
Chapter 1: A Narrow Escape.

The snow is falling heavily on the ground. The cold wind, sharp as a knife, is blowing rapidly.

The mountains glistened under the sun due to the accumulated snow. A car is lying at the foot of the snowy mountain, tilted on one side. It can be easily understood that the car has been forcefully driven off the edge. If one looks keenly, they can see a man lying unconscious inside the car, with an injured forehead. 2 men are standing on the road, peering over to the foot of the mountain.

The man regains consciousness and lets out a deep breath. Suddenly feeling a sharp pain, he puts his hand on the forehead and sees blood on his fingers. The 2 men start descending down the edge, which isn't very steep. The man inside the car remembers everything, and realising the danger he's in, starts kicking at his windshield in an effort to escape. The 2 men are still far above the slope, when the injured man finally kicks the windshield open and crawls out of his wrecked car on all fours. He tries to stand up, but the sudden motion proves to be too much, and he trips and falls on the snow. Looking at the mountain, he sees the 2 men descending the slope and coming towards him. Seeing the man alive and out of his wrecked car, the 2 men stop dead on their tracks for a moment, after which they start clambering down their way. The injured man also scrambles to his feet and, forgetting all his pain, starts running inside the forest.

The chase continues for quite some time until the injured man reaches to the end of the forest and stumbles on a frozen river. There were huge logs kept on the ice, for the lumbering industry. Hiding himself behind the huge logs, the injured man waited for his pursuers to arrive.

'There's no escape', the man thought. 'I have to finish them here and now'.

Soon, the 2 men also stumble onto the frozen river and see the huge logs scattered on the ice of the river. Walking up towards the logs, the 2 men decide to search the river for their target. The lead man walks up ahead a bit and calls his partner, "Emil! Emil, come up here".

Turning around towards his partner Emil, the lead man sees something which makes him to draw out his S-J Blaster (a typical handgun).

The injured man, their target, is standing with Emil under his firm grip, his left hand holding Emil's mouth shut, and his right hand holding Emil's own S-J Blaster pointed on the right side of Emil's head.

"Let me go, Franz! Or else Emil gets it!" the injured man shouted.

"Take it easy, Manfred," Franz said. "Let him go, and we can talk this out, okay?"

"Stop your bullshit, Franz!" yelled Manfred. "Stop coming after me, or else no one will be spared!"

Taking a step closer, Franz said, "Manfred, please! Why don't you just let Emil go and we'll sort things out together?"

The events that followed happened in a rapid pace: desperate to escape, Emil bit into Manfred's palm, causing him to yell in pain and to remove his left hand. Seizing this opportunity, Franz raised his S-J Blaster and fired a shot. Seeing the shot, Manfred ducked down, all the while holding Emil's torso. The blaster bolt went through Emil's head and flew into the forest behind. Before Emil's lifeless body can even hit the snowy ground, Manfred was up again and rapidly shot Franz twice with the Blaster in his hand.

Walking up towards the injured and bleeding Franz, Manfred looked at the man, and said, "That's what you get for trying to kill me" and finished him off with a clear headshot. Walking back towards the forest, Manfred took one last glance at the 2 corpses and decided that it would be better to burn them instead of leaving them in the open.

'I do have a can of gas or two in my car's trunk,' thought Manfred. 'I can put then to good use now'. Having thought this, Manfred went to fetch the ingredients.