
Chapter 12

Percy spent some time with the twins and the chasers listening to them speak about their summers. The twins seemed to be dating Angelina and Alicia and spent most of their time making kissy faces at each other.

Kate groaned as George and Angelina started to flirt again, "I swear they get worse every year. They should just get together and get it over with."

"Most people like the chase much more the relationship," Percy chuckled as Alicia slapped Fred across the face when he wiggled her eyebrows suggestively at her.

"Yeah, but it gets old real fast," Katie growled, "seriously every time I was with them I had to pretend to read a book and act like nothing ever happened. It was such pain in the ass, especially because Angelina likes to moan, loudly."

"Hey!" the dark skinned chaser growled, "knock it off!"

"Why? It's the truth!" Katie and Percy chuckled.

"Well relax, if you ever want to stop the twins from sucking your friends' faces off just call me over. I'll drench the two to their bones."

Katie giggled while the twins glared at Percy.

"So Percy tell us something about yourself," Alicia asked pushing Fred away who whined like a hurt puppy, which Alicia ignored.

"Well let's see...oh I love magic for one!"

"Welcome to the club!" George grinned.

"Right...well let's see. My favorite subject is potions, it's one of the first types of magic I learnt and I'm pretty good at….why are you all looking like I just died?"

The Gryffindors all groaned. "It's because you are screwed my friend," Fred explained.

"You see our potions master is...a difficult man," Angelina explained.

"What she means to say is that he's an arse," Alicia snorted.

"He's the head of Slytherin house and hates ever Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs," George nodded.

"And the only way you can get him to treat you fairly is if you're in Ravenclaw or Slytherin," Katie nodded, "or else forget it."

Percy blinked, "is it really that bad?"

"Yes," they all said as one causing Percy to wince.

"Didn't Harry tell you about this?" Fred asked.

"I never asked him," Percy groaned, "I wanted to be surprised. Damn it all...what about runes and arithmancy?"

"Not bad," Alicia nodded, "I take both the classes, but I'm not this year, too hard, but hey if that's what you want go right ahead. Anyway for Arithmancy is taught by Septima Vector, good, but kind off an odd ball. And Runes is taken by Bathsheda Babbling."

"Ah, professor Babbling," Fred sighed, "the angel of Hogwarts."

Percy blinked, "what do you mean?"

Katie sighed, "Professor Babbling is very popular among the older boys. She's….well…."

"She's hot!" George yelled out only for Angelina to elbow him in the ribs. George rubbed his ribs in pain, "but not more beautiful than you dear."

Angelina huffed, "I swear you boys are all the same! What's so special about her anyway?"

"You mean apart from her giant-" Fred stopped halfway as he felt Alicia staring at him, daring to complete the sentence. The redhead gulped, "-brain. Her giant brain. She became a professor right after she graduated Hogwarts, so obviously she's like a genius or something."

Alicia smiled, "good boy." she patted him on the head causing Fred to grin.

"Alright, so Runes and arithmancy are okay. Sigh, guess I'll just have to try and get on Snape's good side. Anyone knows what I can bribe him with? Does he like cake? Or a doughnut?"

George snorted, "that man likes nothing-"

Fred continued, "-we tried slipping something into his food for years!"

"But we never manage to trick him!"

"We personally believe he had a thing for grease."

"After all it covers his hair with every day, the greasy git."

"Grease?" Percy asked surprised, "what does that have do with anything?"

"Snape has super greasy hair Percy," Katie explained, "so everyone calls him a greasy git."

"Ah I see," Percy nodded, "greasy huh? Maybe I can use that….anyway enough about me. Tell me about you guys."

"Well we all are in the quidditch team, but you already knew that," Katie chuckled.

"And we love to fly!" Angelina smiled, "do you like quidditch Percy?"

"Well I like flying, but not quidditch," Percy replied, "not my thing."

"You liar," George snorted, "you love quidditch!"

"Yeah, especially the bulgarian veela cheerleaders," Fred wiggled his eyes.

Percy blinked, "what are you talking about?"

"We saw you join them in the after party," Georger grinned, "and we didn't see you come out any time soon!"

Katie's eyes went wide as she turned to Percy, "seriously?!"

Percy blushed, "I ah...well it's not like they invited me. My aunt was just really enthusiastic with her cheering, they wanted to thank her, I just went along."

"You partied with the bulgarians?!" Alicia naked with her eyes sparkling.

"Yeah," Percy nodded, "well I didn't really do any partying. I just talked with a few people and got really drunk."

"Were some of these people veela?" Fred asked.

"Well...some," Percy nodded.

"So Percy has a thing for veela huh?" Angelina smirked a smile similar to George and Fred.

"Well I wouldn't say I have a thing. I mean it's not like I'm obsessed with them, I just-"

"-Yawn!" Percy's hoodie yawned as it started to shake as Kelly, the mini veela popped her small head out off his hood. Percy hung his head, 'perfect timing.'

"Is that...a tiny veela figure?" Alicia asked as they all stared at Kelly. The toy in return grinned and waved back interictally causing the others to wave back as well.

"Yeah," Percy sighed.

"Okay...so you like veela, that's nice," Katie snorted.

"Percy I'm curious, what were the veela like?" Fred asked as Alicia punched him in the shoulder, "ouch! What? I'm just curious is all!"

"Yeah! How did they act? Were the nice or bitchy? Did you end up kissing one?" George asked.

Percy blinked, "dude…..no…..stop asking. It's not like I'm going to tell you."

"Oh so something did happen!" Fred cried out.

"Now you have to tell us!" George cried out as they both jumped from their seat in excitement.

"Sit your asses down!" Angelina said as and Alicia pulled their boyfriends down, "if Percy doesn't feel like talking he doesn't have too."

"Thank you Angelina," Percy sighed.

"No problem Percy," the girl then smirked, "tell me though is it true what they say about a veela's tongue? That it's thin and sharp, like a birds?"

Percy groaned, "gods help me."

They continued to talk for some time about classes and school. Eventually Percy got up, "I'll see you guys at Hogwarts."

"Where are you going?" Kate asked.

"I'm going to look for Harry and the others," Percy shrugged, "I promised I would see the kid before Hogwarts."

"Right, see you later Percy," Alicia waved him away. Percy said his goodbye and walked away. But before he went too far he heard Alicia speak again, "you know Katie, I think Percy has a thing for blondes."

Percy blushed as he heard Katie start denying everything in a squeaky voice. The demigod and the little veela on his shoulder chuckled as they walked down the train.

Each compartment was filled to the brim with students. Some were already wearing their Hogwarts robes, which Percy still thought looked like a giant bath robe. People looked at him curiously, probably not sure who he was, or probably more curious about the tiny moving veela on his shoulder.

Three compartments down Percy finally spotted Harry, and the kid was already in trouble.

"Back off Malfoy," Harry had his wand drawn, Ron was right behind him with Hermione glaring from behind them both.

"Or what Potter? Going to hex me?" a blonde haired boy asked with an arrogant smirk on his face. His hair was neat and tidy, slicked back and his nails looked freshly manicured. Behind him stood town fat goons who looked like giant gorillas. All three of them wore expensive looking robes with the crest of Slytherin on their robes.

"You are going to regret being born Potter," the arrogant blonde hissed, "you and your blood traitor friend and mudblood bitch."

"Watch it Malfoy! Or I'll beat the shit out off you!" Ron growled as he tightened the grip on his wand.

"Really? I'll like you see you try, weaselboy," the Malfoy boy grinned as the two big gorillas behind him stepped forward cracking their knuckles.

Percy sighed and moved forward, it was time to step in. "Oye!" Percy shouted drawing everyone's attention to him, "what's going on here?"

Harry's face light up, "Percy! You're here!"

"Of course I am," Percy rolled his eyes, "where else would I be?" Percy turned to Ron and Hermione nodded at the both, "Ron, Hermione. See you three can't seem to stay out off trouble huh?"

"Who is this yanky?" Malfoy hissed.

Percy looked at the blonde boy and looked him over. He then turned to Harry, "who is the blonde jackass?"

Harry and the other's snorted while Malfoy and the gorillas growled. "This is Draco Malfoy," Hermione hissed, "and the brutes standing behind him is Crabbe and Goyle."

Percy nodded, "ah, I know you. Harry told me all about you."

Draco snorted, "you're friends with Potter?"

Percy nodded, "yup. I'm also his neighbour come pranking buddy!"

Draco snorted, "fool. What is your name?"

"Peter, my name is Peter Johnson," Percy smiled remembering the named Dionysus always used.

"No it's not," Draco snorted, "it's Percy! I heard Potter call you that!"

"Well if you already knew my name why did you ask me?"

Draco blinked, "what?"

Percy rolled his eyes and turned to Harry, "real light bulb this one is. Does he need help wiping his own ass? Is that what the two goons are for?"

The two gorillas behind Malfoy looked surprised which then quickly changed to anger. Draco himself turned red, "h-how dare you! Do you even know what you are talking too?!"

"Yeah, you're Draco Malfoy. Didn't you hear Hermione tell me your name?"

"That mudblood doesn't even have the right to speak my family's noble name! We are the oldest and strongest pure blooded family! We have existed for centuries! You will learn your place fool or it will be taught to you!"

Draco motioned to Percy and Crabbe and Goyle stepped forward. It was a narrow corridor and they were really big, so they could only come one at a time. Crabbe, or Goyle, Percy didn't really know which was which, stepped forward and threw a punch so slow Percy had time to roll his eyes in boredom.

The demigod reacted quickly, he grabbed the giant idiot's hand and then pushed it into his face, making him hit himself and fall back into the other one's arms.

"First rule of fighting, don't pick one with someone bigger than you," Percy growled. Even Kelly glared down at the two Slytherin, which caused them to be both terrified and happy that a girl was finally looking at them.

"Now beat it," Percy waved them off, "before I get angry."

Draco growled, he pulled out his wand and pointed it Percy, but before he could say a single syllable Harry had his own wand pressed up against Draco's neck. "Say one word, you so so much as even flick your wand in his general direction, and I will blow you head off," Harry hissed much to the surprise of Ron and Hermione.

Draco growled, he lowered his wand, "fine. Goyle! Grab Crabbe and come, we are leaving," Harry removed his wand from Draco's neck and let the Slytherin walk away. Draco looked over his shoulder one more time and glared at Percy, who simply smiled and waved him away.

"That was amazing!" Ron yelled out as Percy closed the cabin door behind him taking his seat next to Harry.

"Thank you Ron, I try," Percy shrugged.

"You came just in time Percy," Hermione said, "Draco was very violent this time. He usually isn't this open about confrontations."

"What do you mean this time? Has he done this before?"

"Every year," Harry rolled his eyes, "it's practically a Hogwarts tradition. But Hermione's right. This time his more open, hell, he openly threatened my life!"

Percy narrowed his eyes, "that's not normal, even for the wizarding world. Is it?"

"It's because of his death eater father," Ron spat, "he thinks just because daddy and his friends made a big scene at the finals he can go around like he owns the place!"

"Wait, his dad was one of the peoples at the finals disguised as Death Eaters?!" Percy yelled.

"No," Hermione replied sharply ignoring Ron's glare, "Draco's father was convicted, but we don't know if he was there that day or not."

"Oh come off it Hermione!" Ron snapped, "we know he was there! We saw him! We saw Draco run into the woods with his mother! If Malfoy Sr. wasn't a death eater why wouldn't he be with his family?!"

"Honestly Ronald, we can't just go around making false accusations like that! Remember second year when everyone thought Harry was the heir to Slytherin?! What if everyone believed that and kicked Harry out of Hogwarts?!"

"Well they might as well have!"

The two began to fight furiously ignoring Harry and Percy staring at them. "Are they always like this?" Percy whispered to Harry.

"Pretty much," Harry sighed.

"What did they mean Malfoy Sr. was convicted?" Percy asked, "if he was found to be a death eater why isn't he in Azkaban?"

"He claimed the imperious," Harry growled, "but believe me, he's anything but innocent. Just two years ago he tried….he did something bad….I don't trust him."

Percy sighed, "great. Just great. So I'm going to a school filled with the children of terrorists and I'm friends with their arch nemesis. Sigh, well at least my life won't be boring."

Harry chuckled, "yeah," Harry then looked at Percy's shoulder and blinked, "ah Percy….why do you have a tiny veela on your shoulder?"

Percy blinked, "what? Oh, right, Harry meet Kelly, my friendly pet veela," the mini veela waved her hands enthusiastically, "Hecate made her for me. Charmed to be life like. She was annoying at first, but I have come to love her like my own."

Harry blinked as he waved at the mini veela. Soon the two began talking about the rest of their summers and what they did. Harry told Percy about what he did with Ron and Percy told him about how he and Hecate managed to keep themselves busy. He didn't mention his animagus training though. He wanted to keep that to himself for now.

Halfway into the trip they all changed into their Hogwarts robes, Percy had the crest of Hogwarts instead of a single house, meaning he was yet to be sorted. After spending a little more time the kids Percy excused himself to go find a prefect, he still had no idea how he needed to reach Hogwarts, whether by boat or by carriage.

Percy soon found himself in the common cart where everyone sat and talked in seats instead of cabins. Percy looked around and found a boy around his age with a prefect badge over his Hufflepuff crest. He was surrounded by his friends, who were also mostly Hufflepuff, and they all seemed to be having a laugh at one there's expense.

"Excuse me, you're a prefect right?" Percy asked.

The older prefect looked up and nodded, "yeah, I am," he stood up and extended his hand, "Cedric Diggory, Hufflepuff, at your service."

"Oh, right. Percy Jackson, I am currently unsorted," Percy shock Cedric's hand, "I'm new to Hogwarts, just joined sixth year. I was hoping you could tell me what I should do."

Cedric nodded, "right, I heard about you. Apparently you're some kind of genius right? McGonagall was saying how you probably have one of the highest OWL scores recorded for someone who had only been home schooled."

Percy chuckled, "thanks, but I can't take all the credit. My aunt helped out alot."

"Right, well anyway why don't you sit down? I promise, they aren't as mean as they look," Cedric pointed to his friends who waved back.

Percy grinned, "thanks," he sat down and waved, "hello. Percy Jackson, and yes, I am American."

"Hello Percy, I'm Cho Chang," a girl waved to him, she was off chinese descent with a british accent. She wore a ravenclaw crest and blue and bronze tie.

"I'm Karl Limpley," said the boy in Hufflepuff colours with brown hair and black eyes. He looked young, possibly fifth year, and had a small scar on his cheek.

"Gordon Fistman," said a blonde boy with green eyes, Hufflepuff.

"I'm Heather Otterburn," said a girl with brown hair that reached down to her bottom and a smile that seemed to light up the room. Her Hufflepuff robes were quite big, but Percy could still see a hint of her fairly large breasts.

"Ah Percy, I don't mean to sound rude," Gordon began pointing at Percy's shoulder, "but you have a tiny veela cheerleader on your shoulder."

Percy nodded, "yeah, I noticed. Her name's Kelly, my aunt made her for me," the veela waved enthusiastically.

"She's so cute!" Heather squeaked, "can I hold her?"

"Well that depends on her," Percy turned to Kelly who shock her head glaring at the girl's big breasts. Percy chuckled, "sorry, guess that's a no. Don't take it personally though, she doesn't like most people. I'm the only one she can stand," Kelly nodded as she leaned in and pecked Percy's cheek.

"Right…." Cedric blinked before Cho elbowed him causing him to snap awake, "right! Right well anyway since this is technically your first year in Hogwarts you will have to travel with the first years and see the castle from the lake. It a tradition since the foundation, don't worry, it's an amazing sight!"

Percy nodded, "great, thanks for that. I was really confused."

"Hey no problem," Cedric waved him away, "so Percy any idea what house you'll be joining?"

"Honestly I was hoping Hufflepuff," Percy admitted.

"Wait, seriously? Hufflepuff?" Cho blinked, "you want to be a 'Puff?"

"And what's wrong with being a 'Puff?" Karl asked pouting, "after all you're dating one."

"Oh come off it Karl, you know that we are never anyone's first choice," Cedric grumbled, "plus according to McGonagall this guys a super genius or something, so obviously He thought he would be a Claw."

Cho smiled gratefully, "yeah, exactly."

"Well truth be told I'm not really that smart," Percy admitted, "I just read and read until I understand or memorise it. Plus I don't really care about studying all the time, I just like certain things that interest me, like potions or runes."

The 'Puff's all winced at Percy admission. Heather grumbled, "sorry to be the bearer of bad news Percy-"

"-Yeah, yeah, I know about Snape. But hopefully he won't' be that bad," Percy grumbled.

"Well either way if you wish to join our house we will be more than happy to have you," Gordon smiled, "do you know which year you will be in?"

"I'm going to be a sixth year."

"Oh that's my year," Heather smiled.

"Mine too," Gordon nodded with a smile.

"Me and Karl are fifth years though," Cho said.

"And I'm a seventh year," Cedric grinned, "so if you need any help just ask okay?"

Percy grinned back, "you got it!"

They spent the rest of the time on the train talking about classes and the school. Percy learned a lot from them, how the teachers behaved, how the classes were arranged and so on. Soon it became dark outside and before he knew it the train was pulling into Hogsmeade station.

Percy got off the train with his new friends and grumbled, it was raining, heavily.

"Oh dear," Cedric said, "looks like you and the firsties are in for a wet night."

Percy sighed, "it's fine, I actually like the rain," it was true, Percy felt energised every time a water drop hit him, being the son of Poseidon was awesome at times like this.

"Well stay safe Percy, and don't' rock the boat," and with that warning Ceric and the rest waved him goodbye wishing him safety.

Percy grumbled, "stupid Zeus, probably trying to ruin this for me. Half way across the world and 15 years before we even meet and he still hates my guts," Percy looked at Kelly and smiled as the veela hide himself inside his robes, jumping into this inner shirt pocket. She snuggled in and started to sleep, from experiance Percy knew that she wouldn't be waking up anytime soon.

The demigod looked around and found a giant hairy man with a lantern standing in the front yelling at the top of his lungs, "first years over here! First years over here!"

Percy quickly walked up to the man, "hello Professor Hagrid."

The man looked down and smile, "oh hello there lad? Can I help you?"

"I'm Percy Jackson, I'm joining the sixth years."

"Ah, yes, Dumbledore told me about you. Well get behind me, the moment we have all the first years with us we can leave."

Percy nodded and waited for Hagrid and the first years to gather. The first years quickly gathered around, there were around 20 of them and each wore robes without a crest, like Percy. They tried their best to cover themselves from the rain, but that just made them look even more miserable.

"Hey kiddos, why the scared looks?" Percy asked.

"We aren't sure what's going to happen," one of the said with a sniffle, "someone said that we were going to have to fight a troll!"

"What?! Who said that?"

"A guy and his brother," a little girl said nervously, "I think they were twins."

Percy groaned, "tell me did they have red hair and a stupid smile on their face that made you want to slap them?"


"Well then that's George and Fred Weasley, first rule of Hogwarts, never trust anything those two say."

"So-so we don't have to fight a troll?" a girl squeaked.

"No, you don't," Percy chuckled as they all sighed in relief.

"So then how do we get sorted into out house?" A little boy with an arrogant look about him asked.

"Well that's a surprise," Percy chuckled, he knew he should have told them, but he was having too much fun!

"If only it stopped raining," a little girl with blonde pigtails grumbled, "I hate the rain."

Percy smiled, "well I think I can help there," he pulled out his wand as casted the impervius charm on the girl, "there, now you won't get wet!"

She blinked and looked down finding the water slid across her body, leaving her dry. "Oh my God! Thank you!"

"What spell was that?" a curious first year asked, his fellow year mates looking equally curious.

"It's the impervius charm," Percy told them, "you'll learn about them in your third year. Usually I'm horrible at charms, can't get them to stick, but I think this one will hold."

"Can you cast it on us as well?" one of them ask.

Percy grinned, "sure. But I'm warning you, I'm not sure how long they will last, so don't come crying to me if it wears off half way through."

The first years nodded quickly and Percy went to work casting the charm on all of them. He looked back impressed, this was the first time he casted so many charms without any of them going wrong.

"Alright everyone follow me!" Hagrid called out. He lead them down a small path and toward a lake front where several small boats were docked waiting for them. "Three in a boat! No more than three! Percy, you and I will take a boat each, understood?"

Percy nodded, "got it Professor."

The son of Poseidon smiled as he walked into the boat. He suddenly felt a connection with the tiny thing, he could feel every inch of it, he felt a small charm placed on it's body compelling it to move a certain way, but Percy felt that if he wished he could over power that compulsion easily.

"Right then! Forward!" Hagrid called out as slowly all the boats untied themselves from the dock and jerked forward. They slowly came out of the narrow inland of water that opened up revealing a great big lake.

The water was a little rough, because of the storm, but Percy didn't even notice, he was too busy looking up. There stood the castle of knowledge, built on the top of a hill. It looked like it sat in the carved remains of a mountain, it's cliffs steep and dangerous. The castle windows were ablaze with a warm light from inside making it look like stars in the stormy night.

The lake stretched across the land to the front door from which Percy could see a small path to the castle. Percy could see carriages flying across the sky,being dragged forward by what looked like skinny pegasus, but Percy knew them as the Thestrals.

The boats went towards the castle into a small cave like entrance in the bottom of the hill over Hogwarts. They were all finally out of the rain as they climbed off the boats entering a small staircase that lead into the castle.

Percy looked back, "did anyone get wet?" the first years looked at each other and found that none of them were wet from them rain. Percy was surprised, he was sure at least one of his charms would have failed by now. How knows, maybe he was getting better that this.

The entered the castle as Hagrid lead them up a set of stairs. The place was exactly how Harry had described it. There were torches which burned bright, but gave off no heat. The walls look like they were decorated by someone from the medieval times, empty statues, creepy moving painting and even silly random pieces of decoration, like a small pink ball nailed onto the wall.

At the end of the stairs stood a strict looking witch in green robes wearing half moon glasses and a scroll tucked in under her arm.

"The first years Professor McGonagall," Hagrid nodded to the older woman.

"Thank you Professor Hagrid. Please go inside and enjoy the feast, I'll bring them in," McGonagall nodded as Hagrid quickly walked past her toward a great big set of doors that had a lot of noise coming out off it. When Hagrid stepped inside Percy got a glimpse of the inside, students sat in long benches chatting up a storm, but quickly Hagrid shut the door behind him and McGonagall cleared her throat.

"Welcome, to Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. I am Professor McGonagall, I will be teaching Transfiguration. While you are here you will be sorted into one of four houses. Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Your houses will be like your family, they will take care off you. Your achievements will gain you points, any rule breaking or mischief will lose you points. Have I made myself clear?"

The students looked stunned and very scared. Percy however wasn't really phased, he had scarier people make deadlier promises to him. Professor McGonagall was just doing her job, she wasn't trying to kill him or anything, so obviously he wasn't all that bothered.

"Good," McGonagall nodded, "now follow me, we will sort you into your houses soon. After that the feast will begin." She then turned to Percy, "you are the student from America correct?"

Percy nodded, "yes ma'am, Percy Jackson, at your service."

The woman glared, "I have taught here for decades young man. I find that I am a very good judge of character, and one look at you and I can tell that you are the kind to cause trouble. I'm warning you, so funny buisness, I already have the twins to deal with, do not cause any trouble. Do we have an understanding?"

Percy grinned, "of course ma'am. You will not catch me pranking anyone," the professor glared, she noticed the way Percy worded his promise. He promise to not get caught, not actually stop pranking people.

"Very well then," she looked the first years, "follow me!" The professor walked up to the giant door and drew her wand. With a twist of the thin piece of wood the door were thrown open revealing the great hall in all it's wonder.

Percy looked up and gasped, the ceiling was had a sky, he knew it must be a charm or something because it wasn't raining indoors. He looked around and found four tables, one for each house with their banner on top of their respective tables. In the back of the hall was a giant table on a raised platform with the teachers sitting behind it. And just before the teacher's table was a three legged stool with a raggedy old hat that looked like it was made out off three dozen different materials.

'That's the sorting hat,' Percy realised as suddenly the hat came alive and started to sing.

"A thousand years or more ago

When I was newly sewn,

There lived four wizards of renown,

Whose names are still well known:

Bold Gryffindor, from wild moor,

Fair Ravenclaw, from glen,

Sweet Hufflepuff, from valley broad,

Shrewd Slytherin, from fen.

They shared a wish, a hope, a dream,

They hatched a daring plan

To educate young sorcerers

Thus Hogwarts School began.

Now each of these four founders

Formed their own house, for each

Did value different virtues

In the ones they had to teach.

By Gryffindor, the bravest were

Prized far beyond the rest;

For Ravenclaw, the cleverest

Would always be the best;

For Hufflepuff, hard workers were

Most worthy of admission;

And power-hungry Slytherin

Loved those of great ambition.

While still alive they did divide

Their favourites from the throng,

Yet how to pick the worthy ones

When they were dead and gone?

Twas Gryffindor who found the way,

He whipped me off his head

The founders put some brains in me

So I could choose instead!

Now slip me snug about your ears,

I've never yet been wrong,

I'll have a look inside your mind

And tell where you belong!"

Everyone in the great hall cheered as the Hat bowed its head at the applause. McGonagall motioned Percy and the first years to stop while she walked up the stool and picked up the Sorting Hat.

"When I call on your name step up to stoll and I shall place the hat upon your head. Avery, Andrew!"

Slowly one by one the first years were sorted. Andrew was sorted into Ravenclaw, and the one after him was a Puff. They all went up and got sorted, and when their house was announced the crest on their robes magically changed to the crest of their house.

When the first years was done Percy found himself alone in the middle of the hall with everyone staring at him curiously. He looked over the Gryffindor table and found Harry and the other's waving at him. Even Fred and George managed to peel their eyes away from the girls around them to give him a roguish grin.

"And now joining our sixth years, Percy Jackson!"

Everyone started to whisper in hushed tones as they watched Percy walked up to the stool The demigod looked down and ground, the thing looked dangerously unstable and very small. He turned to McGonagall, "can I stand instead?"

The transfiguration mistress raised an eyebrow but nodded. Percy bent down and allowed McGonagall to place the hat on his head. The raggy hat went below his eyes and suddenly a voice started speaking in his head.

"Hm let's see...what do we have here? A demigod? That's a new one. Oh! And a son of Poseidon at that! Very powerful, and very dangerous. Hm let's see….not Slytherin, you are much too honest for that. And not Ravenclaw, though you do possess the talent to become powerful, sadly you lack the love of books that a Claw possess.

"So it all comes down to Gryffindor or Hufflepuff eh? Well you are very brave. Anyone who can stand up to the army of the Titans is more than worthy of joining Godric's house. But as the goddess of wisdom herself told, your fatal flaw is loyalty. I can see into you mind Jackson, I know that you would have let Olympus burn if that meant your friends and family were safe. You are loyal to a fault, even if it means your own death.

"So tell me, what shall it be? The house of the brave? Or the house of the loyal?"

"I have a choice?" Percy asked in a whisper.

"One always has a choice, even when they think there isn't one."

"I see..." Percy thought to himself. Harry was in Gryffindor and so were most of the friends he had made. Hufflepuff seemed nice also and sounded like a place that valued friendship above all else. In the end it came down to one thing, which would make Percy happy? And the answer was simple.

"I see….very well then, better be HUFFLEPUFF!"

Percy grinned as he took the hat off and gave it to McGonagall. The house of loyalty cheered moderately as Percy walked towards their table. He looked down and saw the Hogwarts crest on his robe turn into a yellow and black shield with a black honey bagger.

Percy looked at Harry who smiled at him giving him a thumbs up. Percy waved back, he was glad Harry wasn't angry that Percy didn't join Gryffindor, but in the end the house of Hufflepuff just sounded more fun. A house of misfits that didn't belong anywhere else? It sounded just like camp.

Percy moved the Hufflepuff table and saw Gordon waving at him. He quickly walked up to the blonde haired boy and sat down, "hello house mate!"

Grodan grinned, "hello Percy. Welcome to Hufflepuff! Let me introduce you around," Gordon pulled a red haired boy with brown eyes and put his hand around his neck, "this here is Michael, my best mate and the laziest boy you will ever meet."

"Hello," Michael yawned as he waved lazily at Percy.

"This is Juan," a blonde haired boy with curly hair waved, "he's part french and fancy's himself somewhat of a ladies man."

"That's because I am a ladies man Gordon, certainly more than you," Juan smirked, he spoke without an accent, but the way he pronounce his 'o's told Percy he wasn't raised British.

"And finally this is Miguel, our resident class nerd. Basically if you need help you ask him," Gordon pointed at a boy with thick bold specs and a giant curly head of hair.

"Hello," the boy waved cheerfully.

"Hello everyone, I'm Percy," Percy smiled, "guess that means we are roommates huh?"

"Yup!" Gordon grinned, "anyway Dumbledore's about to say something. We should probably stop talking now."

The entire hall then went silent as slowly a old wizard in a bright purple robe stood up. He had a long white beard that shined like silver which he tucked into his belt. He stood up and smiled,

"Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. And here they are: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak! Thank you."

Immediately like magic the tables were filled with food ranging from chicken to slices of cake the size of Percy's fist. The student's grabbed whatever they fancied as they quickly began to dig in.

"Dumbledore is a bit out there huh?" Percy said as he a chicken leg and a ladle full of smashed potatoes.

"He is, but he is alright," Juan admitted as they all began to eat.

Suddenly a misty white figure came out off the ground through the table. Percy heard the first years shriek in surprise as the hall began to fill up with ghosts. The demigod himself sat paralyzed in fear as the one at Hufflepuff table began to talk with everyone there.

"Hello Fiar! How was your summer?" Juan asked.

"Oh fine my young friend, I celebrated my death day you know, quite a feast! So many ghosts came, why even Myrtle managed to drag herself out off her little bathroom and join us! It was really a sight!"

Percy stammered as he pointed, "y-you're a ghost!"

The fat friar looked at Percy with a raised eyebrow, "yes….and?"

Percy blinked as he looked around, the castle was full of ghosts just floating around talking to people. 'That bitch!' Percy growled, 'she told me ghosts were rare! And now I'm stuck in a castle full of them!'

"Hey Percy you okay?" Miguel asked curiously.

"Oh? Me? Yeah..yeah I'm fine. I just," he looked at the fat friar and blinked, "I just never seen a ghost before."

"Are you joking? How have you never seen a ghost before? Don't they have them in America?" Gordon asked.

"I didn't really get out much," Percy rubbed his neck, "sorry for staring Fat Friar, I'm just not used to someone floating through me dinner table."

"Oh that's all right," the ghost smiled, "welcome to Hufflepuff youngman! If you need anything, please, don't hesitate to ask!" Percy smiled watching the fat friar move on to greet other newcomers and old friends.

"Hey Percy!" Heather called over a few seats down, she grinned and raised a glass, "welcome to Hufflepuff mate!"

Percy smiled as he picked up his goblet and raised it, "thanks Heather!" He chugged the drink down. 'Hm, this tastes funny,' Percy wiped away the pumpkin juice in the corne rof his mouth and looked at his goblet, 'it looks the same. But it tastes funny, like someone put something spicy. Like….oh shit.'

Percy looked down and his eyes went wide, "WHAT THE HELL?!" Percy's skin had turned purple with pink hair growing out wildly. Percy felt his teeth grow into fangs and hair growing out off his ears.

"Who the fuck-" Percy looked up as he heard snickering. He looked around and spotted Fred and George waving at him with grins on their face. Percy turned to Heather who laughed looking guilty, "Heather!"

"Sorry Percy! They made me do it! They offered me something I couldn't resist, money." the Hufflepuff started to break down into laughter as the boys around Percy joined in.

The demigod drew his wand and quickly began changing himself back. He glared at Fred and George, "it's on bitches!"

The twins laughed as they quickly went back to their meals. Percy growled, he was not going to let this challenge go unanswered. He quickly looked around and slowly formed a plan in his head.

Percy looked at Heather, "Heather, I'll give you a galleon if you tell me Fred and George's favorite dessert."

The Hufflepuff girl grinned, "a galleon each."

"Deal," Percy reached into his pocket and took out two galleons and tossed them over.

"Thanks, George likes to eat the treacle tart and Fred loves the lemon pie," she then greedily tucked the coins into her pocket turning to her friends.

"What are you going to do Percy?" Gordon asked.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm going to get them back," Percy grabbed a slice of lemon pie and a treacle tart on their side of the table and took out his imber knife. He carefully took out the tart form it's cover and flipped it on it's back. He then slowly began to carve a rune into the husk of the desert, making sure not to damage the structural integrity of the treat.

He carved the rune perfectly and put the tart back into it's cover before starting to work on the lemon pie. He carved several runes all over the bottom and casted a few charms to make sure the pie didn't fall apart while he carved, also to make sure that the runes didn't lose their form.

When he was done Percy pushed both desserts aside and quickly gobbled up his dinner.

"Okay what exactly are you going to do with those?" Miguel asked, "it looked like you just carved runes into them, but I don't really recognize them."

"That's because I just made them up," Percy shrugged as he attacked a piece of chicken.

"You created a rune structure?" the nerdy Hufflepuff asked in amazement, "that's incredible! Does it work?"

Percy shrugged, "don't know. But I haven't made one so far that didn't."

"And what exactly do you plan on doing with them?" Michael asked yawning.

"You'll see," Percy looked over and suddenly dropped his chicken leg. He grabbed his wand and looked over to Fred and George. One of the twins were reaching for a piece of pie, Percy figured it was Fred. He cast a quickly switching charm, exchanging the rune carved one he had with the one Fred was about to grab.

He then did the same with George and a treacle tart and smiled as the twins carried on without noticing anything amiss. The two then began to eat their dessert. George opened his tart and swallowed it whole while Fred simple bite into the rune covered portion of the pie.

Percy couldn't help a grin that took over his face as he watched the twins slowly eat their dessert. They looked normal, happily smiling and chatting with Angelina and Alicia. And then suddenly they stopped chewing. The looked at each other and then as one turned to Percy.

Percy raised the middle finger, "eat shit."

George and Fred's faces turned green. They quickly turned around and puked out their food and dinner. The hall stopped and stared in disgust at the twins, most shifting away from them. They coughed out chunks of food as they drew their wands casting cleaning charms on their tongues before chugging a goblet of pumpkin juice gasping in relief.

They turned to Percy with a look of horror on their face, they looked at each other, and instead of looking angry they looked excited. They grinned at Percy and the demigod grinned back. Over at the teacher's table McGonagall sighed as she rubbed her temples. She could feel an old memory of a prank war years ago came up, hopefully this won't escalate to the level of the Marauders.

"Woah! What did you do?" Gordan asked as he and the other sixth year boys watched Fred and George drown their third glass of pumpkin juice before casting another cleaning charm in their mouth.

"The rune I carved into their desert changes the way the food tastes. I tweaked it so that it will affect their sense of taste directly making the desert taste a different flavour."

"What falour did you change it too?" Miguel asked.

Percy grinned, "shit."

The boys blinked at him before slowly moving an inch away. "Please," Michael begged, "don't hurt us."

Percy laughed loudly causing the boys to laugh as well. They quickly began to talk about other things, Percy smiled to himself, he realised that he was quickly becoming close with these boys, 'looks like I choose right after all.'

Soon the feast was over s the food all vanished. Dumbledore stepped up and suddenly the hall went silent again. "Welcome back to Hogwarts! I hope you all enjoyed your summer, I know I most certainly did. France is a wonderful place this time of year. I remember visiting the beach in the north, very lovely, and the best-"

"Ah hm," McGonagall cleared her throat stopping Dumbledore's rambling. The student's laughed, even Dumbledore smiled playfully.

"Yes, of course. Now, there are a few announcements I have to make. The first being a reminder to the old students and a warning to the new, the forest around the school is known as the forbidden forest for a reason, it is forbidden. If you wish not to die a most painful death I would suggest you avoid it. Our caretaker Mr. Filch has asked me to inform you that there are now 171 one list of banned items and other such trinkets of the...pranking nature," Dumbledore looked at the Weasley twins who grinned at each other in triumph, "it is hung next to Mr. Filch's door for whoever wishes to see said list. Now the next thing I wish to address is-"


The student shrieked as the sky above them rumbled with thunder reflecting the mood outside the hall. A figure walked out from the shadows and drew his wand casting a spell at the ceiling turning it normal once more. Every turned to look at the stranger, and that was their first look at Alastor Moody.

The man had a peg leg and a battered and beaten old body. His face was covered with scars and looked old, one of his eyes was abnormal, it looked fake, and when it rolled into the back of his head Percy knew that as a fact.

"Ah, Alastor," Dumbledore stepped down and hugged the man who limped over to the teacher's table. The headmaster turned to the students and smiled, "may I introduce Alastor Moody, your new DADA teacher for this year! He had most graciously agreed to come out of retirement and teach Hogwarts for this year alone. I hope you all make him feel welcome."

Alastor sat down in the teacher's table while Dumbledore returned to his podium. "Now, I have a special announcement to make. It gives me great displeasure to say this, but for the upcoming year the Hogwarts quidditch tournament has been cancelled."

Dumbledore stood and the expect outcry of rage began.

"What?! Are you joking?!" Fred and George yelled at once. The rest of the students, while not as vocal, thought the same.

"I assure you Mr. Weasleys I am not. Though I do know off a good one about a leprechaun, a dwarf and a tortoise. You see the three walk into a bar and-" McGonagall cleared her throat in warning, "oh, yes, off topic. I apologies. Now, as I was saying the quidditch cup will not be held this year, because another tournament will take it's place. The triwizard tournament!"

"Bloody hell!"

"Is he serious?!"

"Now we know he's mad!"

People began to talk amongst each other even more now, some looking excited, other's looking scared.

"What is he talking about?" Percy asked, "what's this tournament?"

"You don't know?" Miguel asked surprised, "it's one of the most famous tournaments in wizarding history! It's a tournament between three schools, Hogwarts, Durmstrang and Beauxbatons. Each school has a champion that participates in three dangerous tasks and the winner is given a lot of money and eternal glory! The last one happened a century ago and everyone who participated in it died!"

"Okay you know that excited tone you're using? I suggest you change it. You sound way to happy talking about something that can kill somebody," Percy shivered.

"Well I can't help it!" Miguel squeaked, "this is such an historical event! I can't believe it's actually happening!"

"Quite, quite," Dumbledore gentle asked causing everyone to slowly settle down. "Now, I'm sure you are all excited to join. But, I must warn you, this is not a challenge to take on lightly. People have died in this tournament, and many more have been injured. As such we have brought in a new rule this year. Now one under the age of 17 can participate."

"What?! That's not fair!" The Weasley wins cried out again followed by the complaints by several other students. Dumbledore waited and slowly everyone settled down.

"I understand someone off you find this unfair," the twins snorted at this, "but it is for your own safety I assure you. This tournament is a dangerous thing, not to be taken lightly, I cannot stress this enough. Now...this is of course the triwizard tournament, meaning there will be two other schools participating. The magical school from Bulgaria, Durmstrang and the french school Beauxbatons will arrive on campus on Halloween night marking the official start of the Triwizard tournament. Think long and hard before you decide to participate, because once you are selected, there is no turning back," Dumbledore glared at the students sending a wave of nerves down their spines. The man was serious, they could all see that.

"Now, let's not end this night on such a derry note yes? Everyone up! Select a tune and let us begin singing the Hogwarts theme!"

Percy blinked as suddenly the mode in the hall changed instantly. Everyone was up on their feet as they started to sing, horribly at that, a song. Everyone sang at a different note, the twins especially dragged out the song as long as possible. Percy was left standing confused and silent, he had no clue what was going on.

When they were done Dumbledore wished them all a goodnight and dismissed them.

"Come on Percy, we'll show you around." Gordon said as the Hufflepuff table started to walk out off the Great Hall.

"Right behind you dude," Percy looked over and saw Harry, he waved at the boy who smiled back.

The Hufflepuff took a right at the Great Hall and walked down a set of stairs toward the floor below. Percy looked up and saw the other houses go in different directions. The Gryffindors and Ravenclaws went up while the Slytherins went towards the dungeon on the other side of school.

The Hufflepuff walked down a long corridor and quickly reached a dead end. A pile of large barrels was stacked in a shadowy stone recess on the right-hand side of the corridor. Percy saw Cedric walk up to the barrel second from the bottom, in the middle of the second row, and tap it with his wand.

He tapped it five times, the exact number of syllables in the name 'Helga Hufflepuff'. Suddenly the nine barrels around the tapped barrel opened forward like a door, swinging open revealing a sloping, earthy passage inside that traveled upwards a little. Slowly everyone walked into the passageway, the kept walking until the passage opened up into a cosy, round, low-ceilinged room.

The room was decorated in the cheerful, bee-like colours of yellow and black, emphasised by the use of highly polished, honey-coloured wood for the tables set all around. There were potted plants hanging from the ceiling all around giving the room a very homely and earthy feel to it.

In the back of the rom there was a very large fireplace casting the room in a warm and friendly glow. On the mantle above was a still portrait of Helga Hufflepuff toting her students with a giant two hand goblet that had her crest on it.

Small, round windows just level with the ground at the foot of the castle sat on the very top of the common room walls. They showed the rainy night outside, but none of the water poured in through the windows, probably charmed that way.

Percy looked around in awe, the common room felt more like a pub than anything, warm and inviting. The different sets of furniture here served everyone's unique tastes, from a large lonely couch in one corner to the family sized furniture set near the fireplace. Even the aroma of food in the air just derived to prove this place was more bar than school dorm.

Cedric and the other older students gave an introduction speech for the first years. Percy tried to pay attention, but found it was too boring for him.

Eventually they were done and Gordon dragged Percy off towards a couch. The demigod quickly found himself surrounded by the sixth year Hufflepuffs. They talked long into the night and Percy got to learn all their names and hobbies. That night when he went to bed he was so excited he had to drink a dreamless sleep potion to go to bed. He was finally here. He was finally at Hogwarts.