
Perception(time is relative)

After a serious head injury, Tom can't help but notice his perception of the world changing. He gains the ability to control his perception of time. What would happen to a normal human if they could see/think at superhuman speeds? What would they be capable of? Follow Tom as he finds out what he is capable of and realizes the consequences of his newfound power. PLEASE DO NOT READ IF YOU CAN'T HANDLE OFFENSIVE AND DARK SUBJECTS. (This isn't a ploy to get more people to read. If you even think you might not be able to handle it just read something else.)

jesse_essej · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs

A Girls Vendetta

Getting out of her car a girl looks up and smiles. "Today's finally the day little bro. I'll show her." Walking through the school she lights up the hallways with her smile. The glow she is giving off is more satisfaction than happiness. On her side along with her backpack, she carries a small but heavy purse. She greets all the confused faces looking at her with a big smile. Stare all you want, no one is going to ruin this day for me. No one can.

Walking through the halls, to her first class of the day, she heard them of course.

"Oh my god, isn't she THAT girl?"

"When did SHE get back?"

"Why does SHE look so happy?"

"How can SHE be back so soon?"

Her smile wavered just a little bit. Even now, nobody is talking about you. Nobody seems to care. I guess you could say they're at least consistent, huh. It's better this way. Who knows, maybe if they started to care I might forgive them. I could still never forgive her.

Her smile returned bigger and brighter as she glided down the halls. "They will care, soon enough."

In each class, people whispered and some were even brave enough to stare. It went unnoticed. The world was in a fog with her mind living elsewhere. The only thing that kept her somewhat grounded in reality was her hand, and its tight grip on her purse. Nobody tried to talk to her except for some teachers. They tried to comfort her despite being off-put by her overly joyful mood.

They're so cute when they try, but they always try when it's too late. Maybe it's so they don't actually have to do anything, or maybe they are as blind as they seem. I don't know which is worse. I wonder if they tried with you? Ha, I'm just as bad as them, but I'm going to make up for that.

With the first half of the day already passed the butterflies in her stomach began to dance. Now lunch, she picked an empty table away from her usual spot hoping to avoid her usual seating partner. It was in vain. Unable to eat with the butterflies she sat there quietly blocking out the world with her daydreams. Then a tray, followed by a person appeared next to her.

Soooo persistent. The short, big-eyed girl sat rather close next to her. The girl was also aware of the many eyes on, now both of them, but she didn't concern herself with them. Her eyes trained on the smiling girl. Her glasses seemingly intensifying her stare.

"I've been trying to get ahold of you but you never responded to my messages or calls."

Probably had something to do with me trying to avoid you.' "Well, I don't exactly feel like talking about it right now. "Yes, I understand. I mean can't understand how you must feel, but I can maybe see why you wouldn't want to talk about it…. Which is why I wanted to talk to you to see how you were doing. I've been worried about you."

I really don't think you understand the DON'T WANT TO TALK part. "I'm fine, you don't need to worry about me. I was actually having a good day."

"You were? I mean that's great! It's just with everything that's happened I think you need to talk to someone. It doesn't have to be me and it doesn't have to be about that, but it's good to talk."

"Okay. I'll make sure to talk to 'someone' then."

"GREAT! So you think I can come over after school?"

I thought you said it doesn't have to be YOU. You're just too stubborn to fight against, "You know what, sure. After school, we can hang out and talk all you want."

"Perfect, I'll ride home with you. It shouldn't hurt to leave my car here overnight."

Just, let her think whatever she wants. It doesn't matter anyway. Although with her I wouldn't be surprised if she precleared leaving her car here with someone. She must have been planning this.

"Well…. Your hair looks nice. Did you do something different? You must have, what was it?"


"Oh, I mean that must be it. You always do something with your hair and you didn't today so that's what it is. It's impressive it still looks as good. I mean, not that when you do something with your hair it doesn't look like you did anything. I'm just saying even despite you not doing anything with your hair it still looks good. I couldn't pull it off, my hair would be a mess. I'm such a mess.... MAN, this is some good orange juice right?"

Glug... Glug.


Glug. Glug. Glug.

The pair sat there for the rest of lunch. Both are excited for the end of the school day, but for quite different reasons.

Sitting in her last class her nerves are almost unbearable. However, the excitement greatly outweighed her justified nerves. Looking up she quiets her emotions and smiles. Just a little longer. Now only about ten minutes away from the end of school she packs her backpack and puts it on.

"Hehe." What am I even doing? I don't need this. She sets the backpack under her chair, stands up, and walks to the door clutching her purse. Opening the door the teacher notices.

"What do you think you are doing?"

Ignoring the teacher she walks out of the classroom not bothering to shut the door behind her.

The teacher shakes his head, "Teenage Girls!"

Unable to contain her excitement anymore she skips through the empty halls. Let's see. He should have already left for the bathroom by now. Stopping just before a corner she peaks around it. A door across the hall was cracked open ever so slightly.

"HEHEHE. Perfect."

She does her best to walk to it calmly and quietly despite the leather of her purse crying out under her ever-increasing grip. Her heart threatened to skip a beat with every step causing the sweat building up on her hands at an alarming rate. She stands in front of the door, just to the left of the tall rectangular window unable to see or be seen, without taking a breath. Slowly exhaling she moves ever so slightly to the right trying to peer into the classroom without being spotted. She can see someone who is at the closest desk to the door. Shock invades her face. What, isn't he supposed to be in a coma?