
Little Surprise

Emma led Astley to a field of slime and said: "Okay we have 100 Gold Coins and we can go buy stuff later. Take out your sacred weapon and divine art and let's see what it can do."

Astley pulled out the pen and looked at it. One of the abilities of the angels that he received was Inspection. He could see through the pen and what he saw shocked him because within the pen was a fountain of what seemed like endless mana. He closed his eyes and focused his mind on the pen.

Emma to the side was laughing to herself "This fool, he hasn't even touched mana so it will be impossible to kill a slime without a weapon. I will watch this show before I follow his plan."

As she thought this a flow of black mana started bursting out of Astley's body. As a Fallen Angel he his body excelled in two things, his Angel Blood gave him power over mana and his Demon Blood gave him great physical prowess, but the Demon Blood influenced the Mana causing it to turn black.

He then put the pen down and all the mana that flowed within him went back into the pen.

Emma who was thrown to the floor got up and quickly said "Ummm good, now let's see what's in your Divine Arts." but inside, she thought "What was that it seemed like mana but it is very different from anything I felt, is it a fluke? He is supposed to be trash, did Isaiah lie to me? No, he is the main hero. He said if I do this not only will it help the empire, it will get me closer to him."

Astley summoned his Divine Art and a book started floating in front of him. He started reading the summary to himself "Divine Arts: Divinity of Fallen Angels, the spells within this book can only be activated by one with the blood of a Fallen Angel. Within this book holds the secrets for a Fallen Angel to ascend to the status of a deity and spells that can both cause creation and destruction. Best paired with the Sacred Weapon, the Pen of Creation and Destruction."

Astley was shocked again and he started reading the spell names to himself "Ink of Creation and Destruction, Ink of Time and Space, Ink of the Major Elements, Divine Condensation Spell"

Astley saw that the rest of the spells were currently locked at the message said "Spells Locked, reach 1,000,000 Mana to unlock. Current Mana Capacity: 850,000."

Astley looked over and asked, "How much mana does an average mage have and how much does the strongest mage have?"

Emma was confused "I guess you currently don't have enough mana to try to activate a Divine Art yet since you are from another world. A normal mage has about 10,000 Mana by there lifetime but the Magic Emperor from 1,000 years ago was said to have 100,000 Mana which was the highest ever recorded."

Astley's face went dark but he suddenly realized "I am not human, I am a Fallen Angel, an abomination against God."

Astley finally remembered, after living on earth for so long as a Human he forgot that he wasn't even a Human. He was a Fallen Angel and he physiology is different from Humans. The Divine Condensation Spell allowed for Mortal Beings with powerful bodies to input Divine Energy into their bodies turning them into a god. With this, there was a possibility that he could stop hiding and actually go back the heaven to find his parents.

Emma was staring at Astley's blank face for a while and got a little annoyed "Hey, Astley? Let's go to the Blacksmith's and get you some gear. We can go train tomorrow."

Astley nodded his head and so they went to Blacksmith Brock's Armory.

Blacksmith Brock saw Astley and Emma walk in and said "You are one of the summoned heroes, I saw your face on the newspaper this morning. It is an honor for you to be in my shop."

Seeing that Astley had no idea what to buy Emma went up and said: "Buy 2 sets of fighters clothing and bring 1 set of chainmail armor."

Blacksmith Brock nodded his head and brought the 2 items, it cost 75 Gold Coins. By this time it was getting late so using the remaining money to get a room at a hotel and so Astley went to sleep.

Emma, on the other hand, saw that Astley was asleep and a dark smile appeared on her face as she whispered: "I have a little surprise for you."

Astley woke up the next morning and saw that everything was gone, the clothes, chainmail, and money were all gone.

Astley then heard a commotion outside his door and saw guards outside waiting.

"Hero Astley, you are under arrest for stealing and attempted assault."

Astley finally understood what she did and he said under his breath "This B*tch."