
Percy Jackson: and the child of chaos STOPPED

please give me feedback also I don't own any character except Xavier because I created him. the person that does own the characters is Rick Riordan.

aweirdo · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
3 Chs

2: My beginning.

Hi my name is Xavier and I just got killed. truck-kun got me. I know, I know I am not the first that got killed by a truck. but I had 2 kids a daughter of 6 and a son of 8. I don't know if they are okay, but I do hope so.

???: "hello there child welcome to this special part of the afterlife." Xavier: "WHAT I AM DEAD, B-BUT MY KIDS." ???: "you're kids are just fine, don't worry." Xavier: "oh thank the God's."

???: "speaking of God I am God. and this is a new experiment that I started doing I call it the reincarnation experiment." Xavier: "Hold Up, so you're god and you are experimenting." God: "yes and all you have to do, is to step in to that tube over here." Xavier: "okay."

as Xavier was walking to the tube. God said: "oh and by the way child, you can choose who and what world you are reincarnated to. but unfortunately I cannot give you any special skills like you see in those anime or novels or whatever they are called nowadays." Xavier: "okay?"

now Xavier was getting into the tube, but he realized a bit too late that he did not know who he wanted to become. and than he heard a weird voice. "I desire to become Xavier Jackson adopted brother of Percy Jackson and the son of Of the primordial god of everything Chaos." and then got in the tube and his sight went blank.


hope you people liked this chapter this is my second so please don't flame me. ==================================