without you Fleur."

"Percy? What are you...you're going to get my soul back?" Fleur asked, hope in her eyes.

"Yes, please, wait for me," Percy told her with begging eyes, "please wait for me, I'll be right back."

She looked at him, for a moment that lasted for eternity, she then smiled, "of course my love, I'll wait for you, always."

Percy smiled, he didn't think he would veer hear her voice again. He wanted to stay, he wanted to wait for her and talk some more. But he knew, he needed to move. Time was running out, her body wouldn't last.

He ran toward the lobby's back, he saw a black man in a white suit with white hair and dark shades standing behind a podium in front of the elevator.

The man looked down and raised an eyebrow, "you aren't dead."

Percy reached into his pocket, there like always was his trusty blade. He took it out and flicked it alive, "no, but you can be."

The man snorted, "you demigod have a lot to learn. You can't kill a deity kid!"

"But I can make you fade," Percy said as suddenly he reached over and pulled Charon by the necktie and leveled Riptide at his throat, "and trust me when I tell you, I'm in no mood in playing games right now. Take me to Hades, now!"

The being blinked, "ah...okay...your death wish kid." The man pointed behind him as eh elevators opened. Percy let him go and without a second look ran inside pressing the button for the floor below.

The doors shut with him alone inside. Instead of moving down the elevators moved forward. Everything became white. Percy remembered this part, the white cleared away revealing a dark and dead land before him. The elevator turned into a ship and he was sailing over the Styx, the river he once swam in.

The boat moved on it's own into the docks and Percy ran forward, interested in the wailing of the souls next to him. He looked forward and there it was Cerberus, the giant three headed mut that spotted him running towards them.

"WOOF!" it's three heads began to bark. Percy sighed, he didn't have time for this. Time for a distraction. He smiled as he took out his wand and pointed it at a giant sharp rock structure, flicking it.

Immediately it transformed into three giant red balls. Cerberus turned all its three heads towards it and immediately its giant tail began to wag.

Percy banished the balls into three different sides, "go get it boy!" he cried out.

"Woof!" the dog barked as it ran away from it's post, several spirits using this chance to slip past his notice and run away, but Percy did the opposite, he ran inside.

He ran into Hades and saw the different fields of punishment. The fields of torture, the fire of punishment and so much more. He however was focused on only one thing, the giant looming castle far off in the distance.

Percy ran, he followed the route he remembered from before as he ran towards the castle. Soon however, he realised he wasn't getting anywhere fast, he needed to be quick. So with a dive forward he spun in place and turned, now in his animagus form.

He spread his wings out and took into the sky, flying towards Hades' castle. He saw skeletons coming out of the castle, drawing bows and arrows at him. Flying carefully Percy avoided them all, slipping past the measly defences.

But just then he heard a screech and three bat like women took to the skies. Percy recognized the one in the lead, Alecto, AKA, Mrs. Dodds. His Algebra teacher. Gods, he wished she was still dead.

He moved like an expert flyer being a pegasus made him to be. He flew so quickly the Furies were forced to move aside else they get hit by a charging horse packed with muscles making it a mobile torpedo.

He flew towards the castle and immediately recognized the gardens and a figured dressed in black robes resting in a seat by the flowers.

Percy flew down, the God in black looked up, his robes made of the parts of the damned, darkness and death. He looked up at him and raised an eyebrow, "well...now I have seen everything."

Percy came down, flapping his wings as he landed before him and transformed into hsi human form, standing before Hades, eyes narrowed.

The god blinked, "okay...now I have seen everything. Who are you? Are you a pegasus?"

Percy shook his head, "no, I'm...I'm something else. I'm a demigod. And I have come to ask your favour."

Hades raised an eyebrow, "a demigod? Well, you certainly are a brave one. There aren't many foolish enough to com here and face me directly. Tell me, who's are you? Ares? Apollo? Oh wait, Hermes, would explain the wings."

"I'm neither," Percy relied, for a moment he thought of telling the truth, but then he realised the timeline would be in ruins. All his friends, all of whom who died saving Olympus, all of that would be for nothing. So he instead said, "I'm the son of Triton, the son of Poseidon."

Hades blinked, "Triton? Well...I suppose that would explain the pegasus form."

"Lord Hades!" Alecto screeched as she and her sisters finally caught up, "allow us to dispose of this demigod!"

Hades waved his hand away, "no, leave him too me, he has gained my interest."


"-Leave," Hades growled with narrowed eyes at the Fury. Alecto gulped, but slowly her sisters and her left. Hades then turned to Percy and smiled, "now, you mentioned something about a favour?"

Percy took a deep breath and steeled himself, "Orpheus, I wish for you to grant me the same blessing you gave him."

Hades sighed, "every decade there's always one. I told Persephone then and there if she allowed one person to take a soul back soon everyone would..sigh, no, your favour is denied."

Percy sighed his hand into a fist, "want do you want in exchange?"

Hades sighed as he rolled his eyes, "didn't you hear me kid? I said you're request is denied!"

"No, there is nothing like that. You Gods always wish for something, tell me what I have to do in exchange for my love's soul and I'll do it."

Hades snorted, "yeah, right, I'm sure..." he looked at Percy and narrowed his eyes, "but...if you are who you say you are...then maybe you can help me."

Percy blinked, "what can I do?"

Hades smiled, "tell me, are you aware of your grandfather's trident?"

Percy's breath hitched, "w-why?"

"Ah, so you do know off it. Well it's simple, I want you to steal it for me. Do that and I'll give you her soul back, plain and simple. What do you say?"

Percy knew he couldn't do it. He knew he couldn't give the trident up. It could cause a war, or jump start the war of titans. If now instead of Zeus' lighting bolt Poseidon's trident is stolen then...then it could mean war. And since Thalia is alive at this time, it would fall to her to save Olympus.

Percy knew all that, he did...he knew he couldn't do it. But Fleur...Athena once told him, if he was to choose between saving the world or the ones he loves, he would always choose the latter.

However….he just knew he couldn't do this.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out Riptide in it's pen form. Hades raised an amused eyebrow and watched as Percy flicked his pen, causing it to expand into a sword. Percy then twisted the face dial of his watch and it expanded into a shield.

He looked at the god, "give me her soul, or I'll destroy Hades itself. I swear on the Styx."